You literally cannot deny this

You literally cannot deny this

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I literally can.

>not even the most kino moment of the dlc it's a part of

I legitimately, sincerely, genuinely fucking can't.

Ludwig is overrated though

Too easy

Orphan of Kosm is probably the best bossfight in the game.

>Inb4 Lady MEHria shitters
>Inb4 Muh epic old man with sad song boss

You're right, I can't.

It might be easier if I had the first fucking clue what you meant by 'pure kino' besides 'meaningless sound I make to try and express approval'.

>As soon as you get a PS4 you realize the extent to which sonyfags have been overblowing the greatness of sony exclusives
Fuck you guys, seriously. Bloodborne is ok, but jesus. The miyazaki dicksucking that goes on in here is unreal.

Bloodborne is pretty good but the Old Hunters DLC is literally 10/10.

Actually, Orphan is. Ludwig is a better boss, Orphan is just harder.

Laurence alone makes it lose a couple points. Such a disappointment compared to Kalameet.

Bloodborne is much better thanks to it's DLC.

It clearly isn't perfect. Laurence and Living Failures are straight up low quality. I might still call it a 10 because its peaks are so high, though.

What? He's an additional, optional boss. Besides, he's different enough from Cleric Beast that the fight is completely different.

Complain about Living Failures if anything. That fight was trash. The rest of the DLC more than makes up for it though.

But you're wrong, pic related is the most pure kino moment in video games.

The music in living failures makes up for the lower quality of the mechanics

I think the story impact of fighting laurence made up for the fact that you were fighting cleric beast again, at least for me personally.

Not the best fights, but good ones. They didn't lower the quality of the dlc for me at all.

Gael bossfight is as much kino, except Gael is way more easy to beat than Orphan.

eyyy I'll take a number nine... fat boy

OP, Orphan is pretty kino, but i gotta agree with: .

I feel like Miyazaki started to overdo it with the phases in DaS3. The first two Gael phases were so easy, yet tedious, and having to repeat them again and again just to be shat on by his "nothin personnel" form was a kick to the balls. Also see Nameless King and Sister Freide.

>What? He's an additional, optional boss

So was Kalameet, that's why I made the comparison in the first place. Kalameet was a good boss, very striking design, unique moveset, probably the only legitimately good dragon boss in the entire franchise. Laurence is garbage by comparison, first half is just the Cleric Beast but on fire, second half he's an autistic flailing retard like so many other beast-types, he's a thoroughly forgettable boss and very lazily designed. Living Failures are pretty bad too but at least they aren't hyped up by the game at all.

I liked phase 3 to be honest, except I would have more liked an ash storm than lightnings.

Friede and NK are kino-tier too.
BB and DaS3 DLCs are just incredible.

What game?

I just don't think you can deduct twenty percent of a score for the gold standard of what DLC should be just because you see the fight as a reskin (it isn't). Just from a lore perspective, it makes sense. Also, from kino perspective, it adds another feather in BB's cap for being high kino (pic related, 10 hours in MS Paint, do not copy).

this one doe

What was the Moon Presence's problem?

I actually cried during a lot of moments in this game, and all I can think of now is how much of a fucking idiot I was.

Pretty sure I'm denying it right now and I don't even know what the fuck I'm denying. Is that slenderman staring at an angry sun in the rain?

Bloodborne DLC

You're wrong.

How can anything even compete with a full 14 hours of lezkino?

I really need to replay MGS4 at least for the trophies.

>yfw you realize MP was just trying to embrace the Good Hunter and give him/her a hug
All MP wanted was a surrogate. After killing Gherman, it expects you to play that role. Look how blasted it looks when you reject it after consuming the cords.

Get the fuck out with this numale tumblr garbage

I thought it was the worst souls game until ds3 took that title from it.
I only played it during the month it released, so I never played the DLC, but I don't think it could make it that much better.

>dad walks in on this fight
>he's impressed by the CQC choreography during the initial cutscene
>suddenly have to play the bossfight incredibly well lest Ocelot gives Snake a kiss and my dad starts asking questions

>West depicts lesbians
>at least one is an annoyingly butch/punk girl
>every time

Accuracy to life

>Japan portrays an annoying bitch
>wow I love [x]-chan she's so tsundere :3

your kino is child's play. I will crush it.

That's tough to explain. You really have to have experienced the whole series to grasp how based that scene actually is, otherwise it probably just seems really faggy. Also, someone said something about Russian prison/gangs would do this as a way of taunting opponents.

When they jab each other with the nanobot syringes, it's one of those things that women can actually never understand though.

have you ever actually hung out with lesbians/bisexuals user? Life is Strange gets so much wrong but HELLA girl is pretty much the epitome of what the average high school LGBT girl aspires to be.

True sadness is watching a 5+ minute scene involving Caim that he doesn't genocide at least one subhuman race.

>otherwise it probably just seems really faggy
Even with context it's really faggy. Hell, context makes it even gayer.

But the Russian taunt tho. It's like saying "I could've just killed you just now". IT IS NOT GAY.

But it's not solely the taunt, it's also the fact it's a kiss on the cheek from the incredibly homoerotic cowboy who's idolized Snake's sort-of daddy for a while.

Drakengard 1 is still my favorite taro game, damn what a ride

What was the Boss' will?

I liked this

What sound does he make again?

out of the loop here.

What does Sup Forums mean by "kino"?

Kino is german for theater, it's Sup Forums slang for a movie or scene with artistic merit.

For example those beautiful shots of the desert in Lawrence of Arabia would be kino, or the opening to Ground Zeroes with "Here's To You"

This game needs a PC release already.

