Aren't Nintendo games getting a bit too lewd now?
Aren't Nintendo games getting a bit too lewd now?
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why is she so soul-edge like in appearance?
Made by a porn artist.
i mean literally soul edge the sword
And thus quoteth, now
What would the furry world even be like if this character was never created.
These faces ruin it
Living soul.
Why is it this game gets battle bikinis and huge knockers A-Okay but shit like bravely default and fire emblem gets censored?
Not trying to stir shit I'm actually curious
Alexa is best girl in xcx.
Kids that grew up with Nintendo are young adults now.
This is natural to appeal to them
>Nintendo fans
>growing up
Good joke, user!
This, just look at Pokemon. Nintendo's most loyal audience are not children or normalfags.
It's ok when Monolith Soft does it.
>Good joke, user!
Why do you think the Nintendo Switch has the insane appeal that the Wii U didn't? With the Nintendo Wii Nintendo abandoned their core demographic. They did it again to the Wii U but fans had wised up by then. The Switch is a return to their core audience, and it worked well.
I think they realized their fuckup when they paid to have Bayonetta 2 released on their console. But by then they were stuck with the Wii U. A console designed so "it wasn't noisy enough to annoy mommy and could fit by the livingroom TV without having to move daddy's stereo receiver"
Nintendo was really that blind.
more or less the same, krystal is a pretty boring character
not saying she isn't hot but nothing special
Not even close. Mia and Murderess were best girls
Xenoblade Chronicles X did get censored. They removed the anime tiddy slider so you only had one breast size, they covered Lin up because NoA is half Muslim, and they covered up the fundoshi outfit for both male and female characters.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is getting censored at the developer level instead of at the translator level, since NoA and NoE have direct input on what's acceptable and not acceptable.
The first Xenoblade had robo buttcrack.
This is tame.
Well characters like Minerva Mink and Renamon would still exist
He was saying Nintendo fans are eternal children.
Considering most Nintendo fans are older than the average age of gamers, I'd vehemently disagree. Liking cinematic games, sports games, and generic FPS games is the most childish, since that's what most children are playing nowadays.
>Those hideous faces
I'm actually glad they changed the artist
>He was saying Nintendo fans are eternal children.
I understand that. If they were though then the Wii U would have been a smash success and the Switch would have sold less.
Clearly that isn't the case.
It was hideous because they made all of the characters in a very limited character editor, the same you use at the beginning of the game. If they properly modeled them, they'd look less like robots.
>If they properly modeled them, they'd look less like robots.
But user...
8-4 is still half reasonable, it's Treehouse the real problem.
Do not stick dick in robo-butt.
For Ameriburgers, maybe.
You have some horrible taste user liking the worse girl.
Is he shitting his pants?
Mia > Murderess > Hope > Lin > Celica > Elma > Alexa > Irina
I don't really think it counts as "censorship" if it's happening on the developer level... that's just part of the overall development process. Censorship involves an existing completed work being changed. If Mark Twain had, at the behest of his publisher, removed all instances of "nigger" from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, that wouldn't be censorship. Removing them after the fact would be.
Those are his testicles
What, you got a problem with that? Are you some kinda homosexual?
But Murderess is best girl, user.
No, that would still be censorship, and it'd definitely take away from Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer. It'd be like the Pope forcing Michelangelo to cover up Adam. Even if Michelangelo covered him up himself, it's still censoring the Sistine Chapel Fresco.
Not saying Xenoblade Chronicles 2 or Huck Finn are anywhere near the Sistine Chapel, but my point stands
Not bad user.
> they covered Lin up because NoA is half Muslim.
I hope this game leaves me with the same feeling the first did. XC is truly special.
>xeno 2 is getting censored
The hell are you on about?
Don't worry. Treehouse will clean the game up nicely for you.
>mfw this doesnt matter becuse no more region lock
One way or another we will play Xenoblade 2 in its true, uncensored glory
changes in policy. notice how the switch is refraining from repeating a lot about the wii u.
Oh user...
Damn that's a sick ass cosplay tbqh. Will Kamisama hear my prayers and announce SCVI by now?
For suicidal overworked Japs, this type of emotional-exploitation is just easy-mode version of the norm for them.
Nintendo just decided it was what's needed to hook people onto some of their new (or rather newer-advertised) IP's, same with Splatoon and pedos, Ever Oasis and scalies, and ARMS and gayfags.
Don't be gay OP
But that's a Monolith Soft game
>and Murderess
>look less like robots
>this is the character designer
don't worry sweetie we can censor it for you
No wonder the MC looks like shit. He doesnt draw guys.
At that point you might as well stop playing vidya altogether. Every single game is "censored" to hell and back out of purely practical considerations.
Oh, also,
Oh, he does.
"I hate this, I want to go home"
Censorship is some funny shit. It's not even done for children; it's done for whiny adults. No child in the history of forever has complained about seeing some skin. There are grown adults who flip out at the sight of it though.
The other messed up implication is that they are marketing stuff to youngsters they don't even believe is appropriate for them. It's like selling cigarettes in crayon boxes.
That has nothing to with the artist but the cg modelers.
Uncensored Switch version of XCX when?
Just download the uncensored and undubbed version and play it with Dolphin.
Definitely going to sell my Switch if they censor it because of NeoGAF whining. I just don't support censorship and I think it's retarded go give a shit about generic anime looking girls dressing sexy when there are children being beheaded in niggerstan and white girls are being mass raped in the street and no one cares.
I hate this development. Look 20 years back, this was in a fucking kid's show, even here in Europe. Uncensored. What the fuck happened?
Dolphin can play WiiU games?
>not censoring shit in this hemisphere
But more importantly
>ever buying a switch
You are clearly interested in the game, otherwise you weren't in this thread. Why are you mad at people who buy the system that can play it? Let me guess, you are poor.
At beast be honest to yourself.
Yep. Read the wiki link, it's got the description of various tests, and in recent builds, it's running fine with even underpowered, i5 GTX570 machines.
Hell, it's already running Switch games, like Breath of the Wild.
>Why are you mad at people who buy the system that can play it?
Not mad. I'm sneering at them.
You'd have to be retarded to buy censored shit when you can just emulate patched versions that fix that bullshit.
>You'd have to be retarded to buy censored shit when you can just emulate patched versions that fix that bullshit.
Well, you can't. Otherwise I'd agree.
You understand I'm talking about XCX not XC right?
That's cause Breath of the Wild is a WiiU game.
ok thanks ill try it out.
Whatever helps you sleep at night.
just import it
NeoGAF BTO thread
Nintendo is a japanese company, it's only natural that they'll make the females good looking