The hero loses in the end

>the hero loses in the end

Other urls found in this thread:

They sucked and werent funny

They will make that in a week... i will keep buying their games... i will be their side as long as they keep making great games.

>Devolver made the decision this year to expand its E3 presence by renting a lot right beside the area it normally takes up, which E3 typically uses to house trucks from other exhibitors.

They did the fucking the Ouya at e3 shit.

The way of the future

why are video game trade shows still a thing? devs could save a lot more money just by doing their own updates on youtube.

They showed almost nothing for video games and had some of the most obnoxious "INTERNET!" humor I've ever seen in my life.
It's pathetic behavior and made them look childish. If I was an investor, I would've pulled out immediately.

Calling them a "hero" is a fucking mockery of the concept, you fucking infant.

They are mostly marketing shows for most publishers and the amount of money brought in is good.

congrats, you're the joke

amazing people are STILL butthurt by it lmao


lol get fucked kid.

>having the balls to criticize this shitty industry
Reddit is the other way buddy

everyone is laughing and when you do this, they start laughing at you

Lighten up.

neogaf on suicide watch over people criticizing the cancer in the industry

The humor was literal reddit humor

Did they show any fucking new games at this conference? They essentially acted like the cancer that infected E3

>calls other people Reddit
>entire show was Reddit tier humor

Oh my, my almonds.

upvote this to the top, everyone has to see this bullshit!

It was 1% satire and 99% Tim and Eric skit. It was really lame.

How did they lose 100k? What "banned E3 festival"? Were they not supposed to have done that conference? Are they banned from future E3s?

>satire is reddit humor
What is even reddit humor?
Holy shit neck yourselves you humongous faggots


Are you calling Tim and Eric bad?

except reddit loves diversity, preodering, lootbox gambling, dlc and microtransaction infested bloated AAA garbage.

>Devolver Digicucks actually believe this
Kek how's the dick taste?


>greentext virtue signaling
>redddit line spacing
your attempt at subtlety has failed.
you can now resume your cock sucking, dick ridding, slave life

we're laughing at you reddit

+1 my friend, I am checking OP's box, that counts as an upvote on the 4chans right?

Edit: WOW thanks for the Sup Forums gold XD

what in the fuck is happening

>It was really lame
Woah, amazing criticism.

They bought out a parking lot to use as a gather site. If I remember correctly it was by a Hooters and they were going to hand out free beer
They claim someone got involved and after they bought it out they were no longer allowed to use the area for anything more than parking
Couldn't use it for storage or anything either
They had someone stick around and specifically make sure they didn't do anything with that space

haha they said fuck and shit a lot man mom would be mad if see saw me watching this.

It wasn't funny.
Just because it called out the shit state the industry is right, doesn't make LOL SO RANDOM XD humor funny.

>literal reddit humor
You should know, redddit-format posting reddditor

Where the fuck does this "reddit hates the devolver conference" come from?

Reddit loved it /r/pcgaming sucks crowbcats dick and acts exactly like Sup Forums

I didn't like their attempt at humor but I appreciated their criticism over Ubisoft/EA/Steam, etc.

The sign of a redditor: defends AAA cancer and their practices, uses reddit spacing, excessive use of "le" and projects. Note how the redditor loves taking AAA publisher cock and goes berserk when people criticize these publishers. They are good submissive consumers.

I don't even know what devolver or ESA is

How can you laugh with Devolver's dick in your mouth.

E3 is garbage and I enjoyed watching Devolver make fun of it even though the skits weren't good.

I thought the jabs at the industry was a nice little lampooning but I felt like they really pulled their punches. The humor part of it wasn't appealing to me. Might have been a decade ago but I've been on the Internet for a while so it's old hat.

Cool, keep us informed about your ignorance

I never said it was funny
I just appreciated that there is a developer out there with the nuts to shit on the industry

A bunch of nonames who tried extraordinarily too hard to put together a joke presentation

you already posted that

I think they made Hotline Miami

dude ruiner looks fucking dope as fuck


>generally camps in a parking lot behind the Hooters
>Devolver originally planned to double its presence, renting a lot adjacent to its usual location.
>This year, Devolver secured rental on the location. Unlike its usual location, this faces directly onto LACC
>However, this parking lot is owned by the City of Los Angeles
>When City officials learned that Devolver planned to invite thousands of consumers to a festival on the site, it denied all permits, except for vehicle parking. Devolver was told that it could not even use the lot to store its gear or to house functional equipment, like generators.
>"They assigned us a special asshole to make sure we did not do one thing," said Wilson.
>Wilson alleges that the ESA, which has a long-standing relationship with the city, is behind the permit denial.
>Wilson claims that ESA's usual use of the adjacent lot is "to park 18-wheelers like fence, just to block the view of us."

Devolver a shit. They didn't do diligence, cost themselves money, then whined like little bitches that it's everyone else's fault. That Wilson guy is a huge fucking jackass.

Snivelling babies ain't heroes.

>reddit-format meme
ecks dee

I can hate AAA practices and shitty forced humor at the same time bud. These things are possible when your not autistic.

this thread is bad and the people on both sides of this are bad

It's just a bunch of nobodies, not worth a thread

Does anyone have a video of whatever happened?

