
Why does it feel like that every year that pass by since like 2007 both games and E3 has become shittier and shittier

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Because they are.
Your tastes are now solidified and it is hard to hit those lights again.

Because every year that passes by you grow a year older

Stupid frog shit

fighting games are good right now (except for capcom games)

I love Apu

Frogposting is the best kind of post.

projection, 100%. Video games are better than ever. Maybe this hobby isn't for you.

E3 has always been a shitty hype machine but now you're too experienced and cynical to be fooled by it.

t. 12 year old


Literally every game that comes out today is just a clone of another game. There is no originality today. The only thing that matters in todays gaming industry is money

Because of your crippling depression

>Video games are better than ever.
yes, in graphical technology. in AI tech, or physics though? in fun gameplay? nope.

Still better than old outdated shit

>Still better than old outdated shit
Killing ourselves is still better than living

I dunno i am 25 and i like what they announced this year.
Battlefront 2 looks like the remake we were looking for.
Sequel to Wolfenstein The New Order.
Call of Duty is a WW2 fps once again which is pretty cool since we did not have any for quite a while.
Need for Speed will apparently be a lot like Most Wanted, but with full day/night cycle.

A good year for me. I just wish RTS games were more alive, C&C for example.

There exists a financial incentive to abstain from investing into new ideas. It's more profitable pouring money into a few large games and marketing than to invest into multiple newer, smaller games. Because there are less games, they need to appeal to more people overall, so it eventually drags things down to the lowest common denominator.

It's not just your age (it might play a little role as well), games really are getting more shit and games really were better in the past.

No character action games.
No more unlockables, only DLC now.
Games focus on brute forcing realism, instead of trying for unique art styles.
Every game needs to shoehorn experience points somehow to skinner's box you into playing instead of relying on fun gameplay.
Exploration is reduced, linear games rely on hallway designs, non-linear sandbox games are computer generated and not hand crafted.
Games constantly trying to be political, fun isn't as important as good propaganda.
No more mysteries, communities online data mine games and make it almost impossible to play something blind.

This is the best thing I got from this E3.

Because games are getting more overtly political shoving it down your throat and game companies are taking shortcuts and reusing the same tired ideas cause they worked last year.

The truth right here even if you don't reply

Gaming is dead.

>retards on Sup Forums falling for VR meme
>sony cuckolds still believing their console has nay life left in it
>xbox mongs thinking the One-X will save them

Face it anons gaming is dead, Sup Forums is basically Sup Forums now. We may as well just give it all up and accept our fate.

Also what this guy says

I am doing the NUCLEAR right now user
>Hoping for some miracle to break out, to escape from all this

2008 was better than 2007, your argument doesn't even last a year dude.

What are you talking about? We're now more than ever getting MORE negresses with afros in video games than ever before!.

Just look at all this fun diversity!!



How can any hardcore gamers like us NOT be excited for all this diversity and affirmative action?!

I'm in my late 20s and when I see topics like this I assume all you fucks are like 18.

31 here
All hopes died with the Wii

There have been many fantastic games released since the wii was released.

Literally name 2 that aren't Jackie Chan.

34 here, gamergate cemented the death of the game industry. Now I just watch with schadenfreude as the leftists spread their cancer to every franchise and kill the industry.

Sometimes I do hope we get our civil war so I can put some neon pink-haired cunts and cat-obsessed numales into barbed wire nooses and choke the wretched life out of them in the streets.

Maybe if you have shit tier taste son

Do it then faggot

I have to plan it carefully, don't want people to """""""""save"""""""" me.

Nioh, several total war games, TF2, Supreme Commander, several STALKER games, dmc4, The entire souls series.

I could continue but you asked for 2. Many of those games are unarguably fantastic so we'll just call this argument won.

Modern games are just the same rehashed shit with a new layer of paint

Maybe if you are a cynical jaded contrarian virgin

>muh refined tastes on a preference opinionated hobby

I said games that aren't Jackie Chan.