ez pz

>actual nigger
>even missing teeth


>Buon appetito

Yeah, you can see it's a French game when they use Italian words for stupid things

i am so happy that this piece of shit is never gonna come out

Fuck you faggot.

>tfw we will never see them
Another great cult IP got destroyed by open world meme.

Is this the new CoD?

I truly hate this character, what the fuck were they thinking

I hope the new trailer goes the way of the old trailers.

Ancel said they will tone down the swearing because apparently most fans hated it. He said they were experimenting with different personalities.


spotted the mad white boy rofl

It's a playfield IP for propaganda gymnastics

I love the character, monkey bois are my favorite.

I think he said they were experimenting with a gofuckyourself and this game will never see the light of day.

When did people from NeoGAF flood this board?

They've always been here.

then who was new green girl???

>steals things
>runs from and shoots at cops
>has afro clad monkey compatriot
>They're going to run off and build their own spacefaring civilization with blackjack and hookers
>realize welfare doesn't work when everyone is a criminal

She was heavily implied to be Jade's mother.

At least we might see young Pey'j

This is a pretty accurate representation of a typical british guy though.

I want to give him a chocolate chip cookie.

I forgot how hideously angular everything besides Jade was in this game.

Same, really hate the facial expressions.

Then WHAT the fuck is Jade?

Well Jade was apparently some being that belonged to Dom'Z previously but her parents and the resistance (Iris Network) hid her from them with Pey'J.
My bet is that Dakini (the Jade-like woman from trailer) injected that being/magic in her fetus when she was pregnant and gave birth to Jade.

Let's see if that is what happens. Hope the prequel does not ruin the mysteries TOO much, since if you decide to play in order, the x-perience might be shit.

And reposting this old joke that is not relevant anymore.