Hahahahaha.. oh shit. hahahaahahaha wait wait wait is that a black female airborne?

Hahahahaha.. oh shit. hahahaahahaha wait wait wait is that a black female airborne?

lol n*ggers haha

I hope they are not using real badges for this shit.

I would bang her so hard...

It's multiplayer, who cares

im not even jokin here

So, what are their justification for this?
Atleast DICE tried to justify with

>there were black people fighting WW1
>there were woman on some fronts


really tired of racists on Sup Forums who have a problem with unrealistic depictions of women and persons of color but have no issue with unrealistic depictions of technology or other aspects of these games.

After a black strings together a few kills do the cops show up like gta? How does it work? I mean, fiction can be anything.

You can customize and play as whatever you want.
It's multiplayer, who gives a fuck.

Women can be field medic or sniper, I don't see what's wrong with them on the battlefield if they're competent enough
This, play as a Chink shooting black should be fun

>if they're competent enough

You must be new here. Reddit is that way.

But they were, I recall that there were female Soviet snipers, they're uncommon though

so let's recap
>you can't play as nazi's in a game about WWII
>they scrubbed the Swastika to avoid offending anyone
>black soldiers in WWII
>female soldiers in WWII
>black female soldiers in WWII
>boxart plagiarism
>wolfenstein coming soon proving that you can put Nazis and KKK members in a game without giving a fuck about who you might trigger
>along with wolfenstein's last game that did reasonable well that also portrayed nazis
>not to mention all the other historical inaccuracies between guns used, camos used, the tank used
>Sledgehammer games claimed that this game would be historically accurate and that they did "research"
w e w l a d d y
They could have just said alt universe and called it a day, or it's a fictional WWII story.

>tired of racists
welcome to Sup Forums , get the fuck off nigger

you have autism sir

Flashbang her?

There were exactly zero women in the Airborne divisions that fought in Europe. There were exactly zero blacks in the Airborne divisions that fought in Europe. Zero. As in none. Not one.

We wuz kangs and shit

It's a shooty fantasy war game. Not a simulator.

Stop caring about the wrong things and making yourselves look like braying jackasses.

Are there only blacks in this game?

Are there any asians?

I want to play as asian female waffen ss soldier.

It would be extremely problematic and racist if they dont include asians.

They said it will be realistic and that they have done research

who gives a shit?

dumb kids..

>citation needed

it's just a game btw, you know that right kiddo?

It's inexcusable shit.

You can use a Kolibri as a weapon of war. It's not realistic.

It's a retarded thing to do to the game, boy. Saying "lol gaem" doesn't make it any better.

>We want to realistically portray WWII and all of its hardships, even areas that are deemed off limits
>But we censored the Nazi isignia
>Also you can be a black female Nazi

why? because women hate you?




Keep the white race pure!

I want to complain about this but realistically, there is not a chance I was ever buying this shit anyway.

Even so, does immersion count for nothing nowadays?


They only removed the swastika from multiplayer and zombies, it's still in the story mode.

>It's a game therefore historical accuracy is not important

Do you hate videogames user?

>battlefield game

Tumblr is that way, little girl.

Black troopers were not allowed to sign up for patratrooper service until pretty late in the war. And the first black paratrooper regiment, created for propaganda purposes, was given to the goddamn Forest Service and used as smoke jumpers. There are pictures of them if you want to go look (I'm sure you don't), and they didn't even bother giving them real equipment. It's a bunch of brothers out there with fucking old time football helmets.

Here's your citation: find me one instance of a black or female Airborne trooper serving in active duty in Europe during WW2. You will not find a single one, because there weren't any.

Who are you quoting?

>seeing a random black female multiplayer character for 5 seconds while you're playing cod really breaks your immersion.
Loooool, you don't give a shit about immersion if you're playing cod

Literally who cares its multiplayer

It's just multiplayer, it's not the revisionist boogeyman you wish it was

Racists care

I give a shit about immersion if I'm playing any military fps in a specific war. Then again I've not bought a COD since 2 and I'm clearly not their target market so fuck it, back to Rising Storm 2

>caring about the MP character models in a Call of Duty game.

You guys pretend to care about history and historical accuracy but this is the hill you chose to die on when there are far more important things going on. Embarrassing. And I'd bet money that none of you even voted last election (if you're old enough to vote).

Why does anyone care about completely bullshit portrayals of history in media that are part of an attempt to rewrite history to try to make western minorities feel more important? Gee, I don't know.

Probably all the people saying "It's absolutely retarded to have black female paratroopers in a WWII game."

I won't be buying it, and there's no amount of buzzwords you can regurgitate to make me think it's acceptable.

The fuck is this nigga on

Literally no one cares, OP. It's not revisionist history, it's a video game. Why do white males have to be so racist?

At this point, it should be an instant ban for even bringing this shit up.

WE FINNA WUZ SUM KINNA *smacks lips* *takes out phone and starts playing RnB* DIRTY DOZEN N SHIET?

I read that propaganda too.

Who cares. Normalfags will still eat this up. This is going to become the norm and your whining won't change anything.

>it's not revisionist history
>it's a video game
Pick two

>reduces range
has range ever been relevant in a call of duty game past mw2
the only map i remember where a sniper rifle could outrange assault rifles was wasteland and everything after that was designed so that assault rifles could never be out ranged

can you play as african russians?
>people will say we were russians and shit unironically because of this game

>projecting this hard
who pay you so much to defend this?

Alright. I'm not racist but these subhuman niggers have to stop getting forced in my videogames.