To leave the world the way it was.

I'm really sad about this scene. It had great impact, it was perfect in its setting and execution. Too bad the Giants' models looked like garbage, ruined it.

It's not the game's fault tho, it's just the generation it took place in.

I like the game but I fucking hate the word kino tie a rope around your dick and jump off a bridge.


She went to space and saw world without division and borders, the world being one.

Zero interpreted this as having to build malevolent super AI that controls the world and flow of information and wages proxy wars.
Big Boss interpreted this as having to create a mercenary nation without borders and nationalities that uses child soldiers and fuels eternal war.
Skullface interpreted this as having to arm every single minority race with nukes so every culture is equal instead of globalization and cultural superpowers destroying them. Also destroying common languages with parasites so they can't destroy minorities even peacefully.


yeah this was GOAT

Ludwig was fucking shit. Beat him my 2nd try while underleveled as hell. He was a boring and predictable fight.

I can deny anything

Let's be honest, Bloodborne is kino throughout.


here, let me post the right picture

I preferred Transistors ending, but Bastion's was also great

>gigantic WoW-tier autism shoes
this prevents any moment from being kino

What is art-style?

yeah, it's a shitty and ugly "art" style that makes every character look like a toddler

Music is great
Arena is great
Even the mid-fight cinematic is great

Fite me fgt

meant for

Sup Forums here

Kino requires a purely aesthetic experience evoking emotion through the combination of sight and sound.

If your "kino" involves a lot of dialogue it is not kino.

/everyone else/ here

your memes suck

Why not both?

actually kino

lot of scenes in killer7 actually. suda51 never came close to topping this game

>why isn't red also blue?

The pic in OP has no dialogue.

I fucking hate this meme.

When a director places too much importance on dialogue and closeups on faces, he forgets the core of cinema. The visual aspect. It's one of hte reasons many television directors' movies all look the same. Television is almost purely plot and dialogue-driven, rarely relying on visual conveyance of story or themes, and lacking invention. Since the 80s a sort of hyper-adequacy has taken hold of mainstream movies. A single approved style in which all things are mostly "realistic" and allow no dramatic lighting or framing. James Cameron's movies can be seen as a staple of this non-style. Kino is much more "stylized".

>If your "kino" involves a lot of dialogue it is not kino.
Isn't dialogue sound?

Oh boy ok.

rengoku 2: general gryphus fight
Revengance: rules of nature (hated the game tho)
DS1: gwyn (more impact then rape baby)
Hotline Miami 1: final stage for jacket
Lisa-painful: final fight and epilogue
They breathe: final stage
Transistor: final stage (a lot like kos actually)
Mercenaries 1: Second diamond mission

Off the top of my head....I like kos a lot but its very over blown man, like....yea yea super sad rape baby crying next to its dead mother and fucked over world cuz man sucks and so beasts have to rule etc etc cuz sins and shit.....idk, not really 'kino' to me. (gael was more kino anyway like honestly)

At that point it becomes more an audiobook than a visual experience.

Beat him today for the first time after trying for a real fuckin' long time.

Great fight, it's hard, it's intimidating, it's pretty difficult to cheese (stage 2 at least) and it took a lot of practice and concentration and effort. Felt good. Nasty fucker for what's essentially a fourth trimester abortion.

now I can finally be the ayylmao I set out to be.

>didnt clear him on ng6
You didnt beat shit user.

Sup Forums here

Kino is a shitty forced meme

This, kino is just a fucking stupid meme word for good film/high art, it isn't creative and it can't go anywhere.

>confirmed for not knowing shit about kino
Stay pleb 'Sup Forums'

>playing the same build through 6 times in a row in a soulsborne game
never fucking understood this mate, i've got an unholy amount of hours in the three DaS games and rarely do I get past NG+ because why the fuck

gotta get some variety in there, try new builds, new weapons, new magic. dunno how people can use basic shit like the zwei 6 fucking times in a row.

BB I can maybe understand since at least the weapons are cooler and more versatile.

It's literally a shitty forced meme that BvS fans use to seem "deeper" than they are

Much like the film itself

Who the fuck told you to not switch it up after ng considering youd have every stat you would need to do literally any build at max efficiency? Are you fucking brain dead? What about a level 150+ doesnt scream possibilities to you?

Oh I get it, more noob excuses....yeye and tell me how youre too busy 'irl' to put in the hours ya fucking chud.

I agree, after an absolute maximum of NG++ I am bored to death of that character.

>Kino came from BvS
How fucking new are you? Im not even trying to be a dick or anything like how the fuck are there people so new to this website they dont know where kino came from? Are you meming me? Is this a prank?

I'm still convinced that BvS being a misunderstood masterpiece started out as an ironic meme that dumb kids believed to be serious. Anyone with even a passing knowledge of cinema can see that the movie is a fucking abortion, yes there are some good ideas/moments but the movie is a fucking mess.

Fucking this. All of AC4's cutscenes were pure kino.

kino didn't come from BvS but it's a recent fucking meme user you aren't special

For movies

For games

There is a distinction between dialogue and sound when talking about the composition of visual media. Dialogue is audible, yes, but it is very direct in what it conveys compared to the music or sound effects. There's not much room to interpret dialogue, so it's overuse makes it seem like the director can't use the other aspects to convey the idea. The reason humans like "kino" is because it makes them feel and think more deeply than if they were just told how to think and feel.

Ok grampa, 4 years is recent for a barely decade old site, whatever you say newfriend, take a stop by Sup Forums they have great anime taste...right up your alley.

>everyone should play games the way I do