what is the best witcher game Sup Forums?
What is the best witcher game Sup Forums?
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1 has the strongest writing but dogshit combat
2 middling in both
3 is a slightly more polished version of 2 with a lot more content
The original.
It's the most linear progression possible - each game is better than the previous one.
Anyone meming TW1 is either delusional or trolling
1 >>>>>>>>>>>>> 3 >>> 2
They all have shit combat but thankfully 1 actually feels like it has an rpg system and prep time. Not to mention the best writing and quests.
Witcher 3 is probably the most solid game but I still had the most fun playing Witcher 2 on Dark mode out of all three games.
I don't understand hiw people can find 1's combat "dogshit" while simultaneously defending the absolute trash that was 2's game play.
I like 2 because it is the most linear, has the best lighting and has the hardest combat
>1 has the best writing
please don't tell me this, I'm almost done with the game and it has been torture from top to bottom including the awful writing. I only played it because I refuse to start a series in the middle.
I liked the combat and sidequests of W3. Witcher 2 is my least favorite of the three
you literally just stand still and click
Those who put 1 above 3 want to show off how oldfag they are while realising fully, that 1 was goofy and clunky and much worse than 3.
Ayyy lmaoooo
was he abducted by aliens or something?
That's 1. In 2 it's all about the dodge roll.
You either got some shit taste, or you've played the game oddly.
Or you mix poor English dub to writing
meant for my bad
I think it's mostly based off which one you played first.
People who played 1 first usually consider it the best game
People who played 3 first (most people) usually consider it the best game.
I played 2 first and it's also my favorite.
I ain't old at all, and only got into the series back in 2013, and I still find TW1 the best and most enjoyable. It's literally way more fun to play, and has unrivaled atmosphere. I absolutely loathe the new pseudo-DaS game play of the console sequels.
This. The combat in TW1 was fucking dreadful, even in comparison to the other two games.
>tfw only ever played TW1
Is 3 worth it lads?
theyr'e all complete fuckign garbage
but that's just not true user
How is it dreadful exactly?
It's simple, easily controlled, flashy as it should be, and provides some light tactics. Way better system than the endless rolling with regen HP the sequel (s) had.
More than 2, but its console roots do show.
>console roots
The fuck are you talking about? It was out on PC before the 360 version was even announced.
I was talking about the TW3, dickweed.
But even TW2was being developed for the consoles from the get go. The xbox porting job was just outsourced at first, which didn't go anywhere. Finally CDP decided to make the port themselves, after PC version shipped.
1 has best story and atmosphere
2 has a better branching path choice compared to 1
3 has best soundtrack, combat
I like all 3 so it's like choosing between a type of good steak to eat.
1 > BaW > 3 > Hos > 2
2 > HoS > 1 > BaW > 3
3 > 1 > 2
Side quests
3 > BaW > 1 > 2 > HoS
2 > HoS > 3 > 1 > BaW
1 > 3 > 2 > BaW > HoS
Definitely. I got the GOTY edition on the last GOG sale. I still havent finished it tho and spend 100 hours on it.
Same, I even defend 2s combat, especially once fcr2 came out. I think 2 has the best use of player agency combined with immersion I've seen in a game and the best combat/encounter design in the series
Not a single fight or boss in TW3 felt as good as letho. Not a single group of enemies felt as good as the group management style of Tw2. Not a single sign or item in TW3 felt as good as 2's. Not a single monster felt as epic as the kayran. Etc etc.
If you honestly didn't enjoy broing it up with my nigga Raymond Maarloev then there is no hope for you.
>that fucking nose
God i miss items like this in W3.
The first game had the most "sharp" and true witcher-like atmopshere. Second and third were kinda bland with it.
played witcher 2 first, then witcher 1, then read the books
ranking goes as follows
Witcher 3 > Witcher 1 > Witcher 2
Letho was shit what are you talking about? He had a shield gimmick that forced you to do the same shit x times over.
