Fan service aside, is this game supposed to be any good? I never played the others because they're like those Musou games, which are retarded, but this one seems a little like that game The Club. Faster paced, though.
Fan service aside, is this game supposed to be any good...
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Just fap to them
Not worth playing
PBS specifically?
Yeah it's a lot of fun.
Online was(is?) totally broken but I haven't tried it again in a while.
You can't remove the glasses from two characters you could remove the glasses from in the previous game
that alone ruins everything for me
It's pretty gud
>all musou is retarded
actually, all senran are terrible, don't get into those games
leave us alone
>I never played the others because they're like those Musou games
That's where you're wrong bucko, they're watered down versions of those Musou games. There are no bases to capture and there far less enemies in total. The first two games were just beat em ups.
I'm thinking about getting Estival Versus for PC next week. What does Sup Forums think about EV?
that combat is just ground pound to win and yumi has gone too far.
It's ass, even by Senran standards.
sad homu makes me sad :(
Rin's glasses are an accesory so you can remove them, but Imu's aren't for some reason. Probably because no one cares enough for her, poor Imu.
You can't remove Jasmine's either
You could remove Jasmine and Imu's glasses in EV though
They're just lazy as fuck and never patched it in to PBS, fucking joke
Hi, what do you like about PBS ?
Does it run well on a regular PS4 ?
Are the visuals/graphics good ?
I forgot Jasmine had her sunglasses. The stupid thing is, both hers and Imu's are in the game as accesories too, but they are still tied to these specific characters.
PBS has great music, simple, fun and surprisingly challenging gameplay, and great customizables with its cards. Like all SK games, it is nothing complex, but its super enjoyable.
Plus as usual the story is mixed between being funny as hell to being serious. The char interacts are the best that they've ever been, especially those based character missions.
Runs perfect on a regular PS4 and the visuals are top tier.
Can someone post Shiki screenshots from peach beach?
>No nude mod
No point.
Don't put the fanservice aside user, it's like 70-80% of the reason you'd even play them.
Otherwise though, they're mediocre dynasty warriors style brawlers.
If you're not in it for the tits you probably shouldn't bother though, honestly.
Gessen's PBS story was actually Shiki focused. She has a new huge announcement for the team (and player).
sexy/cute outfits > full nude
>Are the visuals/graphics good ?
Like many games like this, it resembles PS2 graphics
In this case it's a multiplayer TPS IIRC
Competition Swimsuits > ALL
>shes leaving the series
fucking travesty
Ya'll better listen to this man.
sexy/cute outfits > bikinis > full nude
Think about this the other way. By going to an international shinobi school she is only expanding the series to ninja from all over the world. We already know one of those exists in NewWave maybe it'll be the same.
yoshimitsu is hot
I couldn't care less about that before but PBS made me like her a lot, and now I feel a bit sad about that.
Several other characters are leaving the series too, also announced in PBS.
>Kats smile, gone forever.
You fucking bet.
I don't think any of those will actually leave the series, they'll probably still be part of the story but do other things rather than hang out with their old teams. Ryoki is hard to say though, bringing her back for a second time was retarded enough, but I wouldn't mind if it was as playable only.
I hope they leave just so all of those scenes weren't wasted on nothing. They'll probably be playable still, but won't be the focus anymore. Plus if they dont leave then Ayame becomes pointless.
This is why I want, NEED Shiki. She makes me smile.
Since when did Yoshimitsu get access to TWO swords?
Isnt Hikage really popular? I don't want more garbage Yumi dogshit filling this void, I guess this is the end for this franchise as far as I'm concerned
>Plus if they dont leave then Ayame becomes pointless.
I don't see it that way. Like you said, it all depends on how much focus they'll give to the character and what kind of story they'll do this time, which based on the preview it'll be some crazy shit.
Hikage is popular and she isn't leaving.
Her character episode in PBS was amusing but surprisingly not as good as the others.
Yumi actually had the best character episode IMO.
I need more of Miyabi in that outfit.
>one tripfag dictates the fanbase
>muh yumi ruined everything
you retards are getting worse than /skg/
Leave the team anyway. I highly doubt they'll leave the entire series.
And yeah, shit is gonna go down in 7.
>Yumi apologist always goes in defense mode every senran thread when Yumi is mentioned negatively
None of the Senran Kagura games are good. At most they're passable if you like playing dress up with the characters, and at worst they're unoptimzed button mashers with cheap fanservice. It's no exaggeration to say that the games are just an excuse to see the girls get stripped and jiggle.
However, PBS is the first game with something other than a handheld as the lead platform, so it might be a different story. But considering the series's track record I wouldn't hold my breath.