Don't pay them. Literally President approved move.
Alternatively you could run them over, a Hillary approved move

Autistic? You mean the people who can't tell when someone's sarcastic and take everything at face value? Nice projecting autist.

Hotline Miami and what else?

B-but my based devolved
AAA b-btfo...right...right!?

Me neither

>Uhhh...their just being's okay for their humor to be obnoxious and shit
Did I say autistic? Guess I meant retarded.

>you are reddit!
>no you are more reddit than me!
>that's so reddit to say!
>that's something a redditor would say!
>you are a redditor falseflagging as Sup Forums falseflagging as a redditor!
>no u!
god damn it people, you are fucking obsesed with that shitty site


NO wonder this shitty prop comedy crap was getting shilled here so HARD NOW it all makes fucking sense
Devolver finally did something to actually make me laugh

>Defending a company that doesn't even give a shit about you because they put on a miserable little skit
But I'm the slave? Lmao

They are a publishing house, your specific opinion on them is irrelevant. They would have been nobodies if they weren't connected to the game industry, like most ecelebs, but they are. Keep up the good work being a loud ignorant cunt.

confirmed autist

>redddit-format posting
this is getting pathetic
non-insult/argument of calibres never seen before

Nobody accuses me of being from reddit because I'm not a huge fucking faggot.


Their whole schtick is "sign controversial IP, meme it" This is fine because this is their target market.

Talos Principle, Broforce, Enter the Gungeon, Genital Jousting, Mother Russia Bleeds, Dropsy, Hatoful Boyfriend, Ronin, and Titan Souls
That's just the ones I've played though, not sure if they've done anything else notable

lol based Devolvi conference still triggering all the cucks ITT

their con was fucking hilarious and not reddit at all. they used a style of comedy lot of people are familiar with thru Eric Andre, T&E, Aqua teen, and other Adult Swim shows.. and they took a big fucking dump all over E3 kek. if anything they were giving us Sup Forums a nod.

i guess if youre a humourless cuck you just see random. but the humour is fucking hilarious and you get it 100% if youre tripping.

>tfw took 1 tab of acid watching e3
>tfw my fucking sides watching Devolvi

That all you got?
Weak shit, but what else did I expect from a mouth breather like (you)

They're irrelivant.

Shut the fuck up Something Awful.

>secures location
>ohhh by the way i know its last second but we are going to use it to invite a gorillion people.... OK BYE
>wait what

This is like if someone rented an apartment you owned and tried to remodel it without asking you and saying WELL I PAY RENT HERE SO I CAN DO WHAT I WANT WITH IT RIGHT?

like nigga

Devolver is just trying to milk/recuperate from their dumb decisions for all its worth.

You confirmed it yourself, you have the traits of an autist.

>go to video game festival as a developer
>just meme and don't actually show any games
really makes u think

>us Sup Forums

Upvoted and screencapped


2/10 really have a strong argument there

don't post logic here you will trigger the 14 year olds

Next you'll think everyone thinks the same as you and already knows what you know. Face it, you're autistic.

But they do the same exact shit in their shittily backed games? So it doesn't even make sense

Can someone explain to me wtf this devolver shit is? Just consider me having been under a rock I guess. I have no idea what or who the fuck devolver is. Why is OP calling him a hero? What does he do?

It was shit and arguing that it was supposed to be shit on purpose does nothing to help it

What are you even going on about kid?

shit, epic rebuttal

I bet user is triggeered and will never recover, kek!

now I'm laughing at you because you posted an anime webm

Fucking kek, someone is still salty about enter the gungeon being a worse game than NT

more autism from the autist

I'll post what a remember
>pre-recording of what looks like a normal presentation to a fake audience
>lady starts bleeding for some reason
>weird "creepy" editing effects of just random noise and jump cuts
>cut to people on a couch sitting around talking in memes
>occasionally play games that look like they are from arcade machines
>jump back the "main show" with the lady on the floor dying or some shit, add in other random person to make bleed ketchup
>cut back to the people on the couch
>repeat for 30 minutes.

they publish edgy indie games like Hotline Miami and Shadow Warrior. they used their conference to use shitty random humor to appeal to millennial druggies to show they're "down to earth."

anyone over the age of 25 found it to be extremely cringey, but those under that age thought it was epic and hilarious.

Heh, a little better

>tfw over the age of 25

I didn't see their conference but I guess I would have found it cringe to.

My dumb ass read this as Denuvo before I clicked the thread and my heart skipped a beat.

It wasn't laugh out loud funny, but it was great watching them shit all over early access when fucking four other conferences sucked PUBG's cock.

>anyone over the age of 25 found it to be extremely cringey, but those under that age thought it was epic and hilarious.
So they succesfully connected with the primary market for videogames? Sounds like a rousing success then.

apart of the cancer killing vidya? yeah.

Oh fuck off already. You crybabies whining about early access and DLC need to just fuck off. Take your Devolver shitfest with you.

seriously sounds better than most e3 shows

no where near WONDER BOOK tier

except this was an event for developers to showcase new content and games and they didn't do that.