CEO 2017 - Saturday finals

Guilty Gear finishing up, Melee to follow. Smash 4 is tomorrow at 10am

all action @ CEOGaming



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>tfw you had to choose between this and summit 7
At least I got to see Envy lose.

Daily reminder Jebailey loves dem tranny porn.

Fuck yes

so you're saying normies have an easier time understanding that higher percentages makes you have different levels knock back, over fucking you die when your bar hits 0 and turns red

just stop



Reminder that smash players smell really fucking bad and need to stay within their own tourneys.

I like Smash but they don't even need CEO or EVO. They have a big enough community for their own tourneys. STOP shitting up Guilty Gear and the FGC.


>Not having at least two browsers.
>One for your own personal use and the other for whomever might be using your computer/watching you use it.

Time for Hboxwinslol yet?

>if you fall off the level you die, just like mario!
i don't get it it's too complicated

plup will sacrifice his hands to prevent that.

Can they put on melee already?

>12yo boy
>600lb gorilla
weebfighters LUL

Shut the fuck up faggot. I swear to god i'll kick your teeth in

You mean like Melee?



no gooks or gorillas in melee

Weston has an ok DK actually


The fucking state of the FGC. Disgusting.

You all smell like gorilla's ass though.

Honestly can't wait to stop seeing GG at tournaments. Tired of people pretending it's a good or intresting game.

you don't have to project, user. we already know.

At least he has decent taste in commission artists

It's trash, it's basically the Kamen Rider Drive of fighting games.

melee bump


Honestly can't wait to stop seeing Melee at tournaments. Tired of people pretending it's a good or intresting game.

Yeah, as a sm4sh fan I can't stand how obnoxious and shitty the melee community is. Would be nice to see them kicked out of events for good. You don't see people still play SF4 instead of SF5 at events for a reason. It should be the same here.

Does anyone have the image guide to watching streams on VLC/MPC?


Dude smash rooms always smell the worst. I don't know why but you guys really need deodorant.

>no fat guys
>claims they smell the worst

It's because they keep getting up and screaming for sake of "hype"

instead they shit in pools

Melee is at least better than Tr4sh. And SF4 is better than SF5. I just hate the Melee autists shitting up chat rooms and thinking they're the coolest kids on the block.

You do realize that a majority of Smash events which are important to tr4sh are run by Melee TOs, right? 2GG Sagas are the only exception and even then 2GG started with Melee.

I'm starting to unironically agree with this notion. Not even seeing Hbox/Armada lose is good anymore due to how lame people have to play for that, and all of the actually hype players either job hard or don't even show up.
People were shitting up the place last month with Mango winning (iirc Dreamhack), but really, if your game wasn't dying you wouldn't need someone to come every six months to "save it"

I will shit in your driveway if you keep talking about sm4sh like that.

hey dont put that on us that was the smash 4 crowd

You're fucking retarded if you think any fgc scene doesn't have fatasses. Besides, you guys could be the fittest mofos in scene but you guys still need to pack AND use Deodorant. Please wear that shit.

>(You)ing bait this blatant

>pool shitting happened during Melee finals last year
>but yeah it was totally a Melee player that shat in the pool while his game was playing, definitely not a fat smelly FGCuck swimming while smash was on stage!

M2k didn't play super lame against HBox last time

M2K is also a god
We need someone like Shroomed or Axe or Plup winning a tourney. Tired of the same 5 players winning every time.
If you root for any god tho m2k is the best one

defend this

weston putting m2k on notice?
he knows he has to clean up his neutral.

When the fuck is Melee. Mom said i can watch one match before bed

Honestly I'm starting to dislike m2k little by little.

All started at the Chu vs m2k set of Summit, he just plays too faggy

tell that dumb bitch it's top 8 then call her a nigger

Melee's mechanics are inherently that of a party game and so true balance will never be achieved. Things like the ledge must be worked around. Even if it is disadvantageous, do shit against ledge campers.

If West didn't wait two minutes he could have won.

>multishine for several minutes in center stage instead of approaching
>time runs out
what did he expect

Axe plays low tiers so no matter how much he pushes those characters he'll never take anything big unless he trades up. Not to say he's not a great player, he absolutely is, but Melee low tiers are just not viable. Melee is a solved game, and the best of the best already have top level low tier experience. Picking low tiers only works when they don't know the characters, or you're a better player.

Mew2king would be absolutely destroyed if he was in the FGC.

No reason we put up with his camping bullshit anymore. His gameplay is the absolute furthest thing from exciting.

m2k was fucking cancer in Brawl, camping at the ledge and gliding cross stage with MK

>lots of florida players in top 8
>because nobody else went to this trash
eat shit jebailey


KILL ME, he's not even florida. why not put DJ and the Moon up there

Not really since Jwong was a ultra camper long before m2k or Hbox or any other smash player. We're all use to it.

enjoy this falco-fox matchup it will be the only one you get tonight lads

best matchup

Reminder that wobbling should banned from all events and a ledge grab limit should be added.

Hi Tafo

fuck off mang0

Why can't people play more falco, he's much more fun to watch than fox.


>Too invincible, never loses

Hbox, Chuu

>Local man literally cannot stop Johning


>Either hypest shit ever or boring as sin

>Destined to lose by the writ of fate
Shroomed, Plup, Westballz

>Characters hold them back
Duck, Axe, Wizzy

King Momo came out of nowhere. Never heard of this nog in my life and suddenly he's beating a legend like Cobald? guys weren't lying about smashfaggots smelling bad. I'm at CEO RN

Chudat winning EVO when?

hi jeb

Fuck off M2-
>ledge grab limit

There's nothing more satisfying in melee than falco combos fuck

The Bird is back, this guy plays smart as fuck. He probably just needs to work on his floaty matchups and then he can be top 50

>go to check out melee
>smash player shits in my cup
I didn't think the rumors were true.

le bird man of uptilt autobair easybake nigger pillar combos

momo is a fucking joke

Found the puff faggot

do you think luna's cheering for momo?

Remember when Jebailey lost $20k from CEO Dreamland

He's not playing any smarter than Weston and will hit the same wall as him soon while still being a top 80 who

Momo is fucking insane

I thought I was the only one, did he fill the cup all the way?

Momo is a fucking insane joke

Except he's not just relying on crouch cancels in neutral like Weston does. His only problem is he overextends a lot. But that can be fixed easily with time

who this literally who fagdrick lamarr is commentating with?


Does this really upset FGCucks?

>He doesn't like falco auto combos for braindead niggers so hes a puff player

I hate sharing my thoughts on melee with faggots that go 0-2 at locals


you dumb fuck




This is my favorite pic for these threads.

BibleThump MOMO

What a fucking choke

>when you tried so hard and got so far

Wow, that death was not fair.
But it was a fair.

Well that's the most exciting melee will be, see you guys at EVO threads

Im lagging so bad what happened