I wanna get into MonHun for MHW next year but I no longer own a 3ds. I just remembered my Wii U I bought way back when...

I wanna get into MonHun for MHW next year but I no longer own a 3ds. I just remembered my Wii U I bought way back when. And with a free copy of Monster Hunter 3U. Is it worth playing through still?


yeah, it's probably the best modern monhun as far as controls and performance goes.
it doesn't have a lot of new stuff like styles and arts or whatever the fuck, or climbing, but that shit seems kinda gay anyways

Thanks dood, Ian downloading it now. Even if not worth it it's a pretty tiny download anyways

We shall see


Hope the download continues while I'm playing the VC version of Xenoblade

3U is garbage
get toukiden instead

climbing and arts/styles are definitely improvements on the formula, but 3U is still fantastic in it's own right and has the best endgame between it and the later games. I really hope GQ's and Relic gear don't make a comeback in World (they were only in 4U).

yeah. it's fun. it was my first mh game as well. i never played online, just solo.

Man. Good memories. The only gripe for me was the emphasis of underwater combat. Don't get me wrong, it was handled quite well but I had a hard time maximising my damage there. Just a personal thing, and I hate underwater stuff regardless of the game anyway

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate is arguably the best in the series, DESPITE garbage underwater combat.

But every installment in the series has some kind of shit like this, and if i had to choose between Apex Monsters, Deviant grind shit and Underwater fights i'd take underwater any day.

Also just the fact that you can play it with 2 actual fucking analog sticks on the Wii U

>New game for a franchise you're interested in it coming out
>You just so happen to have one of the older games you've never played
It's like a sign or something. Also if you got some buddies with the game I suggest you give the multiplayer a try

How is MH Generations bros?

I played like 5 hours of MH4U before I stopped, I was so burnt out from all the previous 3DS games + P3rd

Toukiden is just a monhun for casuals, it's not even challenging or has any depth.

Worse than MH4U, MH4U is the best MH of all time

What's so bad about it

Don't start with 3, you'll immediately become frustrated with its seemingly endless slog of tutorial bullshit and how long it takes to get into hunts proper.

If you were burnt out with MH4U, MHG will put you in a coma.

Do you really need a New 3DS for MH4U ? I have a XL, how's the control without the second stick ?

>MH4U is the best MH of all time


>I need to own 5 different consoles to play a series
Yeah, nah.

the controls are okay, although there is real benefit from having that camera control on the stick.

The main benefit of the N3DS is that the framerate increases and stabilises slightly.

I miss 3rd gen.
The servers are probably going to die soon.
Fourth gen was such a gimmicky, unbalanced disappointment, hunter arts and deviant/apex bullshit. Plus cliffs fucking everywhere and so much long climbing, such a bitch in 4U with all the delivery quests. And out of place weapons like the charge blade.

Yeah ok thanks.

Is the framerate really shitty on the average 3DS ?

3U is god tier, I'd even put it above 4U because of the better story, village, guild girl, music and so on.

Also it's on the WiiU which means you can play it on the TV with a real controller.

Play it.

>better story

Yeah, I liked the twist.

You heard me.

>hey hunter go kill this thing terrorizing our village
>nice job you killed him, oh wait it wasnt him lol
>good job you killed the thing that was really terrorizing our village
Don't get me wrong, Monster Hunter games don't have good stories in the first place, but how was 3U's story better than 4U's?

3U is great might as well pick it up
I think about that game often
Water battles suck
Honestly you should find a discord full of people who still play it

You can play all MH games solo
Hell, western 3DS players didn't even have online play yet in it unless they bought a WiiU.

At which point you might as well play the WiiU version because it's infinitely superior.

last time i tried online i three carted the team. Don't be like me. I felt bad bros.

Should I play Freedom, Unite, 3rd, 3U, 4U and Gen to play them all?

it sits at 30 but there are moments where it dips to 20-25, particularly when you have multiple monsters around.

