Why did they have to make her so ugly?
Why did they have to make her so ugly?
She looks average
man you idiots talk more about this on here than the fans of it do holy shit
Ashley Burch demanded they change her from a cute, brown girl to a strong, white woman.
Hey face is wide as fuck making her head look fucking huge. Add to that the manjaw and she's ugly.
it was either this or having a full afro hair 60s social activist
I'd rather have an ugly 6/10 girl than some Ms Queen Katisha just to pander to leftists/sjws
>or having a full afro hair 60s social activist
Burch refuses to VA non-white characters and Sony wouldn't fund the game unless Burch was the MC's VA.
you sound like a fucking fool
Where does the average woman look like this?
This Burch voice actors sounds like someone whoms hand I want to shake.
Attractive women are unrealistic.
someone post a picture of her crotch
How has it been this long and no one has snapped pictures of her armpits yet?
Actual pictures where you can see her armpits.
Who the fuck cares anymore
Her face looks like it belongs on a fat 12 year old red head boy.
some one post that pic of link porking her
you do it fag
She's a vapid cunt who mostly takes on the role of a turbo SJW for the sake of avoiding criticism and scoring brownie points with developers who try to earn "SJW cred" with their indie games.
And the "average" length of an erect penis is 8 inches, right?
That girl is easily an 8 or a 9.
She's just masculine and it's coherent with the world she lives in.
A savage cute hunter couldn't have been realistic.
I appreciate this choice.
Btw, i banged uglier girls
He's right, though.
did men`s in Sup Forums only date supermodels?
It is literally because modern western women are insecure about attractive women and demand all female protagonists (and they must be protagonists) be in the 6-7/10 range. Or rather the beta male feminists that make games think they are and must protect fair maiden's precious feelings.
Other more sane and reasonable suggestions might be put forth, but it is actually truly this. There is no other consistent explanation.
People who are jaded or depressed often have higher standards. It's a weird side effect / coping mechanism
This is closer to average, yes
it's the hair
Not everyone can be a 10 like pic related
Nah, is her jaw.
she is /ourgirl/
Even without the cute glasses, nice ass, leggings, done up hair+hairband, and even if she had weird looking tits, she'd still be at least a strong 6
They tried to make her a tranny. It's that smple, really
I guess they saw the success Lara Croft had over the years because of her looks and decided "nah fuck it"
She is a savage she should be ugly if anything
I know standards are low as fuck around here, but you're out of your mind if you think this bitch is anything above a 7. 10/10 is perfection. Average is a 5. L2scale.
>tfw she is cute as fuck but not aloy
I blame the ugliest haircut in the history of gaming for that
She looks fine. Why did they have to make (You) so ugly, though?
kinda butterface but would still fug
Wouldnt say ugly though.
If you mean 10 chins, then yes.
I think she looks fine. She even has qt freckles.
I think everyone here just gets assblasted because of the social justice bullshit surrounding the game and projects that on the character. She's ugly because you see the game as ugly.
Those dreds are fucking retarded tho. french braid your hair like a proper white savage you dumb cunt.
>Those dreds are fucking retarded tho.
I'm fine with her overall design, it fits the game theme, but her nigger hair is repulsive.
It's what they are taught in university, its purely politics.
Pushing the politics of social justice, they know men like pretty women so they give them what they don't want knowing they have no choice.
well theres my cup of rage for today
Can we stop talking about this boring fucking troglodyte and instead discuss the most honorable and perfect dad?
Seriously. She's hardly ugly, and any ugliness that does show is probably more to do with inept 3D modeling more than anything the directors were intending.
Oversensitive feminists who praise HZD because oh it has a not quite goddamn gorgeous and small tittied female lead are delusional or starved for anything to champion.
>i'd rather have an ugly white chick than a cute brown (not black) girl
World's full of ugly people. Don't see why you virgin fucks can't relate.
>"Muhhh waifu."
>"Muhhh tits and ass."
Go lose your virginity, and not to a man. Stop lusting after vidya characters.
I'd like to see the model she is based on.
I'm pretty sure the model looks a lot better, just like the one for the ME:A protag did.
She's not ugly. The main character in Ninja Theory's new game is ugly.
Average for a guy maybe.
>Why did they have to make her so ugly?
looks like a bosnian
this bait cmon
She looks like a completely average female. You're just used to seeing dolled up bombshells in the media.
This is what normal women look like.
> normal is ugly
Wow, racist and sexist much?
>we want realistic characters
>so they all must be ugly
What did SJW mean by this?
It's like they think that pretty women don't exist in real life just because they are too lazy to shower and trim themselves in the morning.
>Why did they have to make her so ugly?
If she's too good looking, sjw will bitch and moan about it.
why do even npc's look so cringey?
Videogames should not be about normal womenn.