*blocks your path*
*blocks your path*
Other urls found in this thread:
*rubs his thighs*
Hep him to find his mom
Ask him how it feels to be the main character in one of the best JRPGs ever made and the best JRPG of this generation. Seriously, Xenoblade 2 is going to fucking kill it.
Nothing at all...
Are you sure he's blocking my path and simply not stuck there as he can't lift those fucking boots or bend at the knee?
Switchfags are truly pathetic.
Its not the original image. Some cunt photoshopped his boots waaaay bigger and now every gullible gamer cunt is believing it. Someone post the original image, lets put this shitty Photoshop to rest.
Give me a (You) if you want Rex and Pyra in the next Smash and I'll send the final result to Sakurai. Everyone, let's go!!!
At this point I believe Monolith does it on purpose as a pleb filter because they don't want shallow retards to play their 10/10 games.
He does not even look like in this artwork. Whoever arranged this literally said "and make his feet appear to be even bigger. No, bigger. It must look stupid!"
Fuck that, I want Elma first.
Stunning graphics... for a vita game.
Thanks for the (You)
how does he even bend his knees.
That's not even the best that the vita can do
This game looks fucking perfect.
Love the colours, especially Pyra's and the world around Rex.
Too bad Pyra's nonexistent ass isn't a shop.
The little brown triangular parts where his knees would be are actually gaps so he has plenty of room to bend.
Lol, looks worst than mobile ff
The UI for entering Torigoth looks so sick
>Comparing 960x544 to 1280×720
>They end up an Ice Climbers clone
Sure that ain't the PC version, senpai?
Nigger what it's a fucking stream
It'll look at least as detailed as BOTW
>This is a game releasing in 2017
How the hell are they getting away with this?
>obvious blur from stream
So this is the power of the Switch... damn
I know Japan is weird on character design but this is really bad even for them
Name One (1) game on Vita or mobile that can match the scope and scale of BOTW.
too bad the gameplay is pretty simple.
You might as well had posted infinity blade
I'm pretty sure that many games can render empty hills with three enemies on them.
Name one on vita or mobile then.
The models are worse than XB2, quit trying to compare stream footage.
>The models are worse than XB2
Only if you comparing XB2 to the other wii games.
Keep believing that.
>unironically praising a game made in Unity
Like peas in a bait pod.
name one, faggot
You mean gamecube?
The picture you quoted looks hundred times better than this VIta game.
I could cherry-pick Horizon pictures that look worse than Twilight Princess. I'm not that childish, though.
>Xenogears is 19 years old
What's the difference?
So this...is the power...of Japanese... character design. Really makes you think.
No pictures do Monolith games justice. How that huge thing is actually moving and alive is just insane in motion.
>Even Xenoblade Chronicles on 3DS looks better than Xenoblade Chronicles 2
This gave me an eye cancer.
I feel sorry for Switchfags, instead of gorgeous sci-fi Mecha game they got THIS.
We already had that on Wii U, though.
Why do sonybros get so upset when another company has a potentially good game? They go full on damage control instead of letting fans of that other company just enjoy the game.
>but n-nintentoddlers do it too!!!
it is ALWAYS the sonybro who starts it, thus forcing a retaliation. No exceptions.
It's falseflagging, you doofus.
Yeah and it's a shame that no location in Xenoblade 2 will live up to Sylvalum.
no mechs?
Wait and see when the game comes out.
I don't have to when our main character looks like this to get an idea for how JUST the art direction is going to be.
It left me without any excitement at all. That wii game has more character then most games.
So you've already seen the whole game?
The original still looks horrid.
Also his fucking 7 year old's face is super offputting.
i swam there. shit was cash trying to survive to those bugs. Great game.
>My xenogame is better than yours
THIS is the proper xenothread i was waiting for
Mom forbade mechs.
It looks like ass anyway thanks to artstyle.
I've seen the art direction, my gut tells me this is going to be the Other M of the Xeno franchise.
You can't tell me that you aren't just a bit worried from what we've seen when comparing the art direction of this game to the god tier art direction of Chronicles and X.
damn, really hoped they would have built on that system.
since this is XENOBLADE 2 i thought maybe they would do something with the faces of the last game, the mech designs were great then.
>god tier art direction of Chronicles and X
Chronicles and X looked hideous, though. The only Xeno game that didn't look like eye cancer was Xenosaga III, Xenoblade 2 looks like a close second.
>xenosaga III and xenoblade 2 look good
spot the weeb
This game is going to be the Oliver! and Galaxy Express 999 of the Xenoblade games, and I love that. A
>Chronicles and X looked hideous, though.
Chronicles maybe, but how can you say X looks hideous especially when compared to Rex?
There is no point to arguing switchfags.
They're like BotWfags but somehow even worse.
>He's hideous
>Because he's a young boy
Gtfo. You're simply dumb. I'm so glad you don't like the look of the game. It's weeding out the dumbos.
You're comparing character models to the environment.
Dont make me want to replay this game senpai, that ending still hurts.
>sequel when
"Come at me clown shoes"
>meanwhile in Xenoblade 2 so far
That's what I'm talking about, the game looks fucking incredible. Do you have any more collages of X?
Forgot pic fug
XCX's models and armors are superior.
>Ignoring the character models in the image
>Ignoring that Elma looks better than every character we've seen from Xenoblade 2
We already discussed this vita game earlier.
We need another game on Mira.
Rex's face looks cool here. Glad he's not some fucking edgy looking Noctis cunt. Can you imagine Noctis pulling this face? A facial expression of pure emotion? No bullshit try hard to look "cool" and "laid back" crap. Rex is smarter than that. He seems more sure of himself than some fucking edgy Tales or FF fag. I'm glad monolith doesn't make typical hot guy "badass" characters.
X had atrocious character models too, yet the game still looked beautiful. I trust Monolith Soft.
can you stop shitting up every single thread? How does XC2 look like a vita game when XCX has even worse textures?
>elma looks better
>xenoblade X's models are superior
Am I in a parallel universe?
>and armors
You're comparing endgame armor to the default armor you have at the beginning of the story desu. You can't say Xenoblade 2's armor is superior or inferior since we've seen tons of armor from X while we've only seen the starter armor of 2.
>ignoring the character models in the image
They're faced away and they're further away than the close-up image of Rex you posted
>Ignoring that Elma looks better
Her design is better. Doesn't change that her model is ass.
Ignoring Xenogears since it doesn't have 3D models, the best models in the Xeno series are as follows
Xenosaga III > Xenoblade 2 (so far) > Xenosaga II > Xenoblade Chronicles X > Xenosaga I > Xenoblade Chronicles
The character models aren't even that bad
Yeah it's fucking mystifying why its so much worse then the last games, almost feel like this game being made by a side team.
Are you blind
Xenoblade2 characters models are way better than x
kill yourself
>You can't say Xenoblade 2's armor is superior or inferior since we've seen tons of armor from X while we've only seen the starter armor of 2.
There are no armors in XB2. Character appearance predetermined in inventory by 2D art instead of full 3D models like in previous games.
>Doubting based monolith soft
I'll fucking make you apologize to Rex when the time comes just you wait
So much worse, really? Just take a look for yourself, in fact I think they are better than X's and XC's washed out colours
If I play this I think I'll be laughing the whole way through. Because his VA is a damn english Northener.
>There are no armors in XB2.
Citation needed.
>Character appearance predetermined in inventory by 2D art instead of full 3D models like in previous games.
2D art in Xenoblade still depicted Shulk with his red overdesigned Rex-tier vest.