How is your computer holding out, Sup Forums?
How is your computer holding out, Sup Forums?
it's going to be 110f all this week
>mfw got AC
damn I should call now
>he doesn't have smart AC units that even regulate the humidity indoors to whatever % you want
k i n g
>during winter i can play crysis while loading 50 1080p 60fps videos on different windows just fine
>open paint during summer
>computer overheats and shuts down
it's fucking nothing u have 40c nearly all year i don't even use air con you faggots
>It shut down and it won't open up
what do?
>tfw bought a 600$ portable AC and it only cools my room
Kill me right now, why do people like summer? This and insects should make it the worst season yet it seems like normie love it
that u hobart?
>choosing to live outside 18 - 20c
>being so much of a poorfag you down own an AC
oh god Im fucking burning up here
I'm constantly Monitoring GPU+CPU Temps:
>GPU: 76C° Max (Overclocked GPU)
>CPU: 67C° Max
Factory Fan Speed
>why do people like summer
My computer is fine but I want to fucking kill myself
Literally me
Why is this place so fucking cold, this is Australia
>tfw CPU is cooler than room temp
Intelfags will never know this feel
because australia has lots of different climates
canberra is a valley surrounded by mountains
It's holding.
But, that heat has to go somewhere.
Honestly doing pretty good, could probably lower temps since I'm due for a dusting but I'll probably put it off for a few more weeks
Then again my AC is blasting and I'm drinking a coffee and wearing a hoodie despite the blazing heat outside so that helps I'm sure
I just upgraded from a 8320 to a r5 1600 feels pretty good mang.
R8 my temps
Planning to buy new CPU in September-October
Who /florida/ here?
>hot as shit but at least it's raining every day
Humid Air doesn't do good for PC user
>GPU 45C
>fan isnt even on
> Left Florida last week to go back to England.
> Hotter in England.
> No AC.
> Houses built specifically to trap heat inside them.
Speccy shows all 1080 as this I think.
Feels good
it randomly crashes every night when my broken headset reconnects and windows 10 displays/plays that audio notification for devices reconnecting while i'm trying to sleep.
orgies at the beach all season
come back home, still sweaty, up for sweaty sex
wake up in the middle of the night sweaty, go have sex with hot neighbor
Yeah I figured as much, I've had similar wrong reads with my r9 390x in various programs
Looking good
haha great one my man ;D
Weather is doing that for us, m8.
im sweating my balls off
>house is nice and air conditioned
>cpu temps great
>still have to leave my cave three times a day to walk my dog
I love my doggo and everything but fuck I hate having to leave my cold dark paradise and step into that bright sweltering hell crawling with normies everywhere
i can't wait for the terrible days of 40C when july hits
only fat fucks and retards dislike summer
the best part is truly when the season slowly changes into autum, best temperatures and shit at that time
I wish I had this feeling as well user, sadly Higher Refresh Rate Monitors cause the Memory Clocks bumps to the max, causing it to be heated. Its inaudible, still a bit annoying
It sucks when you have exams
im done tomorrow though so im looking forward to enjoying the heat
>retard brother thought dry ice could work as a cpu cooler
>took his stock cooler off, put a small piece of dry ice on it then started it up
>cpu literally cracked
>parents blame me cause i'm the tech guy and not paying attention to my brother even tho i don't live their any more
nothing is worse than a shitty family
Don't worry Senpai I got this.
>Mfw my Ultrawide Monitors heats more up than my actually PC
>It's a delightful 9c right now
>Get to wear two big jackets to reach max comfy state
Winter in Ausland is great. Getting to sleep underneath the covers is heaven, not sweating through the night is also great.
>tfw your cpu temp is cooler than the outside air temp
yeah I have to agree with that
I'm already done with them so it's all good
good luck to you my man
and they say global warming isnt real. Feel sorry for you eubros
Tell them to fuck off and stop being retards.
