Why does new console speculation produce such retarded design concepts?
Why does new console speculation produce such retarded design concepts?
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Kevin Tan more like Kevin Killyourself
People who get hyped over new crap are usually kids or dumb adults
Because some people like Kevin, are retarded
This actually looks like something MS could do, except the name should be changed to XBOX TWO X ONE BOX
Not all of them are terrible.
that light bar is cancer on the ps4 controller
How did he imagine this would work?
I know right? Somebody needs to come up with an explanation.
Some are mere wish fulfillment.
>Small amount of dust or detritus under disc
>Gets unsettled
>Game is scratched to pieces
This is dog shit
Asymmetrical analog is needed for the joy cons due to multiplayer.
we /architecture/ now
Designers are supposed to be the halfway point between an artist and an engineer but in reality they are just all artist who happen to draw pictures of consumer devices. It's no wonder those retards are always clogging up crowd funding with their retarded pitches, in the world where people actually know what they are doing their ideas prompt only laughter and derision.
Tell me you couldn't see some modern artsy building looking like this
Jokes on you. Theres no device to spin the disc
What did he mean by this?
Reaching usb ports is already a mess on most consoles. Also americans could never use this with their fat sausage fingers
>Someone got paid, probably good money, to come up with a piece of shit like this
>just plain stupid
>useless design choice blocking proper airflow
These are all made by indians right?
>the PS5 has a fucking hologram
Why not just give it a flux capacitor while you are at it?
nah this is just how kids express their """"""creativity"""""" nowadays
Well this and youtube channel intros
this one is terrible
What the fuck is this even?
It's funny because when there was an NX concept like that people started freaking out because they thought it was real.
explain this to me
that's a five fucktard
>Scrollwheel shoulder buttons
for literally what purpose.
Playstation Shita
Really? I thought it was interesting at least.
Could help scroll through items without needing to pause combat
Shit's always been like this.
I remember back in the early 2000's when the 360 was announced but was yet to be seen, almost all the concept art portrayed it as a ball with a small slot for a disc.
>I want to be a designer!
>I'm going to ignore all production issues, usability restrictions and plain common sense and make some dumb shit that "looks cool"
Fucking hell what is wrong with these guys.
Is this a WiiU 2?
god pls
At least that looks neat, like some alt history version of a gameboy advance. The other shit in this thread just looks dumb, aside from this, but it just looks like a typical GAYMURR pc
If you think new consoles are going to be anything but lightly colored or gray boxes from now on, you are silly. Even nintendo has bent the knee and made a gray, smooth tablet. The age of visually quirky console design is over, unless you count switches colored joycons.
>16:9 Gameboy
Don't tell me this is a new handheld either because
>analog volume
This. I've met a few retards who would get a job to design a coffee machine or something and design it as the most unintuitive and bothersome shit I've ever seen.
>But it's modern!
Not, its just bad.
I doubt he got paid. A lot of designers just pitch these sort of things in the hope of getting hired.
it looks like a tax payer funded mosque in europe.
Nintendo patented it back when they were making patents for the switch. So people thought it would be in it. Probably was just an idea and they tried it and they didn't like the results. Not that bad of an idea though, it could be really useful for menus.
>Set down controller/Disc reader on table
>Dog or careless kid comes by and bumps it
>Scratches disc and possibly damages all internal parts
A proper platform to watch movies :^)
Forget the disc issues. Where do I even play this thing?
First there's no tax funded mosques in Europe
Also even mudslimes known modernist architecture is ugly
back in the day, when you bought a pc pad, it had a little slider on it for throttle, since like the only reason to buy an analog input device for pc gaming is because you're going to be flying some fucking planes
throttles are a really nice input function, much better than pressure sensitive triggers since you could more accurately set and keep the precision
wheels would be a good, similar function
Because all those mockups are made by graphic designers, not hardware designers.
Goddammit Kevin, just stop.
We need to stop him.
>light bar is cancer
>not the share button
The share button does not disrupt me in real fucking life when playing games. It's just a new button that makes screencaps easier.
>those triggers
what in the fuck
>sharpen the disk to have a razor edge
>you now have a deadly handsaw in video game form
Because nobody wants to see a believable boring design from speculation, people want to see retarded concepts to talk about.
See, the artist who made that made something utterly retarded but it's working because it got you and others to talk about it, and that's everything for an artist.
Meanwhile making a plain box would get no attention.
>Xbox One X 2
There was a time when you thought these were real.
Looks like a water heater. At lest it will be more useful now
>We need to focus the adult young male market, what do those guys like other than video games?
>...power tools?
>there was a time you thought bigfoot in GTA SA was real
welcome to gamesphere
maybe dont want computer-in-a-box like we've had for 30 years? the last 2 generations have been literally why not build a PC instead
>Sir, do you have a permit to own that?
>he actually likes the share button
If that is what you got out of that sentence I feel sorry for your teacher.
>Looks like a trash can
My almond activation sequences are firing up
>a kids toy should expose the part that rotates up to 10,000 RPM rather than isolate and secure it
How fucking retarded can you be?
A console IS just a cheap PC with a controller and TV output you fucking retard. That's the whole concept of a console you retard.
What the fuck is wrong with kevin's head someone please tell me
That's no moon
The concept of console is being a cheap arcade
Because graphic designers and artists aren't engineers or anyone with any sort of sense for ergonomy. Else, they wouldn't be fucking designers/artists in the first place!
I just wonder why there are screens on the consoles themselves
then why buy one? you can get some bargain pc and hook it up to a tv and plug in any controller instead and it does more without a second online subscription fee and if everyone did this there would be no "exclusives" people would just develop on computers for all computers
Those are obviously handheld saws
Because smart phones and tablets.
Who would hire such tallentless hacks then?
These aren't even made by artists,just amateurs who have no Idea of what they want to do,it just has to look "cool" or "unique".
>its a people with no tech knowledge design tech
big laffs
just as funny as the modular smartphone concept appearing and dying every now and then
it grinds into your brain,permanently installing the game to your brain HDD
i know that some IDE and SCSI HDDs spun platters at 10,000 and even 15,000 rpms but i didnt know CD/DVD/BluRay disc readers did....
That retard omfg
I like when they design these controllers they have absolutely no idea what Ergonomics are, or even what proper function is
>make everything touch screens it's the future
They are hired because of the myth that engineers have no creativity whatsoever, you need "artists" for that.
Reality is boring, vcr box #24601 doesnt really gets you the looks and talks
>modular smartphone
That's nothing. Consider the fact that VR technology's been trying to find it's way into the market since 19-fucking-50s, fading into obscurity every single time. I laugh my ass off whenever someone hypes it up as the next cool thing as though they just learned about it's existence.
I bet half these fucks went on to work at MadCatz.
Optical media drives can go way faster than 10,000 RPM. I know a 48x speed CD drive was around 25,000 RPM. They had up to 72x speed CD drives but those things died really fast.
I think the current max for a bluray drive is around 10,000 RPM. The one in the PS4 only goes about 5,000 or 6,000 RPM but that's still really fast.
No, but trackpads are
>that controller
>*breaking in two intensifies*
>Who would hire such tallentless hacks then?
Amazingly, almost everyone. Though, not even half of the hired artists/designers will ever work truly on their 'crafts.' They'll mostly be slaved as office-jockeys and cubicle-grunts, only letting them do just enough to validate their wasteful academic journey.
There's a reason why everything always undergo twenty-five thousand redesigns internally in any production box. The engineers get hard over sending shit back upstairs for the pen-goblins to pull their hair out about some more.
Don't put it past Sony
At least that avoids nogaems because you can always use it as a football