How should Bastion be changed to become a viable choice?
How should Bastion be changed to become a viable choice?
remove sentry mode, allow minigun in recon mode
It's weird how some of these heroes feel.
I think that buffing Bastion in some way might break him and make him OP.
Tank treads in Sentry mode.
Damage to the weak spot in the back makes a nuclear explosion 5x larger than D.Va's
Tank ult now has a mix of McRee's, Reaper's, and 76's.
Immune to Sombra's hacking.
Can attack a Torb turret now to Basion
Bastion deserves to be good more than other characters. Having him be overpowered is preferable to underpowered.
>implying you can't steamroll most teams with a well placed turret Bastion
I dread the Roadhog nerf. He's so much fun to play currently.
Restore health when he goes into recon mode.
>not viable
Literally Rein+Winston+Bastion and that shit is unbreakable
give him back his beta shields
Give him his dr back. Compensate with crits ignoring the dr
I used to play him before they took headshots off of his turret mode.
I will forever miss my DINKDINKDIDNDDINKDINKDINKDINKx20 until everyone is fucking dead.
This but make him impossible to turn more than X degrees, so that attacking him from the back is actually viable
I would be okay with this, as a sombra player.
maybe something like 225 or 270 degree rotation
>sombra player
Literally nothing in her kit is redeemable
Damage is too low to finish off even weakened targets
Invisibility slows you down on cast before speeding you up and i broken with a single point of damage
hacking people means shit since everyone inhand weapon can easily kill her and damage interrupts the cast.
Hacking packs is ok, but an healer could be much more effective
Teleporter stays up only for 15s, that's way too little to be of any utility, you LITERALLY have to hack someone and pray fucking buddah that one of your teammates is near to finish them off, while you go pack to your hacked pack
I dunno man I dropped my rank down super low to around 1000 and I played sombra for a bit and was just shitting on people, I thought her damage was garbage but if you come up close to someone stealthed you can melt them with that 60 round clip. I agree with the 15 seconds being too short though.
I fear that for Zen, he's been my main for a while and has gotten like buffs in like the last two updates and I started maining him before that, I'm scared that people/Blizzard start finding him OP or something, I'm good with him but most importantly I have fun playing him.
make him just as tanky as before but the core takes 4x the damage
>Damage is too low to finish off even weakened targets
Worst part about her, you need to shove your gun in their faces to secure a kill , even then youd probably get bodied
She is somewhat fun to play.
And I think her damage is not that bad for weakened enemies, I've been finished off as Phara while high in the air by a Sombra.
Her spread really needs a bit of reduction tho, and being able to hack Torb's turrets without getting fucking killed by them instantly.
Hacking packs and going 1v1 against someone while dancing on said pack is damn fun, watching them hopelessly try to kill you.
bastion exists for crushing silvers and bronzes desu
delete him and orisa and make them a hybrid character.
Deployable orisa shield
Turret mode with limited movement
Strengthen to tank damage in recon mode
Self heal
Essential you will get a character able to actually provide defense but not in some cheesy way anyone can punish
Imo bastion is a terribly designed hero but if you really want a beast ass turret for mindless drones atleast make it dynamic.
Torbjörn can now heal Orisa and Bastion with his hammer.
There, I improved 3 underpowered heroes with one change.
>shove your gun in their faces
That's how you are supposed to do it?
The few times i tried to play here this is what i imagined
>orisa is underpowered
i only play quickplay anyway, but why is that?
her kit is very versatile and a 900hp shield every 8 seconds is nothing to laugh at
There is absoloutely no reason for her to scream , the sound of her coming out of stealth is more than enough. If she had tracers exact damage id be fine
Yeah the reduction on the shield cooldown means she practically has it up all the time.
I wouldn't mind a slightly shorter cooldown on her right click. It's the only really tricksy bit of kit she's got.
Her gun sucks DICK. Not only is it slow its damage is not that good, which is okay, she is a tank. Still sucks.
Her ult is weird, all her arsenal is for a defense character yet her ult gives extra attack?
Give him that sentry mode shield back.
Let him move when he comes out of Turret mode or when he's going into Tank mode.
Let him heal while he's shooting but have it use up the gauge twice as fast, or have it heal for half as much.
Give him headshots during turret mode but reduce the headshot multipler to 1.5x.
If any hero wants to kill her, they can. All they gotta do is flank her.
She can do absolutely nothing as soon as someone gets behind her shield.
Her ult's shit too. Sure there are uses, but it dies too fast and it's honestly just very boring.
>12+ seconds of consecutive long range fire
It's probably the most shining example of suppressive fire in the game.
You're not gonna go down the corridor she's shooting down
Does she have damage dropoff at higher ranges?
If you made him viable you could actually carry up to Masters.
They don't really want you to be able to do that because they're really gay.
You don't know how to play bastion, you're in recon 95% of the time. Most of bastion play is just outmaneuvering people enough so you can deploy and delete the entire enemy team.
It's a projectile.
You have to lead it.
You know that, right?
Seriously, it has insane DPS output.
i dont play fucking bastion, ive already said he is a badly designed hero.
Yeah man not denying that I'm just asking if her damage drops off at high ranges. She has quite a bit of spread on her gun that makes it inaccurate farther away. Still I remember coming up right infront of a Winston and blasting him in the face for maybe 3 seconds straight point blank and doing around half his health and that's when i said fuck it I'm not playing this shitty bitch with her shitty ult
captcha:speed barney
Her shield is the only thing I like about her.
And her Right click, sometimes.
I think he's fine. Maybe make his transformation a bit faster or make his self heal a little quicker.
I always thought Orisa was more about suppressive fire. Same with Bastion. I've gotten plenty of kills with Orisa using her slow and going for headshots. You gotta kind of lead the shots because the projectile speed is slow.
She's certainly not the best tank, but I have better success with her than Reinhardt which sucks because I want to be good with Reinhardt.