Female characters are optional right?

Female characters are optional right?

i miss the times when making CoD threads immediately gives you a deletion

There's no swastikas?
Why not?
I love seeing the flags of the allies and axis in world war 2 shit.

>If you love seeing the nazi flag in any context whatsoever that means you love hitler and that means you love murdering innocent people
-fucking retards

Sex and race are customizable in your loadout, user. Same as the last several CoD games.

>muh safespace

It's in the campaign since its a more isolated environment for players. If that shit was in MP, it'd be developer suicide considering esports, livestreams, and over all more international players gravitating towards that mode.

>HURR no swastika / MUH black female soldier
at least older WW2 CoD's were arcade shooters who at least tried to be historically accurate. kinda.


>still has regen health
>black women on axis side and no swastikas

Or they could just put it up and people could learn to fucking deal with it. It's a flag.
Are the Chinese and Soviet flags banned too? Those guys killed a fuckton of innocents as well.


Every time you deviate from any direction other than straight for more than 2 seconds you run into little red barbed wire on the ground that tells you to go a different way.
The weapons have zero weight to them nor any recoil.
They advertise tanks and planes but the planes are on rails and the tanks are going down a narrow road. Wow, amazing.
I would rather slam my dick in a door than play this piece of shit.
This game is going to be shit.

Where is the recoil?

learn how to use a computer old man theres literally a hide tab you can click.

>this is it. this is the COD we been waiting for since COD2 / World at War.
Battalion 1944 looks much closer to what I've been waiting for, considering it looks like it's straight-up just PROmod with a WW2 skin.

>I don't understand how an arcade shooter is meant to play

I mean Battlefield 1 exists if you just wanna drive around and get easy kills.

COD has always been about smaller maps and infantry style gameplay. The Tank is on rails / weak because if it was OP you could destroy the entire server with it while its boring for everyone else.

> MP44 with suppressor
> Kar98 with a magazine
> BAR with the stupid glass optics from WaW

>Battalion 1944

never heard of it. Another PC shooter with sub 5000 players?

can I make an asian

>allies using the mp44
>female soldier in ww2

Asians were not part of the war. Stay in school

this isn't red orchestra, you pick your loadout and it doesnt matter what side you're on.
also yeah hearing women yelling kinda stuck out to me and not in a good way

>Every time you deviate from any direction other than straight for more than 2 seconds you run into little red barbed wire on the ground that tells you to go a different way.
That's just for the defenders in the attack/defense mode, retard

but neither were - oh, nevermind...

fuck you bigot

It's not even close to being out yet. They just started doing closed alpha tests for backers, but it aims to fill the CoD2/PROmod hole that a lot of people have, so hopefully it turns out well.

>Sub 5000
Why does that even matter in games where most servers are running 5v5 or 6v6?

Who thought that bridge building phase was a good idea? Looks retarded as hell and this looks desolate as shit with only 6v6. Sucks because objective based game modes are usually pretty rad. Also the females voices are fucking distracting and prevent me from thinking about anything other than DIVERSITYDIVERSITYDIVERSITY. Yeah just leave this under the table for the sonygers, that will be 50 (You)s

I'm not asking for rising storm 3.0, just something that isn't copy & pasted and tailored for retards. You can have weapon weight/recoil and it still be arcade.

No shit, that makes it not retarded? MMk buddy.

>nu-Sup Forums is littered with babbies who haven't played Enemy Territory

>No shit, that makes it not retarded? MMk buddy.
Considering that's how attack/defense modes work in anything other than arena shooters, yeah I'd say it does
Is CoD your first shooter?

I just wished you could buy the MP seperately I only care for the MP honestly

wat where


this looks exactly like World at War...


Call of duty being good would matter if they didn't come out with one every year.

This COD is only going to be good for a year before the next one props up and everyone moves to it.

>daily reminder COD kids are going to buy this game for $60 dollars
>They're going to spend $50 on the season pass
>They're going to drop even more money on Supply Boxes

And the funny thing is they're going to do it again next year :^)[/Spoiler}

Stay mad anti history

Setting up boundaries that tight is dumb and boring in an fps is all im saying. It shouldn't take place on a micro map. We'll see if it was a dumb idea when the game comes out I guess.

>Who thought that bridge building phase was a good idea?
that's a thing since enemy territory but that game was more fast paced than cod

Well people still play Black Ops III on PC while Infinite Warfare was trashed by everyone. I think similar thing on consoles too...

Its not like EVERYONE moves on. Most COD games can last 2-3 years before its dead beyond the point of finding a game tier.