It's 28C
Literal hell
>tfw using the AC and accepting the doubled electricity bill
Sometimes, you have no choice but to be the goy
Because they go outside to the beach, have parties and knock each other up.
>walking your dog 3 times a day
you know it's hot for him, too, right?
I've got one of those roll around air conditioners that I break out in the summer months.
>two jackets
Is that a 1080ti?
How do you prevent GPU sag?
Count yourself lucky, 36c here in the midlands.
I used fishing lines before, but its not a 1080 ti, only a 1080. Great card
I'm Canadian so any weather that requires short sleeves is a nightmarish hellscape for me
Obviously in the summer two of her walks are in the early morning and evening when it's cooler, though, I know what I'm doing user, dogger's wellbeing is paramount
Meant this for you
i uninstalled speccy because i kept checking it
my pc has a window so i also look into it every 10 minutes to see if the cpu fan stopped
hard drive is failing after just a year. It's still under warranty but this fucking sucks
Only silver spooned 16yos that have a nice AC at papa and mama's house enjoy summer. Guy you responded to is right, there's literally nothing good about summer. Insects every fucking where, but you wouldnt know because you dont have your own place yet, getting in your car and it's 50 degrees inside, uncomfortable weather, etc.
In Montreal it's 36 with 67% humidity. There's no argument that would make that a good temperature. I don't live in fucking Louisiana, we didn't ask for this.
pretty comfy famalam
Are you still using fishing lines? Cause I have a 1080ti and it looks a little saggy. Nothing really noticeable, but it is aesthetics annoys me.
hey when i bump my computer it makes a grinding/buzzing noise like bbzzzbzbzbzbzbzgrrrrrbbxzzzbbzbbbxbxbxbzbzx
it stops when i hit it again
is this normal
SEARS is a dead company now. I have no idea how they still exist. Same with K Mart.
Dude, it's filled with bees
I'm on a shitty laptop with integrated graphics emulating PS1 games. You don't know my hell.
>mfw 42°C
>Cant play at all.
>My server and computers heat up the room even more
20c here, everything sucks.
there are hornets in there
She's a Husky Germany Shepard cross.
Basically just melts and stays inside during the summer. But, still take her out at least once.
She just swims around in the lake.
Nope not yet. I used Fishing Lines with my R9 390
I got this gpu a month ago, will redo the fishing line trick soon
>-40 in winter
>+40 in summer
in Texas
AC blasting
Feels good. Europs need to get on the AC train
cheers user
It's good to be a leaf aint it
Outside weather is at a perfect 26 and it's going to be staying relatively there all week so everything is pretty normal.
I live in a third world country and every apartment comes with an AC
It's a labtob and it feels like it's going to melt my desk.
the wussy govt, shitty exchange rate and 90% tax rate make up for it
>giving NEETS shit for still living with parents
>haha once you grow up and get a real job and get your own place, then you'll see
You make it sound so enticing, too.
This is hot and litty new meam
never before seen
I'm stuck in Hawaii for work. Thought I would get myself one of them fancy gaming laptops. Its pretty good. But its obvious it was designed first as a space heater, and it just so happens to be a computer as well.
HP Omen
IF anyone else has a PS4, does the fan get super fucking loud? Its in my cold basement but I still worry it's going to explode or something when I play Witcher 3
>live in shitty Southern US state
>seasons year-round are literally Summer with pollen, Summer, Summer with occasional rain and Summer with shorter days
You gotta clean that out regularly my dude. It's probably choking on lint and dust.
its very loud
Go smoke a cig, drink a 2L of coke and kys please
Should I pay someone to install liquid cooling or do it myself?
Yeah mine sounds like its about to take off sometimes, not even while playing graphic heavy games, loading screens seem to set it off mostly.
Like the other guy said you are sposed to clean it but the actual; design of the thing makes that stupidly difficult. Fucking nips having to make make everything compact and neat at the expense of performance.
10°C here but my computer is a bit dusty