The Moon's getting a lot of screen time in Odyssey, isn't it?

The Moon's getting a lot of screen time in Odyssey, isn't it?

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Five bucks says Bowser throws his hat at it at the end.

there's a secret reason for the Moons exposure. you will be ashamed for you words and deeds

Oh, we can zoom all the way to the moon,
From this great wide wacky world,

>Tfw Sir Grodus is the minister

>New midbosses are rabbits
>Japan has some thing about rabbits and the moon

Didn't the demo say that New Donk was part of the Mushroom Kingdom?

New Donk City is part of the Metro Kingdom. Tostarena is part of the Samd Kingdom. Sarasaland (and, by extension, Daisy) is not canon.

This. Moon will be the final stage, probably with forced Rosalina. Mario will take over some space thing to win.

Because Mario has to stop the honeymoon.

>A Bowser moon
>starts to crash into the planet
>kid wearing green comes along and stops it

Luncheon Kingdom leader is Wart

>dragon's dogma was cheated out of their THE MOON
>nintendo getting their THE MOON
fucking hell capcom. Lost out to Smash Bros and now this


I would feel a bit disappointed if that were the only realms the game had.

If they make this happen, I will kill Nintendo. It's perfect.
It makes sense too, it's obvious ships similar to the ones in Galaxy are back and well, they obviously could fly around space.

>Bowser posses the moon
>"oi nah watch this"
>Mario posses earth
>"oi nah watch this"
>Bowser posses jupiter
>"oi nah watch this"
>Mario posses the sun

Is that you Carlos?

so far both Odyssey trailers started by fooling the audience by showing an unexpected theme, making people guess what game it is, until it revealed it's actually Mario

we got realistic city in trailer 1 and realistic t-rex in trailer 2
assuming the game gets another trailer before release, I'm betting it'll start by showing a realistic space/moon setting, therefore revealing a space/moon world

I want an Isle Delfino level.

>Implying it won't be a medieval setting with knights and wizards preparing to fight a dragon as Mario suddenly bing-bing wahoos out of the sky and possesses the dragon

Can't wait to look for deepest lore, Wooded Kingdom looks like it's seen some shit

>Zoom in on the moon
>Turns around revealing Mario's face

>tfw theres an entire world dedicated to running through "memories" ala kirby's dreamland
>each memory is a shrunk down section of old 3d mario levels

>bayo 3 reveal with bayonetta Silhouetted on a large image of a moon
>"you want to touch me?" As she turns to face the viewer
>she's wearing a moustache
>fly me to the moon starts blasting in the background on top of loud wahoo's and babing babings

What is throwback galaxy

As amazing as that would be, they already said in an interview that Odyssey won't have returning levels.

>Motokura: We don’t have any levels that are taken, let’s say, specifically from something like Super Mario 64, but we do have elements in the game that will make the folks who played Super Mario 64 happy when they encounter them.

I just kinda want it to be a place. Back in SMS, all the areas connected to make a whole island, but you had to hub around between them. SMO should have enough memory to not have to hub between spots on the island.

I can get down with that
what other settings could Nintendo use as a bait-and-switch in this sense?

I'm happy you're just visiting really weird countries that can overlap via tourism (I saw some guy stuck in the desert with a taxi during one of the Treehouse streams). I honestly thought you were dimension hopping.

Honestly, an alien theme I think could work well for not just bait-and-switch, but also trolling.

>Trailer starts by showing outer space and shots of the surface on an alien planet
>Alien plant life is shown and several creatures are roaming about
>Vague spaceship in the distance
>Everyone assumes its a Prime 4 trailer

There better be an endless stairs.

>"the hotel! Get me back to the hotel you crazy taxi driver! Im going to be late for my meeting in New Donk City!"
>"nonono, it okay, i take you to nice toruist place. we go see big sphinx, im sure it around here. It no just get up and walk away eh?"

we have station square and mystic ruins. When do we get the egg carrier.

My wish list is a game with every known Mario place, all fully explorable, without need of a hub world. I know... it will never happen.

Late game when it's revealed that Bowser built the mother of all airships, an airship so big it doubles both as a world of its own and Bowser's mobile lair.

I bet you this is the Moon Level's ruler.