>any character in 1
>better than Regis or Anna Henrietta
I took the bait
>God i miss items like this in W3.
But we got something better in HoS
The 1st arguably has the best atmosphere, the second was weird, the 3rd is overall great but it lacks the gothic vibe.
Who /Dijkstra/ here? I don't know why but I fucking love manipulative asshole characters like him.
HoS adds donkey's ears and Professor's glasses to wear, they are actually neat.
Probably best character in base game right until the shitty ended political plotline where he went full retard.
they are all good.
I enjoyed 1 quite a bit. I got into the clicking combat and the atmosphere was max comfy. it's a good series, only shit posters will tell you it's not. anyone that bitches about witcher 3 combat instantly is known as a dumbass bc they've never experienced the combat of the first game. lol, it's so much worse.
play fcr2
Now that I've played all three quite extensively, I think 2 was my favourite.
The setpieces were much more comfy, and the story was better, much more intricate.
Witcher 2 was like a road trip with all your best buds. I liked how Zoltan and Dandelion travel with you to act II (though not Zoltan if you pick Roche path).
He is actualy a good guy who want to his country get up from the shit it's in
Till the fucking W3, I still regrett even starting that fucking quest
The patrician choice.
Even with the simplistic combat, 1 actually felt like a CRPG. One of the last games like that that wasn't a retro isometric game, and it nailed Medieval Fantasy Eastern Europe.
2 had a good story, but I found it unbearable to play. To this day I still haven't finished the Iorveth path.
3 has a lot of great content, but also too much mediocre open world content.
The problem with the combat in 1 was that it took until the final act before you could see it working properly. It's quite enjoyable at that point, they just kept it gimped for the first 4/5ths of the game.
3 > 1 > 2
other opinions are
1. rose tinted nostalgia googles if W1 is at the top
2. special snowflake contrarian GoT fan if W2 at the top
3. asshurt gothicfag if W3 at the bottom
Why they ended the sidequest that way is beyond me. That was probably the only time I thought they just put a difficult choice in there because otherwise having Dijkstra be the best king would be too easy. I feel like it should have been a choice between fighting Dijkstra because he made some very shady deals with his underground colleges and making him king would put people at risk in the short term, or just making him king because he obviously knows what he's doing.
Witcher 3, despite the memes, is a materpiece
I really liked witcher 2 though due to it feeling like a chose your own story
Having played 2 and 3, I'm reading through the books before playing 1 and then replaying the others. Are there essential mods for Witcher 1 I should know about?
best character in the game. absolutely. sided with him on everythong just for personal bias. like I would in real life.
just rise of the white wolf for some ui and graphics enhancements. FCR is a meme, but FCR2 for TW2 is legitimately necessary
> modding witcher games
I actually think W2 had by far the best writing, but it was also the most un-Witcher one as writers delved too much into Game of Thrones style politicking and intrigues as opposed to Witcher work.
second picture is kinda cheating seeing as it was taken during company's summer retreat or something and that's his best, tan and all. third picture is what you get after three months of crunch.
Gwent actually.
If there's no better dub, that's not an excuse. Unless you unironically think people should learn some noname third world language
I love how you can still tell characters from all three games despite obvious redesigns. So many sequels radically re-design characters or go for different art styles.
thanks senpai
Is the FCR meme not worth it for Witcher 1? If so, why do you think so? Thanks in advance.
It will kick your ass and is not recommended for first timers. Like, people can't get out of tutorial alive. You can't really change Witcher 1's combat to a more action game no matter how much people want because it still runs on Aurora engine that was not built for it.
Rise of the White Wolf for improved graphics, Faster Movement Mod at 25% to survive the unbelievable long back-and-forth trecks
Can mods fix this piece of shit?
read the post above yours
Letho is really just as bad as the average human boss in TW3, hit 3-4 times or he parries, Aard or move away, repeat.
