You'll never be as talented as Toby Fox

You'll never be as talented as Toby Fox



he is genuinely good at making music, I'll give you that, homestuck included.

>tfw you will never make one of the most popular indie games of all time

just fucking KILL me senpai

I want to be talented in my own way.

Was this faggot part of homestuck? Well fuck that explains everything

Do you like replies, OP?

Do you love big, long replies in your tight thread?

Do you love it when Anons line up and fill your tight, little thread with (You)s?

Talent is just a multiplier for developing skill.
If you work hard enough, you can still get on his skill level.

He did music and lived with Hussie for a while when he couldn't find a place to live.

Yes I will. It's just going to take some time, and a lot of effort. I just have to git gud, as they say.

tfw to intelligent too make minimum effort games for maximum monies

Do shills really believe this?

It's only sold like, two million copies.

That's nothing compared to the heavy hitters like Minecraft, Terraria, and Rocket League.

Aside from Minecraft, is there a more popular/successful indie game?

Did his name get shat out of the faglordian machine?

Toby is like the car seat headrest of videogames.

>never finished all his kickstarter rewards
>still no hard mode
Fuck Toby

And those are also some of the most popular indie games of all time, what's your point?

thank god

Fuck off underage

I'm Phil the Red, Phil Fish's good twin. I'm going to drag video games into the 18th century, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Woah I never realized it was a kickstarter game until now

Eh im enjoying what I've read so far even if it has a nasty habit of making unoriginal/forced jokes, Toby Fox's songs are pretty good though in my opinion.

>2 million copies is considered "eh" by shitters

if i could sell 2 million of anything in something that i created almost completely by myself i'd be pretty happy

I never played Undertale. Is it good? uwu

I just want to talented in any way

How far are you into it?

Yes, but faggots on /v will tell you it's not.

It is, I ended up staying up until morning finishing it yesterday
I cried like a little bitch and I'm not ashamed to admit it

half way through act 4, Jack has just ascended.

It's good.

You're still in the good shit then.

The story is good, the gameplay is babbys first bullethell. the characters are pretty good though. I think it's a solid game and a 8/10

Thoughts on Tobyfox?

Yep, the trolls have just started to explain the story a bit so everything isn't a shitstorm of confusion anymore.

Yeah, I wish I was talented enough to rip off Earthbound.

Props for skipping bullshit questions like that

He seems like A nice guy but he also seems like A autistic child at the same time, sweet and innocent but I wouldn't want to spend time interacting with him socially.

Just pretend there's nothing after Act 5. After Act 5 is when it takes a complete nosedive.

Okie dokie skip.

Autistic people create some of the best things typically.

just by the way you type i can tell that nobody wants to be around you either

Best way to identify someone who never played the game

Best way to identify an undermeme cocksucker.


But hanging out with ghost Toby was cool, I wouldn't mind doing that irl

Yep, but I prefer being alone anyway.

Are you seriously under the impression that people shouldn't be allowed to be inspired by something and create something else because of the passion that created or are you just having a bad day?

Undertale isn't an amazing game by any means. It just had an interesting gameplay style to normies who never played bullethell games, even though I wouldn't consider it a bullet hell. Combined with the autistic fan-base that shat out immense OC, and still do, with characters that, while not well developed, had enough personality that normies snatched onto them. That and the game did a few things that normies thought were clever like Flowey knowing you killed toriel. Undertale is immensely over-rated just like many popular games are. I mean, that genocide run was some boring fucking shit that didn't even give us good fights besides like 2 of them. The fact that there was no muffet or Neo ex fight was bullshit.

His music for the comic was one of the last consistently good things in it.

I'd put money down he'll never make anything as successful as undertale again

It's less inspired by them, and more "Let's take a bunch of weebshit and weebshit memes and put them in a blender"

And it somehow got a fanbase more autistic than shitters that praise the game as some holy masterpiece because muh feels.

The fact this piece of shit wasn't forgotten within a month is insulting.

yeah but even he's said that multiple times himself, hes taking the money and running which is what any sensible person would do.

2M is absolutely phenomenal for a PC exclusive. Now it's coming to PS4, and if he put out a smartphone port there's no doubt it would multiply that number manyfold.

Thank goodness! The amount of talent I would have to lose to be as talented as him is astronomical.

And he doesn't need to, he's already proven himself

>good at making music
making adventure time tunes take no talent tho

It's a good thing you have no idea what you're talking about then.