We also have Planet Wisp.

>Every land is something that contributes items to the wedding ceremony, because Bowser is looting them.
What will be something old?
Something new?
Something borrowed?
Something blue?

Steam Garden: Flowers
Tostarena: Ring
Bonneton: Hat (Duh)
Mount Ican'tpronounceit'sname: Catering
New Donk City: ???
Fossil Falls: ???

>people get fooled thinking it's a new Prime 4 trailer when suddenly BING BING WAHOO

New Donk City: Pauline
She's a good singer

>Fossil Falls
Something old?

>beat gay bowser again
>thank you mario, but i must return to my people
>peach hime was kaguya all along
>chase her to the moon
>the last boss is peach

If the hat is separate then donk has the rest of the clothes, and fossil falls could have the diamond to put on the ring

>we can zoom all the way to the moon from this great wide wacky world


A ghost top hat should not be this cute.


Enel final boss confirmed.



This place will be at the very beginning of the game. I get the impression that its here that Mario meets Cappy.

that seems like a huge coincidence. Its just the same theme. if anything its Count Black that seems referenced.

>Mario possesses the Galaxy


Comic peach is the hottest peach. She's too dolllike in the mainstream Mario games.

Hueco Mundo?

It probably is, the Frog in the trailer is probably Cappy teaching Mario & the player how possessing things work as well.

You son of a bitch, I will find you and end the humor.


>just realized the videos are 60fps on youtube

welp time to watch the treehouse streams again

Cappy is fucking kawaii. I want to hug him.

>That moon

The moon is definitely the final kingdom.

I feel your pain

Does anybody have that supposed leak of the opening story?

fuck this thread is comfy as fuck right now

>Bowser and Peach's wedding will happen on the moon during a blood moon for added fuckery.


Wart best come back, it would be perfect. Especially if Birdo's in it.

It was confirmed by a tweet that there are more worlds we haven't seen. No numbers though.

>bokoblins spawn everywhere

>every place has to have a ruler

It's just one big metaphor on Astrology right ? Each zodiac sign and its age has a ruling planet.

Right now we are in the age of Aquarius and its ruling planet is Saturn (Bowser pretty much) but since its a water sign it's also heavily influenced by the Moon.

The map has has some interesting stuff too like the Mushroom Island and the continent made of Snowflakes.

Post Mario and Peach art please

If I'm right about the Astrology metaphor, there's going to be 9 worlds. Remember this when they reveal.

New Donk: Entertainment
Fossil Falls: Diamonds?

are those tadpoles when Mario is falling into his mind?


>Mario and cappy go nine tailed tanooki
>luigi goes perfect susanoo death stare mode

Here, I just made this so whenever people think the world/kingdom count is low or when someone posts the Atlas we have this for some information to go with it.

Hm, so those are just the confirmed kingdoms? Do you think there's going to be double of what's been revealed so far?

We Adventure Time now?

There are actually 900 kingdoms

That map IS the entire globe though, so I think the kingdoms are all on there but some are unlabeled. That icey looking landscape in-between Metro and Lunch kingdom is definitely one of them.

Based on the landmasses I can see that aren't labeled, I'm going to guess there are 10 total worlds.

Rosalina will not be in this game.

That's from the water level.

Koizuimi LOVES Rosalina. He straight up said Rosalina is his favorite amiibo.

As a big Rosie fag i don't expect her to

I guess I should've said countries, regardless it's obvious to me we'll get much more varied areas to explore, like I doubt they'd just show us every main world right away anyways.

He may do, but it still doesn't mean she's getting in.


>New Donk City will be a stage in the next Smash Bros.
>Let's Do the Odyssey will be a music track on it

Oh shit, I didn't even think of that. That sounds super dope, I hope it actually happens. Do you think they'll change Mario's moveset (like 1 attack I mean) to incorporate Cappy in some way?

>sarasa means effeminate man in my language

I hope they change the name in the localization

I could see them replacing Fludd with Cappy. Down B throws out the hat for an attack, and if you hold B afterwards it will stay in the air for a few seconds and you can use it as a platform

ggs fludd. waste of space outside of rare occasions

nope, we'll just get another mario clone to fill a spot on the roster

Bowser throws his hat at peach for the final boss fight