The DLC in TW3 have much much better bosses like Olgierd or Detlaff.
thanks a lot mates
They actually crunched the most developing Witcher 1. ;-)
obviously 3.
if anyone tells you otherwise, they are a massive contrarian and a hipster.
1 got the best quest and overall old-school RPG feeling to it
2 Balanced like shit. Skills are shit. Combat is shit. Boss fight? Also shit.
3 People complain about combat and and they'd be right. I still give them a lot of point for making the best open world to date. Quest? If yout expect every RPG to be like old pen&paper RPG or NWN why are you playing this?
He fucked with Roche so he had to die.
Why did TW1 Zoltan have down syndrome?
I never played a Witcher game
Can I just jump in Witcher 3 and still be fine?
yes but don't do that
the other witcher games are great and you should at least give them a go. Unless you're like a dude in his 30's with a wife and kids who gets to play one game a year then yeah play TW3 and have fun
you can. but you are a huge faggot for doing so
I am playing Witcher 1 right now. I am at the golem grave yard where you can be zapped by lightning. I am just about to kill myself because of how boring it is. Please tell me this is the most tedious part of the game.
in witcher 1 the prologue.chapter 1 and the swamp parts of chapter 2 suck ass
it gets much better soon
>when he sees you banging his sister
1 was great, i want to play 3 but i can't bear the combat and story and everything in 2
1 for RPG , atmosphere and writing if you can appreciate it past the horrible voice acting
3 for the better overall gaming experience, landscape porn and ammount of content
2 is good but it suffers a lot from being a transition into 3 having the shittiest combat in the series, the worst RPG systems and overall everything. It's still a pretty good game by other games that are not witcher standards
It's worth playing once, but there are so many shitty parts of the game, which you happen to be on. Then it gets good again, then it gets shit again, then it gets good again.
Honestly, the best part was the part toward the end that seemed the most open world, TW3's direction was the right choice
Story: 1 > 2 > 3
Combat: 2 > 3 > 1
World: 3 > 1 > 2
Characters: 2 > 1 > 3
Waifus: 2 > 1 > 3
Yes, 1 would be the best introduction to the Witcher universe but 3 is a close second and has the advantage of having the best presentation so play that.
2 is kind of its own story, it adds a bit to the characters and lore but feels kind of like a side story, gameplay wise it's kind of clunky, much more than 3 at least.
read the books
Witcher one excels in both gameplay and story
Witcher 2 was terrible in both gameplay AND story
Witcher 3 was ok in both gameplay AND story
1 > 3 > 2
I agree with this. Either do TW1, TW2, and TW3 or just do TW3. TW2 is a terrible start even though it's an alright game. You start the game not even knowing what the hell a Witcher is since being a bodyguard for a king is way out of the norm for a Witcher.
I dont like 3 as much because open world.
2 was just roll to win.
1 was fun for me on a gamepad.
They all got good stories tho so I like em all.
Been on the same boat forever. W2 is just so unbearable after W1. I don't have a problem with the story as such, but it's absolutely dreadful how everything in W1 supported the fact that you are a witcher, you do witcher things. Then you boot up W2, open your inventory to prepare a potion for the first time and ohhhhboy here we fucking go, uninstall.
Combat is stupid too. In W1 I'm pretty much neutral about it but in W2 I actively dislike it.
>Witcher 2 was terrible in both gameplay AND story
Iorveth's path in TW2 is the most interesting narrative in the whole trilogy.
You might actually like the combat in TW3 better. It's not the best in the world, but at least there's a dodge button and rolling around like a retard isn't the best tactic like it is in TW2.
Witcher 2. It has the best story and characters.
Combat is irrelevant in a RPG.
I haven't played any of the games but I've listened to all the audiobooks out so far and they're excellent
Oh, come on, Witcher 1's story is all over the place and super generic, it starts with some literally whos stealing the secret witcher making potions to make mutants, and ends with some fanfic Ciri wannabe that came out of nowhere.