Red pill me on this game, Sup Forums? It's on sale at Best Buy for $40

Red pill me on this game, Sup Forums? It's on sale at Best Buy for $40.
Is it worth getting at this point?
What games does it compare to, TF2?

You could've bought it digitally for $20 a few days ago.

It's an fps for casuals

characters with stuns and insta-kills. If that appeals to you, go right ahead and buy it

shut up idiot

how blatant can you make it that you never played it?

it's a team based FPS, much like TF2. but it's a "current gen" version of TF2, if you will. plays fluently and it's super easy to get into, theres a character for most every playstyle.

just stay clear from competitive, it's about as cancerous as a multiplayer game can get.

also, if you are buying it on PC, you can get it for $20 on sale or $30 on key selling sites.

Fun casual game to sink some hours into.

Paladins is free and better.

Good game to play with friends if you have any.
Its also ok to play it solo for a while but gets boring after a while.
Stay away from competitive play becouse the community is absolute dogshit trying to suck any fun out of it.

It's trash. Spend your money on something else.

It's alright.
The fanbase is cancer.
Quickplay is pointless.
Ranked is a joke.
Play it with friends.

It's fun, Specially if you have people to play with.
The ranking system is shit though.

dont do need litrally 100$ in micro transactions too be palyable

>Has infinite ammo, wallhacks and aimbot as game feature
>marketed for younger audience according to trailers
>bloated hitbox
>Press Q to win
>Unbalanced gameplay
>Baits people with waifus then bans its porn
>no language and gore
>cartoonish graphics

This game is literally FPS for kids

It's certainly not worth its money and not for you if you like skill based games, but if you don't care about money and just want to crack open a cold one and play something mindless and dumb I guess you could buy it. Also lots of SFM porn, though I think design of most characters is quite bland.

>that image
Kill yourself nigger

also this

You'll eventually get most cosmetics by just playing the game.
Unless you count limited time event ones. You should save your in-game currency for those, most limited time skins cost 3000.

The game was $40 at release. If you are going to wait this long for a sale, you should wait until it is actually cheaper.

Muh CoD

>press Q to win when its so easy to counter ults
lol ok

>Paladins is free
>and better.
No. Battleborn is better than Paladins.

It was 50% discounted on anniversary you fucking faggot.

sure bro, keep justifying your purchase.

>Red pill me on this game

I want Sup Forums to leave...

battleborn is better then overwatch AND paladins and it went free-to-play just a few days ago

>on sale
>for full price

We did it Randy, we made gaming badass again!
You're not wrong, though.

good one

I agree, Randy

it's a well-polished fps
but it's very shallow, and you'll probably be bored of it after a month

Only the characters are good.

Poor balance, horrible teammates and terrable ranking system.

Is a FPS for people who don't like FPS. Do you like FPS?

It's not worth it unless you actually have people you know for a fact will play with you.

Don't bother if you have no friends that will play with you.

Just save your money. It's TRULY not worth it.

>What games does it compare to?
ever heard of Soggy Biscuit?

overwatch competitive might be the worst possible experience you can have in gaming. it's actually worth getting into just so you can say you've done it

Sorry but no. Nothing will ever be as awful as Left 4 Dead online modes and the assorted autism modes on GMOD.

Overwatch is really fucking trash, but it's not the worst experience you can have online.That is a clear and provably wrong statement to make.

the assfaggots version of fps
fanbase is cancer

What's the best online fps of all times?

How to cheat legal in Overwatch's competitive mode:
>main one hero and only one (be a one trick)
The rating you get for your games depends on how you perform with your hero. If you main a hero you get a much better rating, because you can archive much more than with other heroes.
>never rage quit just disable all communications and play how you want
Most people are retarded in Overwatch so the communication is useless anyway. You only get insulted and that's it. If you don't get your main just switch to a hero you enjoy and play how you want. But DON'T say you are throwing. Also don't make shit like placing a teleport right before a cliff. If you just play a hero without saying you are throwing and without real evidence of you throwing nothing will happen against you.
>don't insult other people
Sure if you want to get banned then do it, but insulting other people gets you banned real fast.
>play Soldier 76 if you have good aim
Soldier 76 is an easy way to farm a good rating in competitive if you can aim. He is boring, but extremely rewarding.
>play Symmetra or Junkrat if you can't aim
in lower tiers Symmetra is as good as unkillable and Junkrat can just attack in a safe spot.
>don't play a tank
A tank needs coordination. In solo q you won't find this. And Roadhog is a walking ult station for the enemy team. Sure you can win games, but Soldier 76 is always the better option.
>Mercy mains are extremely luck based
Mercy is the easiest hero to climb the ranking system IF you team is good. But most likely your Hanzo can't hit shit and your team won't die on point for the big rez. As Mercy player you are LITERALLY the "I can't do shit carry me" hero. If you are a Mercy main and another has picked Mercy faster than you, throw the game with Sym without saying you are throwing. As a Sym you don't need aim as well, and even if you die a lot nobody can say that you are throwing because Sym needs to be close and this also means you are pretty much always dead.

>on sale
>for original price

>press q to win
>what is a dva lol

Gold pls go

They merged Roadhogs instakill strat, he can't one shot anymore

The only instakills anymore are ultimates and all of them give loud warnings and are easily avoidable