Let's make a Sup Forums clan.
What should we name it?
Let's make a Sup Forums clan
Cook Lucks
"I Play Shitty Games Made by Literal Jews and Have Bad Taste"
"hhow do i dlete this app?"
theres already a clan the reddit clan
Cancer Co.
CGI Yelling Cartoon Man with Optional Saliva
It would last a day because of console war bullshit.
"the shittining"
"we don't have any whales because our clan is compromised of NEETs so why even bother"
Oh wait is that too long?
Haha epic guys, just epic.
Now can you stop being such cunts about it?
For a mobile game, it isn't that bad
Sup Forums - videogames
I played this game with my dorm at uni. Was fun for a while until everyone reached the point where the game is impossible to progress without paying money or grinding for hours to get anything done (around Town Hall 8 or 9, particularly with the fucking walls).
I'd never play it if it weren't for knowing all of the people I was playing with, clan wars were fun to coordinate.
Digger Nicks
Wrong game m8
Same fundamental concept of "grind for months or pay us to progress" once you reach a certain point.
It's arena 9 in this game. Arena 10 only "entices" you harder to purchase shit
Get good
I'm at Arena 9 and I only lose when I misplay. I've hit a wall at every arena, eventually I get better.
The issue is that as you climb you'll encounter people with higher level cards and towers than you.
When I reached arena 9 it wasn't uncommon to find people with level 10+ minions and my arrows couldn't kill them.
You need to pick one deck and stick to it, requesting the cards you need and buying what's useful in the store, because from arena 9 onward you'll constantly face faggots with better stuff than you.
>You need to pick one deck and stick to it
Yeah, I think I've reached the final iteration of my deck.
I'm mostly working on a 2v2 deck now. Lightning is so good for it.