This is legitimately the best MMO i've played in a long time

This is legitimately the best MMO i've played in a long time.

No subscription model, simply pay for expansions so you don't feel pressured to play every single day but there is still an incentive to because of daily quests and login rewards. Giant PvP server battles at max level, level downscaling scaling so you can play with your friends on your main while they're a noobie. Multiple weapon combinations like sword main hand/axe off hand which result in different combos and skill strings.

And the best part of all is the community, controls and world events that bring everyone together to kill raid bosses that spawn across the world on timers.

This game is fucking great, the world is beautiful and immediately immerses you. I spent the better part of 3 days just wandering and doing world events because they were just that fun.

>shilling this hard
enjoy your .01 cents for this post

This post was almost as boring to read as playing GW2, almost.

Ever played GW1?
that was a good "mmo"

This is now a Guild Wars 1 thread
>favorite campaign?
>favorite zone?
>best skill icon?
>favorite class?

Game sucks, I only play it for the people I play with. I refuse to give anet money in any capacity after getting burned when it was released

>daily quests and login rewards

fuck off tranny shill

>get every single spells you'll use in the next hundreds of hours after 10 minutes of grinding
no, once you hit level 3, you've done pretty much everything

Guild Wars 2 or Elder Scrolls Online?

>implying arena net pay people to shill

>favorite campaign?
>favorite zone?
cant remember zone but made mad plat selling althea's ashes way, way back in the day as well as droks runs
>best skill icon?
spinal shivers
>favorite class?
mo/? 55/105

this is objectively the best MMO of all time because i got a full refund for it after playing it for 2 weeks right after it came out, no questions asked

Factions, but I think NF is objectively better
Assassin, literally the most versatile class

In all seriousness fucking kill yourself.

After only playing GW2, I'd say go for ESO.

Prophecies, might be nostalgia though
New Ascalon, again same thing, but also because of how much I liked revisiting these zones after hardmode released and subsequently getting my asshole widened
Pic related because it perfectly describes my mood when thinkgen about gw1
Ranger, Beast Master in particular

No its not. Even SWTOR was better, more intetesting.

ESO is turning into pure unadulterated greed. i dropped it. pre'd marrowind and didn't even play it because they wouldn't gice a character slot, those cheap jew fucks.

So old people thread?
Get on with the times.

>Get on with the times.
You can't make me.

t. retard who'll never EVER experience the joy of playing a good MMO

oh user, i bought into gw2. it carries the name and that's it. gw2 is now WoW lite. all weaps and armors are made in the thinking that the userbase is 12 and homosex. cant even configure the UI. it's just a shit cash shop game now with insider trading.

Wow thats some heavy handed shilling right there.

You will never be an actual female no matter how many times they mutilate your penis, now fuck off with your shit thread and go let Kike O'brien pry your fake vagina wound open.

>all weaps and armors are made in the thinking that the userbase is 12 and homosex
holy shit, this is so accurate

Solid game to chill in the evening.

1. the community doesnt come together for shit because everything is on ezmode farm

2. There are only 1 or MAYBE 2 weapon combos per class. Everything else is non-meta shit and you will be excluded.

3. Zerk armor

Give me a proper GW2 and I will gladly

I've wasted 4 years of my life in GW2 and even I came to this thread entirely and purely to tell yourself to please jump down a cliff with all of this entirely made up bullshit. That is just how disgusting your post was.

>55 monk

the only reason I didn't delete it because my friends need me in our small guild to do raids
one of the biggest disappointments for me, I wanted it to be good, but it's too boring and not in the 'good' grindy way, for me at least

Good for you, for me its is legitimately the worst MMO I ever played even behind SWTOR. I got bored within 2 week and never touched it again.

Play it for a week, then come back and tell us how "great" it is.
Shit gets real boring, real fucking quick. If you think the bad parts are bad at a low level, just wait until you see what its like at a high level.

>lol endless jumping puzzle just to get back to where you died
>lol jump jump jump while fighting and moving becaus quicksand
>lol you have to do this for 438752934759347589437592743875 hours to get 1 chance to get an item that will give you a a chance to get something that maybe might be useful
>all armor in game looks like shit pls buy better stuff off cash shop

No fucking thanks.

Charr are the only good thing to come out of this game

>no class specific roles
>everyone can do the same thing



I genuinely enjoyed exploring the world in GW2 and I also found the WvW stuff to be fun. Everything else was pretty lackluster though. Never bothered buying the expansion and I stopped playing just before it came out.