>story mode
who cares

>pointing out some cretin who is actually more successful than them


>boxart plagiarism
fuck off randy

What the fuck are you talking about? Nobody is expecting historical accuracy from a fucking multiplayer mode in a video game. You're talking like they went back in time in real life and injected a bunch of niggers into history.

This is like being upset Kancolle exists. Kill yourself my man


Is anyone on this board seriously going to buy a call of duty game in 2017? No.You and I both know why this thread was made.

Can you define the concept of "projecting" for me? Then explain how my post was projecting. I'll wait.


Read about Stalingrad battle faggot


LMAO Keep posting!!!! xDD

Can you play as a pure Aryan female nazi in the multiplayer?

>this game would be historically accurate and that they did "research"

You kill yourself you dumb faggot cuckold, CoD has already made World War Two games, the only reason anyone's wanting to buy this shit is literally just for better graphics IE, more realism, because there's nothing else difference about the old games. So no, see, you're fucking dumb as shit, and YOU should kill your self

i cant tell if this is a parody of Sup Forums humor or a sincere attempt at humor

This is the ultimate irony of the left. The response to any criticism is to demonize and try to silence the opposition. In turn, they are just as fascist as the ebil Nazis they like to use as a propoganda tool so much.

Kys you boring humorless butthurt lefty cuck faggot


Do you think people could force activision to patch out female and black soldiers if no one bought the game at all?
>petition to remove female and black soldiers
>every cod fan is on it
>launch is nearing
>no pre-orders at all
>game is ded on release day
If all that happened do you think activison would change the game or stick with their diversity, sales be damned?

Who cares?

Can I play as an alien? It's just multiplayer so it should be fine

They're more fascist by far, there is no convervatuve group going around bashing people's faces in for disagreeing with them or arresting them for hate crimes.

That's all leftists

I wouldn't mind, except all they do is "take something that wasn't broken, break it, and call you a racist mysoginistic nazi when you get mad at them for breaking shit."

im not any of those things. youre just gay and not funny

>cod fan
>caring about this at all

You don't understand this at all, do you? Nobody in this thread, including you, me and OP is buying this year's cod game. Cod fans don't five a shit if a MP character model is a black woman because why would they? How is this hard to understand?

>explain how my post was projecting
you're telling all of these anons who complain about historical accuracy are underage retards who didn't even vote for last election

>Is anyone on this board seriously going to buy a call of duty game in 2017?
actually I do, going back to ww2 was making me hype enough for those garand's PING.
and then they announce only make the game european theater only.
and then they showed in E3 there's no swastika in this game.
and then there are niggers everywhere running around in MOTHERFUCKING NAZI OUTFITS.

>video games getting so realistic
>graphics, guns, recoil, sound, animations
>everything looking so great and each title looking better than the last one
>so much attention to detail
>uniforms and guns given their proper respects

I'm not that guy

>hurr I'm not a cuck leftist I'm a middle ground fence sitter who's afraid to have an opinion

Kys yes you basically are

butthurte niggere

Depends how incompetent upper management is.

They might stick with their original WEWUZ plan, and then just blame the team for poor sales and fire them all.

Everyone is going to buy it, just like with bf1.
It's too late user, this is the future you chose.

>Is anyone on this board seriously going to buy a call of duty game in 2017?

Dude there's an active general for mass effect andromeda with hundreds of posts 24/7 on this site

What the fuck are you cuck faggots smoking

For me to be projecting I'd have to be both underage and didn't vote last election but I'm 22 and I did vote last election so you're wrong. Do you understand that?

And the fact that you were "hype" about a call of duty game is really fucking embarrassing. Where have you been for the past 8 years? Are you just getting into video games and Call of Duty? There are plenty of great WWII FPS games, play them instead.

Reminder saying the N word is a crime and could get you in prison.

Mods should ban all the Sup Forums white trash.

It's almost like CoD doesn't change with each iteration no matter where they go, with people just buying it because of the name at the point and they don't actually care for historical accuracy in a fucking call of duty game. Wow man thinking is so hard

good one dude that's my favorite buzzword

The directors at cod and bf have already proven to be giant pussies for doing what the SJWs want.
Based reggie and nintendo saying vidya isn't about politics but fun

Sup Forums is the board of peace, nigger.

Fuck off and kys cuck

Day of infamy is autismal trash and I couldn't be happier I refunded it

People are buying it solely for more realistic graphics you asspained fucktard

Why the fuck do they have no right to care about realism?

Shut the fuck up dumbass no one gives a shit what you irrelevant cucks think.


t. European

Enjoy becoming an authoritarian shithole and going to prison for speaking against your government and having cops roam your streets for the sole purpose of keeping jihadists from murdering groups of people even without guns, edgelord.

No black/brown people will be shown when it comes to representing the holocaust and warcrimes, mark my words.

But in multiplayer, sure lets go all out, we gotta have that diversity you know.

I just went to /vg/. The Mass Effect thread is a day old and has a little under 60 posters. I think you're conflating things. This site also has a board for my little pony. This website, in general, hates my little pony. This website, from what I understand and what should be true, also hates modern CoD. Mass Effect and CoD are irrelevant especially on Sup Forums where (I hope) most posters wised up to what CoD and other shit franchises are. Of course normies will buy it like said but nobody on this board will buy CoD. And if they do, they're probably a reddit cross-poster anyway.

Getting really tired of ironic shitposting
It's not even fun, just unedicated and predictable

I wonder how the Create a class system works this time