Megidramon confirmed for Hacker's Memory
Megidramon confirmed for Hacker's Memory
Goddramon as well.
Why doesn't Digimon build the same hype as pokemon
Nigger YES! been wanting Megidramon since I first saw him.
They really expanded much outside the anime. Pokemon tries it's best to force itself in every facet of social life
Because the original Digimon game wasn't very good so it didn't manage to land the 1-2 punch that the Pokemon game did to cement itself
>no new semen demons revealed yet
Why aren't they utilizing Yasuda to his fullest potential?
Because Pokemon is consistent and Digimon fucking scraps its premise every other year and starts over
If I see a new pokemon game or anime series I know what I'm going to get. If I see a new digimon game or series who knows what the fuck it'll be about. Compare Adventure, Frontier, Fusion and the new yokai watch rip off. None of that shit is anything alike except in the digimon name
Nokia can get the dick, hard
>Nokia's back
And sold. When does this come out again?
Next year if you're not a zipperhead
>All these new dudes shown
>Not a single new girl
Waste of Yasuda's talent. Though he does make cool looking dudes too.
Most of their sales were from fujoshi so expect way more dudes
What's all that stuff about the 20th anniv. digivice? I have one on the way from nipland but i can't read moon. Will I be able to use it in this game?
I just started Cyber sleuth which is my first digimon game. Finding it tough to get used to this game. It's really weird compared to pokemon. Trying to figure out this de-digivolve crap
is like a remake of the first digimon pet
But the Digimon games are consistent now
Yeah but it's gone full blown weeb otaku/fujo pandering to the point anyone normal who grew up with digimon wont want to touch it anymore
People who grew up with show want to come back to cool monster battles and weird digital worlds not anime tits
I like classic digimon and anime tits, fight me
Then enjoy your niche games that don't sell very well while they're still around
>digimon tri retcon davis and adventure 2 characters out of existence
fuck this i dropped digimon forever and not looking back even the games.
Davis was cancer.
>Upset about 02 being retconned
This just makes me miss Submarimon
>Most of their sales were from fujoshi so expect way more dudes
Where did you get that info?
It does? How?
I loved 02
>the new yokai watch rip off.
Oh? I thought Tri was the next 'season'. Guess I have to look into that & watch it. Still need to finish Fusion/Xros Wars.
> nokia
fuck yes. Best girl is back.
The problem with the new season is that had an interesting plot and premise but DROWNED it in SoL and making 2 of the cast members entirely 1 note, and then adding a new cast member who basically hijacked the show as hard as Kira hijacked SEED Destiny.
The best character with the actual interesting character arc, motivation and amusing dynamic with his partner gets the least screen time
Oh yeah, that guy. Cant have another game without him.
More importantly we have another idiot wearing a sweater like a cloak and our crackfiend protagonist has a mushroomon which means we are probably getting more of the classic shitty villain mons
Why no girl MC?
i feel like there's no possible way for you to know that, but i could be wrong
Never played an SMT game?
I thought when it was first announced they said it wouldn't retcon it?