Some shameless self-promotion.
SPACE-FRIGHT is going to be 75% off during the summer sale.
Here is a free steam key : 9NFVE-CNWAZ-Y2DZR
Thank you for the time.
Some shameless self-promotion.
SPACE-FRIGHT is going to be 75% off during the summer sale.
Here is a free steam key : 9NFVE-CNWAZ-Y2DZR
Thank you for the time.
Fuck off, advertisement is against the rules.
Protip OP bots patrol Sup Forums for codes, you have to scramble it or put it in the image. This is basic shit. If you ain't smart enough to know that I doubt you're smart enough to design a good game.
True, but be fair, he did give us a free steam key.
Sweet, thanks op.
>Popular user-defined tags for this product:
Gore Sexual Content Violent Indie Adventure
Neat, sounds fun to me.
seems cool
Thank you :D
That's a no buy from me
Same, I had my fill of unfunny coprophilia from Binding of Isaac
>first poo
This your first game m8?
Anyway a free turd is still a turd.
Thank you for the time :)
Two quick questions
Roughly how long is the game and how does NG+ work? I ask because the description mentions equipable demon masks and NG+ and I was wondering what those things actually change
usually when people advertise their (trash?) games on here they post more than 1 key
so stop being a butt and give us a pastebin with like 100 keys
this game seems like a horror fap-bait type of game. Muh dick though
Looks cute but I'm an edgy pirate sorry going to have to pirate your game into oblivion kid
give us porn of your thicc demon-bots my dick needs it
The game is 3 - 4 hours long, ng+ adds more enemies and less batteries.
Whenever you start a new game you can equip it. You find demon masks throughout the game.
Is that like pirating two times, but on a private net so nobody would see the popularity of the pirated games?
If my math is right, it'll be ~$1.75 during the sale. At that point you may as well just get it if it interests you.
I'm assuming the in-game sexual content is stuff like this?
Np, you need to check if it is the updated version first, the updated version adds and fixes a few things.
I kinda want to fuck that
I wish there was porn :(
I need more then that though user. THICC shortstack demon-bots have awoken something in me.
It's pirating it without seeding
Well they do eat people alive, if you are into such things :)
How many Bane posts are in it?
>it's a vorefag game
well shit there goes my boner.
Not all of the demons eat humans, some of them rape.
There are none.
>having baby characters w/ child-bearing hips
>it's top-down
what a waste of good design
it seems like you're trying really hard to capture the FNAF robot fetishist audience
Do I get to fug the demon-robot?
or you?
Wide hips and long legs work best for top down type games. Or else it would look weird and dumb.
I just wanted to make a game with dark humor and cyborg demons. If it captures the attention of the FNAF robot fetish people, then fine by me :)
No and you should be happy for it. Those things do not know what consent is... at all.
>some of them rape.
no, i'm the one that'll be doing the rape