I know

Make your own music then.

you already know the answer you blazing faggot don't you

>I mean, that genocide run was some boring fucking shit that didn't even give us good fights besides like 2 of them. The fact that there was no muffet or Neo ex fight was bullshit.
Genocide route was a neat side thing that was more about forcing you to live with permanent consequences for "just seeing what would happen." It's not supposed to be a desirable path, and filling it with any more content would have run counter to the point of the game.

Show us your game, user. Surely you're not afraid to show us your massive talent

More like I'll never be as arbitrarily lucky as Toby Fox.

I disagree, undertale has a really good soundtrack.

It's really not, but keep spouting this for years to come if it helps you relieve something
Great Alphys impression though!

That's a shoddy excuse as much as "you're not suppose to fight muffet and Mettaton because you're too strong". There are ways to make it undesirable like actually making good characters that don't have 1 defining feature. Genocide route was shit and having 2 of the best fights of the game actually makes it worse because everything else about the route is shit. If you're going to do something don't half-ass it.

Sometimes I wonder where I would be if I followed my passion for music instead of my passion for art and illustration.

Why are you so angry?

But I'm not?
I just don't see any point in continuing to argue with you when all you do is call it weebshit and a Mother ripoff, it's been said a million times before by people who have no more interest in it than giving it a quick glance

You can always pursue new arts at any time in your life. No reason you can't get into music now, and it's far easier these days than ever, and all you really need to start out is your PC.

Watch a few videos on YouTube about basic music theory and see how well you can follow it. Even if you don't turn it into a new hobby, you'll have a better understanding of how music works and come to appreciate the music you listen to better.

At least you didn't fall into depression and just give up like I did
You have one piece of the puzzle, just keep on keeping on

Its a message on people who are cruel in games for no reason but to be cruel
So the game literally forces you to be cruel instead, making you see why it's a bad thing

can someone actually answer this?

If you're not mad, why are you so autistically defending it?

I don't like it, I think it's a shitty game, if you have a problem with that, shut up and accept it.



>Its a message on people who are cruel in games for no reason but to be cruel

This is some SJW tier stupidity and you know it.

>B-Buh think of the rights of 2D characters!!!


It really isn't that hard to learn to read sheet music or about basic things like time signatures, keys, major and minor scales and how chords are made, I honestly feel like you can learn all this stuff in a week if you apply yourself to it.


the sun doesn't burn dipshit, it's called fusion, it doesn't require oxygen to work.

what does that mean? i thought oxygen was a necessary component of fire

The sun isn't a ball of fire, it's a ball of plasma powered by fusion.

Yeah I know, I'll probably get into it later when I'm in a more comfortable spot, I just like to think about how different it would be.

I don't know if its a message so much as an attempt to engage with the player through the meta of rpgs.

so the sun is just continuously fusing together?
that's kinda kool

>Being against violence is SJW now


Its not on fire, like some others says its fusion powered plasma. Basically its really hard to make stuff fuse but once you do it releases a ton of energy, that energy makes the sun really hot. So it looks like a ball of fire.

Yep, that's why it generates so much heat, it's fucking boiling in my room right now.

how come you guys know all this, i graduated too but i didn't know any of this

If in both timelines you eventually pursue both, you're probably better off on the current timeline where you got into illustration first. I'd say that's the harder one to get into later in life.

Literally 5 seconds in Google.

I payed attention in physics class.

It depends.
Musically speaking, i'm trying really hard, but i still don't think i'm a good composer as him
Pixel art speaking, he fucking sucks, those level designs in undertale gave me cancer until this day

That's one shit excuse. It's bad because I do not give a fuck about the shit I'm killing, there's no emotional investment. On top of that killing shit that's trying to kill you is the norm. Out of all the ways to try to make the point of "what you're doing is cruel and wrong" grinding is not the way to do it. It makes the player annoyed at having to spam a button. The song change and text message are infinitely better at pushing that point across, the grind disrupts the flow of the game and makes the player care less and more impatient to get to the next point. It's bad design and retards defend.

>until this day
Congratulations on beating cancer, user.

Then why doesn't my yugioh cards burn up when i fuze monsters?

But not in English apparently

he is good at making music but don't be fooled, a lot of his songs are just remix's of others originals or his other songs he just speeds up/pitch bends.

Only narcissistic attention seeking assholes claim to be "against violence"

It's like being "against rape" or "against terrorism"

or "against getting stabbed in the eyes"

He is good at using music. Undertale has good music but its usage of music is more impressive.