So white "people" think that black women need representation in video games...

So white "people" think that black women need representation in video games, and then make every single one into a jive-talking 70's Jackie Brown wannabe.
Isn't this tasteless stereotyping more harmful than having no inclusion at all?

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The problem is not just depicting black women, but apparently "black hairstyles" as well.


Honestly I really do think its something they picked up during some school or something like a Dev event. Like how a ton of movies ran with blue and orange and now they are using a new color set.

Delicious browns are the miracle of the universe

Let's goooooo

"Hey Trevor, what does black women look like?"
"I don't know Josh, women don't talk to me. Just google it and use whatever images you see as inspiration."

>Just google it and use whatever images you see as inspiration.

Post more 'representation' pics!

Oh yea

Jackie Brown is the best Tarantino movie, though. Fight me.



I don't think so

Pisses me off more when they demand gays in.
Then put in the most stereotype of a gay person.
With a fucking pink shirt and a sweater with the arms tied around the neck.

Too late


Cute. More?

Oh shit

>tfw no choco gf

I lied, its not actually a girl


It's Blaxploitation without the leading male character.

While it's true the entire industry needs to change its main demographic, African American females are not going to start buying games in large quantities, which only makes one wonder if the entire effort was intentionally misplaced, to make it look like the industry "tried".

White "men" like you have no idea what the fuck they're talking about

God I hate Afros so fucking much.

You were just a bit too late

Do you mean Jackie Brown, Foxy Brown or Coffy?

Or do you just mean Pam Grier in her prime?

I'm not into browns but what the fuck this is beautigull

A wise man once said: "It's not gay if it's an elf"

Did i complain?

This is true

>So white "people" think that black women need representation in video games

I'm a "white people" I've never thought that.

I have never in my life thought a group needed "representation" in video games.

I never wanted race or gender politics or just politics in general in video games. Ever.

Guess I'm a racist huh? penis

>We want the ??? audience

gonna need some sauce on that

>3 black women with natural hair shown out of dozens of games
>it's blaxploitation!

Never change Sup Forums

I don't see the problem. Besides the afro being the best hair style for a black woman, video game developers have always sterotyped. Try and name one Mexican character that isn't a luchador or isn't wearing some sombreo+poncho or isn't a waling Dia de los Muertos reference?
Name one Italian character that doesn't speak in stereotypical fashion.
Name one Asian character, created by a non-Asian person that isn't a Ninja, Samurai, or Martial Arts Master?

Its because the people who exclaim the loudest about not being racist and usually the most racist.

It's classic overcompensating.

We already had this thread and it was pruned less than an hour ago because the Ns showed up and chimped out then the ashkenazis got offended when it was suggested that different games from different game publishers all featuring the same shit-stained cotton ball hair female monkey might not be a (((cohencidnece))) if you examine the names in the credits

Why do gays infest my board?

You don't understand. It's not about diversity or inclusion. It's about appeasing to like-minded white people who are equally as ignorant so they'll buy the game. If developer and consumer both form a misguided circlejerk of being the champions for black people (for making stereotypical blacks, or for buying games with stereotypical blacks) they all feel good and business is good.

They want to appear diverse for sales but don't actually know how black women look and act.

Man, the jews really must be incompetent to get found out by some retards from Sup Forums.


What is this from? Did they announce a new Pokemon Colosseum?

I URGENTLY need a source for this, google gives nothing, even when I tried taking a screenshot from the middle of the WebM

>Try and name one Mexican character

not everyone is as cynical as you

What about them, they are wonderful creatures

They dont deserve inclusion,
their very presence is complete disconnect,
vomitenducing token stereotypes,

please fucking die

I can tell you're a man of taste, however I'm struggling to find the source on Ex again

Here's another cute choco elf trap

Fuck off with your 3DPD baboons.

Sweet fucking jesus

God damn it post more cute mulattoes!

Fio Germi From metal slug
She also is best girl

I bet he randomly speaks "Spanglish" from time to time.

>examine the names in the credits

And by "examine" you mean cherry pick out names that fit your agenda and throw the rest of the names out.

I was riding the train home from a hard squat workout and my legs were jelly, i was also wearing thin shorts, well the train stopped abruptly and i fell ass first into a burly middle aged man's lap and he quickly grabbed my hips to help push me up but my legs were fried from squats and i couldnt get up right away so i bounced back on his lap and felt his thick man rod on my ass.

The feeling was so weird and spectacular at the same time, i finally managed to get up and i quietly said thanks, he then gave me a smile. The rest of the train ride back i dont know what happened to me but i kept staring at him and his crotch and i would look away if he caught me lookin. And i also kept catching myself licking my lips a lot and kinda sticking my butt out.

I dont know wut happened but i think this fuking possible phaggot mightve turned me gay. i think i caught the gay from him wtf im not gay i love women so as i was leaving the train i gave him an angry look and said phaggot under my breath and tried to hide my fully grown erention. ffs gay people shouldnt be allowed to be so burley and tempting to straight guys like me who just want to be normal.

It feels like an industry experiment to see just that. It doesn't help that they are portraying African American females in the worst possible stereotypes.

>African American females are not going to start buying games in large quantities, which only makes one wonder if the entire effort was intentionally misplaced, to make it look like the industry "tried".

Pretty much. Its essentially fetishization and virtue signaling.

Scratch that, here it is

>Name one Asian character, created by a non-Asian person that isn't a Ninja, Samurai, or Martial Arts Master?
Why are Asians bothered by this? Like, dude, your Homeland created disciplined fighting styles used around the world. That's something to be proud of.

What the fuck Sup Forums, stop supporting this blatant white genocide.

I think he got it pretty right. I don't know who they're trying to appeal to with that shit, but it ain't me or black women.

You're right, but because Sup Forums is just butthurt there's black women at all you're not right.

Asians aren't. Asian-Americans, on the other hand.