The N3DS raises the max to around 45 and it still dips, but way less severely.

>arts/styles are definitely improvements on the formula
End yourself you casual pleb

All of them.
At the same time.

Freedom Unite, 3U, then 4U.

Each of these games are the 'ultimate' form for their respective generation.
Though I really liked MHP3rd, but no point in that due to MH3U (though MHP3rd does have Tigrex in it).

Its casual as shit

3rd gen MH was the comfiest to me. Simple combat with no "extreme" stuff like climbing and hunter arts. No ledges to fuck you over. Weapons are decently balanced and G-rank is probably one of the most generous one so far. I solo'd through it so I can tell.

That being said, underwater combat is interesting, but poorly executed. And Styles aren't a bad concept either for beginners.

I see, thanks user.


>Get bored and try playing FU and P3rd at the same time with two PPSSPP windows running
>It works
>Even manage to complete a hunt at nearly the same time for both of them
>Suddenly realize the confirm/cancel buttons on them are swapped
>The madness of trying to navigate the reward screen properly

I remember when I first got MHFU, I started the series with Tri.
The hitboxes and mechanics were kind of clunky, but the game blew my mind with how much content it had.

I wish I could go back in time and experience Tri and MHFU for the first time again.

I very much miss the feeling of finally overcoming a monster that had been walling your progress for days.
I still find some monsters that give it time to time, but I have to search pretty hard for one to give me that much trouble.

I can't take you seriously when you unironically use outdated slang. You should've said shitter. You not saying that seems awfully suspicious, and more importantly challenges your authority to call him that.

Reminder that MHW is not a mainline game. It's a spin off.
People clinging to false hope because of the dengeki article and a shit translation.

I had my QT3.14 Japanese wife translate it and she said there is no mention of Monster Hunter 5 or it even started off as Monster Hunter 5.

Freedom Unite was my first MH game, played at glorious 1080p with a comfy controller via PPSSPP. It was all downhill from there with years of 240p cramped hand 3DS games.

at least we're getting MHXX Switch in english r-right guys?

Get a trip so I can filter you.

A good chunk of us played MHFU on the actual PSP.
Those were the halcyon days of Monster Hunter. The ancient days of the claw.

>currently emulating and playing Tri
>it's my first MH
Is it a good game? should I play a different one?

Its the first game of the 3rd gen, so there isn't nearly as much content as the last re-release of 3rd gen

Play Generations, it has Nargacuga

>more options is worse
The worst part of gen is all of the meaningless gathering, and the general lack of a coherent story. You're not making any memorable relationships with the characters of bherna village because they want to jack off the nostalgiafags

Can someome explain to me what was Monster Hunter Online and why noone plays it? Why did it bomb?

Japan only

Made by chinese and chinese-only, i don't know if it ever make it to japan or not.

What exactly are the hunter styles

>not a mainline game
>made by the main monster hunter team
keep telling yourself that Ninten-drone. Having loyalty to a single brand is fucking retarded.

Bro,just wait for mhw or you'll get burnt out on this genre

There's 0 story to catch up on, and the mechanics are sure to be differenr

No G-rank

>Get the article translated by an actual Japanese
>Doesn't say MH5 or Mainline
>k-k-keep telling yourself t-that!

Dumbass. Japanese don't give a shit for this drivel. They want MH on Switch.

This whole mainline-spinoff debate is retarded. "Spinoff" has become nothing more than a cheap insult to attempt to discredit something you don't like.
Games like Poka Poka Airu and Stories are spin-offs.
Generations and World are both full-blooded Monster Hunter games.
Deal with it.

When people are calling them spin offs they're saying that this isn't the next progression of the series, its just a one off gimmicky type thing. Generations is a spin off because the main thing they added was styles and arts, which as far as we know are not returning in future games. World might be a spin off if after this we go back to regular monster hunter games like 4u.

So by your logic 3U was a spinoff because the main thing it added was swimming and that never returned.