No way to remotely turn on or off the console

>No way to remotely turn on or off the console

explain this

Other urls found in this thread:

>Nintenbabbies will try so desperately too defend this

quit being a lazy faggot basically, this is why you're fat user.

>He doesn't have a TV that supports HDMI-CEC

look at this poor faggot

>can't handle the simple task of pressing a button on something in your hand

Do you want it to burp you and wipe food off your bib as well?

Sorry I don't want to put even more strain on the 2 hour battery life

Sleep mode

Literally hold down the home button to turn it on you gigantic fucking moron.

What are you talking about? You go to the home menu and select sleep mode. you can turn it on remotely too by holding the home button.

sleep mode =/= off

>handheld mode
>put it on sleep mode
>put it in the dock
>it wakes up again
>handheld mode
>turn it off completely
>put it in the dock
>it turns on
wow simply amazing nintendo

>>put it in the dock
>>it wakes up again

Doesn't do that for me

There are SO MANY thing Switch doesn't do (or have) that even 7th gen consoles do.

Not being able to turn it on remotely is that last of anyone's worries, I can't even be bothered to list them all, there are too many (although save files being bound to your console, not even uploadable online or transferable to the SD card is one of the worst and always makes me laugh when I remember about it).
Only literal retards got this first model of the Switch. If you didn't see 12 different fundamental problems coming its way you deserve to waste money.

Are you retarded? Serious question.
>hold home
Turns on tv and console or switches channel to an appropriate one if the tv is already turned on
>turn off tv
Also powers down the switch
Literally the most convenient console I have to jump in asap

It's a portable. :^)

hold down home button

why are people ignoring this

Do you need to ask that on a shitposting thread?

You may have it on Match TV Power Status. That's on by default.

Fuck that.

Super fucking annoying, I agree.

>Can't turn off PS4 by pressing the button

Try again sonyigger

I don't want to put it to sleep, I want to turn it off

i made this just for you since the thread started.

>PCtendo guy
>shitty PC indie games
>streams occasionally
>played skylanders
>bought a Switch on launch like the faggot he is

Holy fuck you are the EPIDEMY of the average Sup Forums user. How many Kickstarters and EarlyAccess games did you support? I'm curious now.

never done kickstarters and only paid for early access if i liked the game in the state it was in at the time i paid for it.

astroneer is the only thing that comes to mind.


>he actually supported early access
Oh man, I couldn't make up a more generic "user who posts on Sup Forums" guy in my head. You are it.

is this a hot new meme?
you push the home button to do both

Fuck sonybros

>He doesn't leave it on Sleep mode passively

holy fuck, those are HUGE psp go

didn't know they made those

I do it with my pro controller