Sonic Mania thread.
What levels that you guys really want but absolutely won't make the cut?
Egg Rocket zone for me, I fucking love the song and aesthetics.
Sonic Mania thread.
What levels that you guys really want but absolutely won't make the cut?
Egg Rocket zone for me, I fucking love the song and aesthetics.
Other urls found in this thread:
I was as many new stages as possible
I want more new stages.
How about something like downed Death Egg? That's pretty much a new stage, even if it is reusing a theme.
Chaos Angel
Pick your stage.
Jeff: So there’s a boss fight in there where you fuckin’ play Mean Bean Machine. Where you play Dr. Robotnik’s Mean Bean Machine. It just– it just erupts in to that. And you’re just like, “fuckin’ WHAT?”
Always really liked the marble zone.
tfw have to god damn wait to see this fucking level
Bridge Zone from Sonic 1 (8-bit) & a Knuckles' Chaotix stage but have the level design have almost no resemblance to the original.
Out of this list:
>Sonic 1
Spring Yard or Star Light
>Sonic 2
Mystic Cave or Aquatic Ruin
>Sonic 3
>Sonic & Knuckles
Lava Reef
>Sonic CD
Quartz Quadrant
I keep seeing this posted and it's making it so fucking tempted to read the spoiler. Thanks again for spoilering it I mean but fuck is the temptation to look killing me.
based tee lopes, music is god tier
That stage is giving me a Egg Garden vibe.
Spring Yard
Mystic Cave
Ice Cap
Lava Reef
Other were used in Generations and i want ones that haven't really been remixed already.
I really want Stardust Speedway to be an endgame stage with 3 acts and depending on how many Emeralds you have the third act will be a good future if you have all of them or the bad future if you don't.
Was browsing the old thread at work. Everyone that shat on Marble Garden is a fucking pleb.
If we don't get Starlight zone/Springyard zone with tee lopes versions of the songs, all is lost.
Clean Chemical 2 rip.
Bets on peeps. People say It'll lead to Labyrinth zone, I think it is going to lead to Hydro city.
Marble Garden isn't amazing but I'll never understand why people dislike it as much as they do, it's a fine zone, not the best but surely not bad.
Perfect timing, I just updated this.
Your list is perfect. I could see Spring Yard and Mystic Cave working really well.
I want a 2 player stage from S3&K, maybe Chrome Gadget zone
It fucking sucks.
Labyrinth is the only one out of the two that would make any sense.
Okay so listening to CD's soundtrack again, it is a little god tier. 1:08
If we have to have to have more classic stages I want them to be ones we don't see often. I'd prefer more new stages though
based user, thanks bro
CD jp is the best soundtrack and that's one of the best in the whole game.
Labyrinth was originally the second level in sonic 1, if they don't make the stage hard this time it can happen.
No love for Marble Zone?
It'll probably be Labyrinth but I sure as hope it isn't, Hydrocity is just so much more fun to me, Labyrinth is a bit dull.
Is this referring to the green hill boss?
Trust me, you don't want to spoil that, I wish I restrained myself.
>going to lead to Hydro city.
If it does not only they lied to us by saying that there was a reason to visit the old zones, but they are actually retconning the previous games by putting everything in the same island.
I doubt that will happen, it's going to be a new zone. It's the start of the game, they gotta show something new too after GHZ.
I loved it personally.
When your fans make a better game than you.
>tee's version of this
you just know it'll be god tier
The "creators" look and sound like fags but, it's fucking sonic so I can't expect much from any of it. Going to pirate it anyway.
Taxman looks (and sounds) rad, you shut your mouth.
Starlight zone
I'll buy an extra copy just for you, user.
No self-respecting dev gives a shit if their game gets called a fan game. It's SONIC user, it will always be autism.
I like how the music of that stage is upbeat but at the same time really atmospheric so you never get tired of hearing it.
So how is the best way of replaying the series leading up to Mania?
How easy is it to emulate the mobile ports? Never really tried that.
Really makes actually think about what the hell is Sonic Team thinking. Let's just wait until the review scores of both games come out and hopefully I will have something to laugh about.
Just play Sonic 1, 2 and 3 + S+K, CD. Ignore the rest.
