Does Metacritic matter or does it not?

Does Metacritic matter or does it not?

It matters when I want it to

It's a good indication of what the average person thinks, just not Sup Forums. Everyone on here hates Skyrim and MGS5, but they both have high metacritic scores and were very well received by the general public.

If it helps your case - it's the most important thing in the world.
If it doesn't - lolmetacritic.

It's 4chan101, OP.

It matters when it validates my views on a game.
It's paid-review untrustworthy shill shit when it doesn't.
Simple as that.

Lamal and Eroiroire are best partners.

Who would win in a fight?


Erioiroire already killed two niggas with his bare hands
Lamaj doesn't have a chance