Wut? Why would they censor the swastika when it was in Kino Der Toten in Black Ops? Isn't that redundant?

Again, I've never really seen anyone complain about it in all the other games that did the same thing

There are plenty of reasons to bitch about CoD but I really don't think this is one of them, it means they're actually doing asymmetrical objective modes for once other than ripping off CS

I don't think you know what "redundant" means
That was a lot of years ago, things change

They added War back? Cool, that was always a neat gametype.

>muh diversity

probably SJW devs...

at least the game looks fun right?

I mean CMON Sup Forums, the UI is cluttered with shit anymore, guns seem more finely balanced.

What would not make Sup Forums say HURR THIS IS SHIT FUCK OFF?

They could serve you perfection on a plate after years of fuck ups and you'd still find something to bitch about while playing garbage like LoL or Dota 2 or CS:GO for 10,000 hours.

obvious marketing is obvious.

>talking about video game is marketing

you get paid to market shit retard. the word you wanted is shilling which I am not. I saw this gameplay and thought "hmm maybe its finally not modern cod spam shit"

but I forgot Sup Forums hates cod threads

>I don't think you know what "redundant" means
The definition says not or no longer needed or useful; superfluous. It's ok.

Isn't it a bit soon to be getting in depth criticism from players? Every video I have seen has people camping on the barb wire fence, at this point it looks like its just to stop a team from getting rolled over when they suck. When has this been demonstrated to work in a small fps map anyways? I can't think of any games.

>soldiers jump like 5 feet in the air

>Anita turned an anti-white nazi killing kike fantasy that was meant to "educate" the lemmings about the Holohoax into a campy novelty game where you massacre sassy african-american hood girls LARPing as nazis

wtf I love Feminist Frequency now.....

>WW2 game
>no swastikas
>black female airborne

whats the point of choosing to set your game in a historical setting if you arent willing to portray it with even an ounce of accuracy? why have a WW2 game if you are too much of a pussy to show a fucking swastika? should have just done their own original setting, or maybe vietnam or something this is retarded as hell

kill yourself


COD in general is garbage, COD WII will be the same garbage. So enjoy your garbage I guess.

I have to admire how Activision keeps trying to shill this piece of shit here despite the SJW garbage.

You know it's going to suck

>those gun textures
I thought COD stopped releasing PS2 versions.

>literally no gun has any recoil
What the fuck is this.

Honestly, I'm going to buy it and play exclusively as a black female. Ima voice chat in my most racist impression of a nazi ghetto negro during all of my gameplay as well.

Hopefully plenty of salt and laughs are produced from this endeavor

>people play cod for the campaign

You guys have been trying to force this garbage franchise for what, 3 years now, and you still keep forcing this here?

It's fucking COD, it's the embodiment of everything wrong in the industry, you really think spamming threads about this you'll convince anyone?

The only thing you Pajeets will achieve is make Sup Forums go from being indifferent towards this to actively hating it.

>implying Sup Forums doesn't already actively hate this series and it's developer
I will never forgive them for what they did to Neversoft.

>people play cod


Looks like a game I played before 10 years ago.

>since cod2
Underageb consolepleb please. Cod2 was the downfall
Real call of duty ended at UO

Most of users here don't even remember Neversoft or even Sierra.

The fact that Call of Duty is discussed at all here shows how far we've fallen.

>laughable animations
>Quake 3 engine 7.0
kek get real nikka.

So were blacks partially responsible for the holocaust according to Activision? Because that amuses me. Though the only thing that irks me is female paratroopers. God what a terrible video

Not just the blacks - black females.

>Sup Forums makes a image of all the nazi soldiers that served and fought for the fuhrer
>these include poo in loos, mexicans, niggers, even women, pictures everywhere with the words "Celebrate Diversity" on it
>this was made to trigger SJWs and jews
>instead it triggered the goober gate retards
god I fucking hate nu-Sup Forums

>this was made to trigger SJWs and jews

>Git in da oven real quick, sugar
>Boy do I love me some hot juice, uhh-uhhmmm, yes mein Fuhrer, I do!

>no recoil
No, thanks.

Looks exactly like any cod. I will stick with BF1 and BFront2

>They could serve you perfection on a plate after years of fuck ups

But they aren't, you fucking imbecile. Not even close. It looks like your average CoD nothing special at all. Go back to plebbit you shit taste faggot.

>bf1 and bfront2
looks exactly like any bf

Shame it is still the same old tiny three lane chockepoint maps.

Battlefield 1 is my first BF and it's awesome, far better than the last 3 CoDs I have played. Battlefront 2 looks far better than WII COD as well in pretty much every way.