I posted this in the previous Mania thread, so I'll just say it again.
Went to E3 this year, specifically wanted to try out Mania, and in -every- piece of footage they've shown online, nobody is properly showing off how insanely good the drop dash is. That small feature changes the entire way the game is played and changes 2d sonic completely, you can just keep your momentum going and it just feels too fucking good, it's actually gotta go fast, but done properly. As I said before, just wait until the fucking speedrunners get hold of this game, it is going to be fucking majestic to watch them autism the fuck out and try to perfect routes with the drop dash. When you use it once, it's just so obvious and you have no idea why it wasn't added before, it's perfect.
also there is a option in the menu to change the filter of the screen, so you can have it normal and really colourful and bright and no youtube video shows off HOW good it looks on a 1080p screen, or you can turn this filter on which goes full nostalgia, and puts like a old school CRT filter on the game and it is GODtier
>2 more months
Slightly less than that but still.
Daily reminder that if you want new zones, buy this game, so sega sees there is demand for it, and when they give whitehead the go ahead for Mania 2, they let him go all fucking out and we get the maddest sonic game to ever exist.
i hope the bonus stage is from Sonic 2
it was the best
>No physical copy
Been replaying all the Genesis Sonic games recently. I love just how much they hold up.
S3&K is by far the best though. Waiting for Mania has been so damn hard. Only like 7/8 weeks more to go.
>Sonic CD remake
>allowed to include Tails as a playable character
>Taxman wanted to include a new stage and final boss (Desert Dazzle and Final Fever respectively)
>Sega said no
>Sonic 1 remake
>Sega allowed Taxman and Stealth to include Knuckles as a playable character along with Tails again+both get their own secret sections
>allowed to add a secret 7th Special Stage that lets you unlock Super Sonic
>Sonic 2 remake
>Taxman and Stealth were allowed to remake Hidden Palace with new level design, gimmicks, enemies and boss and add it to the game
>were not allowed to add Egg Gauntlet though
>Sonic Mania
>brand new game and not a remake like their last few projects
>allowed to create brand new levels, but not for the entire game
>had to include returning levels but were allowed to remix them (tame act 1s and more drastically changed act 2s)
You just know Mania's special stage is going to be a mind fuck
I figured this was the case from day one, but that's for confirming it. They have been really underselling the mechanic.
Really wish it wouldn't go away with shields though.
>m-muh half pipe
Go play literally every other Sonic game for that tired shit. Also that's a Special Stage, not a Bonus one.
Oof, that's gotta hurt.
I hope it isn't extremely bad, the half-pipe is so over done and it's a autoscroller essentially. I hope they create something brand new & original personally, also give it 3D models that look like they're from Sonic Jam or something, now that'd be sexy.
>Sonic Mania 2
>entirely new Sonic game with no old levels, all brand new levels with brand new music and bosses
>most insane bosses the franchise has ever seen
>New original character made by Whitehead, and is playable
I want different old zones in Mania 2 alongside newer ones, giving a chance for less popular ones like Azure Lake and Lava Reef to shine.
I for one love the fact that they are revisiting and remixing some of my favorite levels in any video game.
>New original character made by Whitehead, and is playable
Please no. Now having the Chaotix, Amy or maybe even Fang would be interesting.
Almost a year. So close.
I love how people keep saying that they are a rehash, when they have made Green Hill Zone act 1/2, specifically 2, glorious and added so many new routes which flesh out everything and are just amazing.
Myabe when they remaster Sonic CD's levels they can actually make them well designed CALM DOWN YOU FUCKS CD'S MUSIC IS GOD TIER BUT THE LEVEL DESIGN IS SHIT, YOU KNOW IT.
Still don't get why SoE isn't offering a CE for PC.
>Chrome Gadget
>Balloon Park
>Endless Mine
If any of these ever get a full zone, I'll cream everywhere. Specially Chrome Gadget.