>"In this case it's a multiplayer TPS IIRC"
Ah shit yeah I forgot they're trying something new.
Only buying this for vr tbqh
is Shiki really leaving the franchise? Gessen will have no good girls anymore if that's true
She's leaving her team, but I'll doubt they can be stupid enough to scrap a popular character just like that.
Shes leaving to go to America but I highly doubt she wont be in future games
dumb whore
>hey i will pretend to be retarded just so i can call you out for judging somoene by its cover xddd
Please more guys. I love Shiki. She's been my sisterfu since the first time I played SV.
Do you want more generic boring characters like Asuka?
>The game is self aware enough to realize that it's focusing too much on the newer, shittier schools but it refuses to rectify this.
Why is this happening?
Post more
She can still return in the next game.
Man I love Shiki's new look. Really cute
I wasnt much of a Shikifag before but holy shit that sex hair they gave her in PBS is driving me wild
Whatever brings you into the light user. But yeah that hair is why I preordered the game.
Why do they have penises on their shirts?
Same. I wish the game let you take the glasses off though. I don't hate them but it would be nice to have the option.
so is Newtube the watermark for screenshots in PBS? thats much better than those giant ass watermarks SV and EV had
Yeah more options are nice. Though I'm a huge fag for glasses and I love them.
Is it weird she's always been my sisterfu?
Yeah, and it fits with the theme of the story too so it doesn't end up looking out of place.
That's only for images though, videos still have a huge watermark.
Like in an incest-y way, or an actual platonic way?
Do you want to fuck your sisterfu?
It's kinda both if that makes sense.
I don't think anyone could fault me for saying yes. But I also wanna be her brother and hang out with her and protect her and stuff.
>Imouto Shiki gets attack by rogue ninjas
>step in to defend her
>they beat your normie ass
>She steps in and drains the life out of them in front of you
>"Onii-chan that was so brave of you to try to protect me"
I was just playing Shinovi Versus.
It's extremely simple and piss easy unless your character isn't leveled up, and it's not that rewarding, even the fanservice is meh.
But it has something "addictive" about it.
Fun characters and 10/10 soundtrack
Yeah essentially. And be there to support her and cheer her on. Make her smile when she's sad.
Sort of? It's pretty hard to have both kinds of love for the same person, but not impossible I guess. I think any straight male would naturally want to bang a girl with a body like Shiki's. I do look for that kind of friendship in an intimate relationship, shows that my partner cares about more than the social status of it.
Same in a big sister bully kinda way
I agree on the ost.
No, Senran games are shit and you better stay away from them. If you wanna fap, there is better things out there.
Yeah like I said I'm not sure either. It feels like a deep love whatever it is. And it's how I've felt since I first saw her. Like a brotherly care, but at the same time my lust and carnal side can't resist a body like hers. A body so perfect. It's a weird feeling I tell you.
Heh yeah that too has come up for me.
Sounds a lot like a true blue waifu
Yeah. But all the while I can only see her as my precious sister. I dunno.i guess it's not a big deal.
Sounds cute AF though, more pure than anons screaming I WANNA DICK [X].
Where's my PC mods?
Someone post the full picture of this right now!
Heh thanks user. I always felt kinda weird about it. Just strange that was my first instinct. But i love Shiki a whole lot.
I feel a similar way about Minori. But I wanna spoil that doofus with candy.
Here ya go my dude
Asuka looks like she's going to strangle Yumi any second. Who knows what that smile really means
Shiki grew on me a lot after first impressions in SV. I love gyaru gals though, so I really shouldn't be surprised.
She wants to be put out of her misery.
>m-my main character position...
>i'll finally be the main character again
Big tittied waitress wrestling is probably great for business anyway
Whoa that's flat. Guess I'm going to get this game now.
Gracias user
You better do.
That's good user. She's a good girl.
Anytime user! You are welcome!
So is PCB coming out for the pc? I just finished shinobi versus and it was pretty fun, finished downloading estivus festival and im hoping i enjoy it
There's still nothing official, but everytime it's asked the answer is "we want to port it to steam", so I don't doubt it'll happen sooner or later.
My bad, i was talking about 2hu in another thread and got my acronyms mixed up. Il keep my eyes open. Ive still got to play through EV so theres no real rush
Why do the 3DS games have such good music, holy fuck.
Good girl and slutty girl. It's a patrician mix of traits.
Yeah. It's part of why I love her so much user.
I wish themes like this return for 7 along with yoma, one of the things I liked about 2 was the whole contrast between cutie girls designs fighting against giant abominations.