Post a more perfect woman in all of vidya.
Go on, I'll wait.
Post a more perfect woman in all of vidya.
Go on, I'll wait.
I love Reisen!
Mercy is literally a tranny
A poor man's Rosalina.
>Being this mad because you're waifu a shit
still the same shit
she's not even a top 5 woman in her game you retard
You may not like it, but this is what this is what peak performance looks like.
>Is OP in game with no counter
Well, you're a little TOO right, op.
Is Mercy a pornstar in canon?
underdesigned trashy peach clone
overdesigned kawaii ugu anime shit
good taste
furfag but also pedo
Zelda, specifically BotW but I don't want to post a picture of her in this western cuck trash thread.
You lose, OP.
Fuuka is my perfect little angel!
how is ying overdesigned but chunli good taste fucking end yourself
Lmaoing @ your life
shit tier taste in vidya and shit tier taste in waifus go hand in hand nowadays it seems
That was easy.
>he is so far up blizzards ass he can't admit when they've been rightfully outwaifued and out game'd
hello kripparian
Witch Mercy is better
>has to attack me personally instead of staying on subject
this site is 18+ my friend, reddit is that way
Not even the best girl in the series.
Even with the unreadable low-res quality I'm being inundated with autism.
Also Roadhog is from New Zealand, and that skin is clearly Mauri.
But redpillcucks are clearly the experts in history, culture and genetics.
>Mercy is literally a tranny
I know. Thats part of what makes her so great.
Stop being a phone manchild?
Who cares if the skin is Maori? It turns another white character brown which is the only point of the picture.
>defending his fucking shit game with babby skill floor and propaganda to the brim
No place for you in heaven, trust me.
My, you're desperate to be a snowflake, aren't you?
You don't understand, they made Genji look like ninja Morgan Freeman on purpose. It's a conspiracy!
It's not really a conspiracy anymore since pretty much all developers are admitting their agenda at this point.
I can't
I want to be Mercy
>doesn't constantly fuck herself over like Tyrande does
How is she not perfect?
I only defend myself after you attack the clearly superior girl and clearly superior game
neogaf is over there
My waifu. Not gonna post her though because you are unworthy.
Probably another weeb trash with pink hair.
No, they made him a Beduine per accident. And there totally aren't cooler outfits they could have come up with.
>that image
isn't that what you all think jews are trying to do to the proud white race :^)
All women are demons sent by satan to steal seed. They are the true enemy of man and must be avoided at all cost, don't let them decieve you.
Don't project your shit tastes onto me you subhuman.
I'm not sure what your point is.
Play your low skill ceiling shit games all you want, though.
>ugu kwaiii desune~~ :3 ^^ face
>peace signs
>Elf ears xD elves are cute!
>Also she has diamonds! diamond necklace!
>And a magical scrooooool she uses to cast magic xD
>but what if we also tune down on the diamonds and wrap her entire body in bandages XD WOW AMAZING IDEA FRANK
>but wait she is also a princess! so give her a crown
>but not any crown, a circular silver crown
>but she is also sporty! a sporty princess! so give her a ponytail XD AMAZING DESING FRANKO YOU GET A RAISE
>But what if the magic scroll is not a magic scroll but a science scroll
>WOw frank take my raise as well holy shit you are amazing at this
Get the FUCK out of here
nice wall of text cuck
I'll take this W
young Ana.
>I'm not sure what your point is
the fact that you redpillcucks are professional victims and you could equally try to spin that image to be about ((((((((tH3m)))))))))) enslaving the PROUD WHITE RACE
also the entire point of overwatch in the game was to stop the omnic uprising and there are characters like Zarya that are Sup Forumstier anti-omnic openly in the game, except the games also pretty clear they have good reasons to feel that way
but oh no, someone from new zealand has a tan when he's dressed like a native living tropical parts of the pacific, muh culure
okay now i'll wait
Can someone please post a picture of Peri from Fire Emblem Fates? I don't have a picture but, I'd like to contribute.
>ywn be in a happy relationship with a generic human farm girl, only to be taken away by a thousand year old Night Elf to be her slave for a while...and a while to a Night Elf means the rest of your life for a human.
Use Google you technological illiterate.
The queen and king combined
Kanny is my wife!
Objectively the most perfect woman ever envisioned by man
Her and Clair are the best
Mercy is my mommy gf!
>jewish propaganda
>no jews
>Heroes never die
>for a price
Mercy is not even the best woman in her own game. Anyway, you make this too easy.