Let's discuss this game. What does Sup Forums think about it after all of the versus vids from E3? How did you feel about the demo?
Mahvel Thread
So since the recent leak at this point is probably real, my main question is how the fuck is Winter Soldier going to play? Captain America already does the acrobatic meme shit, Spencer already does the robot arm moves, and Chris is already a gun/knife specialist. What does that leave Bucky with?
Leave Marvel to me
I want to see the hunter.
Will do
Can't I play and enjoy both?
If you watch it long enough it looks like Robot Chicken
After hearing about all of the nuance in the mechanics, fucking around in the story demo a bunch of times and beating Ultron Sigma, I'm hyped for both Dragonball and MVCI (because the only thing wrong with it are some cruddy character models and lighting).
Had a lot of fun with the demo, the E3 versus clips look cool too
Not a huge deal for me; a fighting game looking cool is always nice but if I don't mind playing PS2 games in 2017, then I have a hard time getting upset about a new release looking like a PS2 game. Still, it shows a kind of negligence and lack of effort, which is no good. Whatever, it's a shame-on-you but not a deal breaker.
>garbo roster and DLC bullshit
Absolutely indefensible. I'm going to get this game and enjoy it, but I'll be buying it used after it (hopefully) flops and sinks in price.
>X is the only debuting Capcom character in the base roster which is featured in the cover
>The other is one of the main villains but got shoved in DLC
Fucking why
Who else can you put on a cover without it being a spoiler?
Looks terrible. I'm not a graphix fag so it won't stop me from playing it on someone elses copy, but I won't bother getting invested unless something changes radically between now and release.
That roster is just plain garbage and the gameplay doesn't seem like it improves the formula enough(or at all t.b.h.) to matter.
Different Cap Shield throw trajectories, or using throwing knives instead of the shield.
Use of his Bionic Arm's electrical shock, fire blast and hologram functions, since it isn't a grapple hook.
A sniper rifle and Assault rifle compared to Chris's pistols/SMG/shotgun/flamethrower.
They say that the E3 1v1 build was much much newer than the E3 story demo one and even the graphics were better, better lighting and stuff.
But Chun-Li still looks like a retarded chipmunk.
mechanically it seems a lot more interesting than DBZ which seems like a kind of simplified GG and marvel 3 hybrid. But they literally fucked up with everything else so casuals will hate it.
That's even dumber.
Why make the only decent demo something that only a select few people can play?
Isn't the whole point of a demo to show off how good a game is and to get people to want more?
Honestly they shouldn't have even bothered with the story demo and just waited till they had a presentable version.
This is starting to get attractive to me, those worn out eyes are cute
Anyone else feel that the VA strike also had an effect on this game?
According to others, the Demo at E3 looks a little better than the Story Demo. Hopefully that helps a little but they need to delay it still.
I'm just confused about the character amount. According to Ryce's roster, we have a measly 7 characters yet to be revealed (Ant-Man, Spider-Man, Gamora, Monster Hunter, Nemesis, Jedah, and Firebrand) yet we have roughly three months until release, so that means 2 to 3 more trailers.
Assuming it's gonna be gameplay trailer along with a story trailer, and even if the last trailer is showcasing the six DLC, I have a question.
How would they spread 7 characters and 2 stones across two months? The most likely answer is that we have 36 characters going by the last video (8 were shown off) so that means 8 in July, and 8 in August, on top of two stones. Assuming we get the previously mentioned 7 plus a pick from Ghost Rider, Dormammu, Venom, Haggar, Frank, or Winter Soldier, who would the last 8 be?
gameplay looks good, some of the characters look good and some look bad, roster might end up being ok
By skipping a month
>No Hulk on box art
Why does this trigger me so much.
The gameplay was fine. Enough that the full game will probably be really fun.
Such a pity everything else shit the bed.
I hope this game crashes and burns. Fuck nuCrapcom
Which leak?
The Hunter and Jedah?
Basically a picture of zip files for Infinite came out before E3 and people passed it off as bullshit but it had a shit ton of characters and one was Grandmaster Meio and the Dahren Mohren, both of which are in the latest story trailer so now people are seeing it as legit.
can we at least wait till the game's out to play it first before passing judgement? I mean, the demo was bad and from the videos it looks like you'll be able to do fancy combos pretty easy by simply switch characters and pressing down down.......
Is there any possibility at all we still don't know the roster? Like, maybe even 0.00005%?
I'd say the chances are 30% since Ryce said his source, a while ago, doesn't know everything.
I'm going to wait for a drop in price.
The fact that they've already announced two DLC characters before launch is what really has me miffed.
If Black Panther is in the story, why can't I fucking play as him when I buy the game?
Cool spoilers bro
>because the only thing wrong with it are some cruddy character models and lighting
don't forget about them gimping the cast, on disc dlc, what I assume already to be piss-poor netcode
sure there is more.
I don't even care about the graphics, I've enjoyed uglier fighters like all the classic 3D Fighters from way back.
It feels like shit though. And that just doesn't seem like a problem they can address. There was nothing smooth about the gameplay honestly felt like MUGEN.
what do you think of the new morrigan :3
Could be worse, could be better. She got off easy compared to Chun Li.