Hopefully this game is the beginning of the end for 3D Sonic, modern and boom. I really don't want to see anybody but Sonic,Tails and Knuckles ever again, no offense to Amyfags but she's just as terrible as the newer friends
Forces is doing everything wrong and I can't imagine how much worse it can get from what I've seen at E3
old school amy, CD one, is god tier. she has every right to join the trio.
modern sonic looks funish, classic sonic looks.. okay
but I honestly, have no idea what the FUCK is going on in the OC avatar gameplay, it looks like some ps2 designed shit that was thrown together in a week
>reach endgame of Mania
>have defeated all hard boiled heavies already
>collected all the emeralds
>defeat a huge robot from eggman in one of his bases
>after he escapes, a giant ring opens next to the animal capsule, even though the way to access special stages were ala 3K
>Special Stage Zone
>contains elements from every classic game special zone in a platforming level
>[spoilermusic is the funkiest shit since Sonic CD
How hard would you be?
I'd love to see how they'd pull something like that off.
Try to go after the past machines next time you play CD and trust me, you'll appreciate it more. I used to hate it too.
Nope. Better than 1's tedious shit and 2's auto coasters. I swear people would like CD more if going after the generators was actually worth anything. Sounds like you need to calm down with the caps buddy. Little apprehensive there.
How,user? Take off the rose colored glasses, she's the exact same character she's always been, A useless Sonic obsessed girl. She only exists because Sega needed to be PC and try to rope in girl gamers.
Modern Sonic controls better but it's clear from the way the levels are designed that instead of fixing the boost heavy paths, they just threw random spikes in places to make you stop using it.
I want full focus to go on the 2D classic Sonic games also, user, but they still have a fanbase, they shouldn't just fuck them over like that. Sega better deliver on us getting more like this though. Also classic Amy is fine, she wasn't annoying like how modern Amy is and had more a cute childish charm & crush on Sonic which I felt was fine, that being said though they shouldn't ever really give her much focus.
I forgot, are we getting special stages? all of them were so fun
Interview with the devs:
>no offense to Amyfags but she's just as terrible as the newer friends
Amy has good gameplay though, she was really fun to play in Advance. Moreover you people screaming "MUH CHARACTERS" contributed to the problem of the modern games. There is nothing wrong with more characters, the problem is when they are intrusive and play like shit. For example. Big was terrible but Blaze was fine.
Full realized Azure Lake please. Need more of those remixes in my life.
I'd be ok with that.
Yes we are. They just aren't revealing them at all until they actually release it and people find out themselves.
A lot of stuff is gonna be like that according to them.
Yes we are, but we don't know what they are yet, all we know is that they aren't Blue Spheres again and you'll find them hidden in Special Stage rings ala Sonic 3 & Knuckles (look at the webm for an example) and read
We're getting both Special and Bonus stages.
>Amy is fine, she wasn't annoying like how modern Amy is and had more a cute childish charm & crush on Sonic which I felt was fine, that being said though they shouldn't ever really give her much focus.
So basically because classic amy is your waifu you ignore everything else, fuck off. Being from the old era doesn't excuse how useless she was, she doesn't deserve to continue existing in actually good sonic games, people like you are a cancer on this fanbase. Go to Forces if you want your shitty waifu, the rest of us will be here playing actually good sonic games for once.
please tell me we're at least getting the half pipe and rotating ones.
No one knows except the devs.
>There is nothing wrong with more characters, the problem is when they are intrusive and play like shit. For example. Big was terrible but Blaze was fine.
rong. Just so terribly wrong.
I can't believe how hard you twisted that post to support your shitty argument.
Amy was fine until she was given a voice.
There was nothing wrong with Blaze, m8.
I've always wished somebody made a level based on some of the Sonic Spinball Zones.
How so?
Calm the fuck down, user, I just said she wasn't bad & was cute. She seriously isn't an issue in the older games, you know how she wasn't? Because she was barely there & was generally silent besides from a quick yelp in Collision Chaos. She's not obnoxious in CD since she's only there with slight visual story telling and in games like Sonic the Fighters, Sonic R and Sonic Drift 2 she was just there being fine & completely harmless. She wasn't being obnoxious & being the worst possible thing like you're making her out to be. It doesn't matter that much to me, it isn't vital for her to stay to me but I wouldn't be against her inclusion either.
Fucking waifufags
What part of "She's useless" do you not understand? She's not a contributor, she's not capable of fighting Eggman, she doesn't have a massive fanbase, she has no place here
Once again, you ignore logic for your penis, shut up,user.