what a fun deck
What a fun deck
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what a fun game
it is, though
i thought everyone on Sup Forums (that isn't a reddit crossposter) agreed?
redditors are the exact people who like casual pay2win card games though
only if you are braindead and cannot play card games
honestly, if you feel the need to buy cards for actual money in Shadowverse, you should stick to playing soltiare
solitaire is a direct replacement for shadowverse?
>I want Hearthstone, but even gayer
>there you go pham
>I want hearthstone, but actually fun and balanced
not that you would know, since you don't play games, only shitpost about them
>I want hearthstone but with animu tiddies
let's be honest, most of you wouldn't be playing this shit if it didn't have anime style in it.
it's LITERALLY the only reason to defend this game
>let's be honest, most of you wouldn't be playing this shit if it didn't have anime style in it.
Yes, I wouldn't start this game if not for anime tiddies
And I would have dropped it after 30 minutes if it didn't have interesting class mechanics, good art in general, wide variety of playable, balanced decks, a generous development team, fun arena mode and good way of dealing with the 'playing first/playing second' problem prelevant in every card game
but yes,
>muh anime tiddies!
makes all this not count
Devs are much less jewish than Blizzard. This is primarily because of that huge Granblue scandal, but the fact remains they are much less jewish.
For example, right now there is a giveaway of something like 40-50 packs? all you need to do is log in every day for like 10-12 days and you get 5 packs or so every day
that's on top of usual free daily gold, of course
what am i suppose to be seeing here
You mean aside from it being a LOT less p2w and vastly more generous?
Since I started a few months ago I've gotten several hundreds of packs for free without even playing all that much
Meanwhile in HS you get 1 card or some shit
I prefer Eternal. Being able to play instants is so much more interesting.
I'm not familiar with Eternal, but don't instants make online play troublesome? I remember from YGO that waiting for the opponent to respond to your play became really tedious real quick.
They've done a good job. It's pretty fast, and the turn timer takes into account if your opponent delays. The game only pauses when you are actually able to play an instant and that is often a giveaway that your opponent has something to play, and it's often not hard to guess what they have.
But is it troublesome? Not at all.
In the top part of the screen, you see a loli vampire with 10 health. To the right of the girl you see vengeance active, which is a buff for the "Bloodcraft" class when you are at 50% health or lower, allowing you to make a comeback. (20 hp is max hp).
The 5/5 snakes you see, is a meme card. You need to have 50% hp (and with cards that injure yourself, you did half the job for the enemy) and you don't have anything protecting your leader.
Now in the lower part of the screen, we see Dimension Shift and Flame Destroyers, a special no fun deck that is basically playing solitare. The goal of that deck is to have a Dimension Shift in your starting hand. Why?
Because every single spell you use reduces the cost of that card by one, or more. (For the flame destroyer applies the same thing).
When you play a "follower" card (eg. flame destroyer), they can't attack the same turn they are played. And that is where DShit comes into play.
You see, Dshift gives you one free turn, which refreshes all your gems and your cards can now attack the loli vampire. And you can only imagine how much damage does it deal when you reduce all your cards to ~1-3 cost.
Usually that Deck wins by turn 7, but because the player bricked too hard, his hand is worthless.
I can't recommend this game after 800+ hours of game time. I slugged through three months of a meta that is worse than mid shaman ever was, and things aren't looking too good.
Serves you right, faggot.
I'm glad Vampy dicked you with her fat snakes.
kys discord
You just reminded me of that futa on male doujin with Vampy.
I appreciate all the free packs Cunnyverse showers me with but the game just isn't good and every expansion power creeps hard
The game is already becoming YGO level of powercreep.
>vampy doujin
>cute art style
sauce me up fa-
>futa on male
uh fuck it why not
oh my god i love you so much vampy
i want to rip off your clothes and do you on the floor raw
What a fun deck.
She'll be the one on top, user. Just pray she's not playing snakes.
>playing D. Solitaire and complaining
>losing to a shitty meme deck that uses Maelstrom Serpent
Vengeance Blood = good
Vengeance Blood using Maelstrom Serpent = shit
Why are all three of them so sexy?
You got btfo'd by some random anime Fag. I think it's time to actually off yourself senpai.
How's Gwent?