What are some games were celebrities are exposed for being degenerates with awful taste?
What are some games were celebrities are exposed for being degenerates with awful taste?
>Ywn go back in time to falcon punch Shad's mom while she was pregnant
Did pewds have a sex scandal?
no point in me going to shadbase anymore because all he does is shitpost
Shad is such a tryhard faggot
>Umlaut is his handle
>edgy skull nazi avatar
Can someone post the image of the mouse leaving through a door
>All these jealous retards who can't comprehend quality artwork
Everything about him is cringy, faggotry, edgelord and tryhard
he had an argument with this girlfriend about nep because he wanted to buy a figure or something and it leaked that's about it
His name is Winslow. If you wanted to know.
>someone always gets super defensive the instant people start shitting on Shad's faces and terrible anatomy
oh shad
>tumblr artstyle
>quality artwork
whats the context here
Oldfag from gamergate here, we always liked Shad.
Hating him is a thing only newfags do.
Lurk more everyone.
mike matei and avgn fangirl loli when
Insult him all you want, he still puts out some stuff that gets muh dick hard and that's all I need him for.
Nice bait
Quick rundown?
PewDiePie leaked more information again?
Mate people disliked Shad since long before then.
This sounds like a new thing, to me. I thought Shad was always shit on, but apparently he still manages a healthy following.
Some Youtuber (not pewdiepie) got caught basically creating child porn from his underage fans. Turned out this wasn't his only time he'd been busted for it.
he out
him and that mr bones faggot are pure cancer
who was it