Sims 4: Lewd Edition

why aren't you playing webm related with sex mods?

All the mods you need (extract in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents):

Because at the present point they suck ass.

they don't though, unless you mean the loli stuff

Can I download as is or do I need something else?
How do I torrents?

Oh yes they do, it's nothing else but a glorified poser right now.
I'd rather deal with TS3 god awful stability and performance than this

More webms pls.

Damn. So much for this then.
Unless there's good futa mods?

> futa mods
already included in mod pack of OP.

yeah but mods.

Why would you play sex mods in Sims 4 when you can just make your waifu in Skyrim and use sex mods in that

because in sims the other NPC's actually react (usually negatively) to your lewd acts in public.

Why would you play sex mods in Skyrim when you can just make your waifu in Sims 4 and use sex mods in that

>other NPC's actually react (usually negatively) to your lewd acts in public.
>tfw everyone leaves the club because of your lewdness

Not enough rape mods and Sims 4 characters are ugly as fuck

multiculturalism at work

you need less mods on the sims.

skyrim, you got fix the terrible graphics


I will never understand the following for this game. If I wanted to simulate reality I'd just actually live my life yeah?

>don't know how to torrent

Consolecuck or underage? or both?

also OP, this is the last version?

well its a chance for you to stop being a failure

lewds are awesome!

Hope you like bitcoin miners!

Just a consolefag.

This is an all time low v all time low

>also OP, this is the last version?
yes. with DLC included.

>someone took the time out of THEIR OWN LIVES to make this

Pretty scary when you think about it.

the people in the thread yesterday were pretty degenerate.

Well your posting here so doesn't look like it's going well ha

hello newfriend.

nah, they could have been here shitposting on 4chins instead. now that'd be real scary.


No loli lewds no download

Stop reposting last thread.
We need new porn.

Is claiming every torrent source is a bitcoin miner the new hot meme on the block?

>We need new porn.
then download the game and make your own

it is technically possible with the mods in OP. but the animations will stretch a bit

>defending a 38 year old weirdo who makes sex mods for a game


tits or GTFO

If there is no loli I assume there is no /ss/ either

it's like the only dollhouse escapism simulator out there, people wanted explicit sex since the first one, Singles existed for a reason

Fitgirl repacks are notorious for bitcoin miners senpai

>ywn be assfucked and given a swirlie at the same time

no they're not retard.

>summerfags can't into torrents

Sup Forums on the pc playing unteralterbach or alternatively playing sims 4 sex mods.

Is this the same mod?

Yes, they actually are, Fitgirl specifically

Hmm because I can just whack it to some skank in literally millions of videos available through like two clicks.

there is one core mode with modular animations

t. Fitgirl

Is there animations for a spinning pile-blowjob?

>No they're not
>Yes they are

>trusting Russians

t. origin shill

go fuck yourself

Can you fuck dudes?

I didn't say buy the game I said fitgirl repacks aren't trustworthy

>actually sucking the bitminer's cock

Just find a proper torrent you fuck


You're the newfriend for not knowing this is a sfw board. Say buh-bye.

>throat fucking and gagging
This is my jam. Might have to re-install sims

fuck off retard.

>every mention of any torrent and some autistic fagget will shout about bitcoin miners

Sims 4 is fun

Is there breast physics?
Also can anyone confirm that OP's links work?

got any pictures or webm, just for science?

>not knowing Fitgirls' bitmining incidents

you only have yourself to blame

Why are you so upset fitgirl? Mad that people are finally catching onto your shit?

no because I'm not a fagget.

install the game and mods and be a fagget yourself.

idgaf, then download some other torrent instead. the mods will work as long as your game isn't too old a version.

fitgirl has been fine for a long time. the times they can miners was because of the crack (which fitgirl doesn't make)

Can you do this?

is that a thing you can actually do?
or are they just cleverly placed so that her head clips through the toilet?

you seem too upset for not giving a shit, fitgirl


animations are context sensitive.

Wew my dude you're just like 'that' kid who attracts attention doing something stupid and then gets carried away because he's so starved for attention, usually the weirdo no one wants to touch.

Any Giantess mods for Sims4?

H-hey it's not gay if it isn't real.

hahah shit. ive never noticed the sonic totem in the background before.

and now some faggot owns that totem that has witnessed chris' lewd sex acts.

I just wish there were more lewd clothing for Sims 4.
There's barely anything and what little there is it's incredibly badly done


>I just wish there were more lewd clothing for Sims 4.
you can download them you idiot.

dont lisent to all this normalfags i bet they are right now in neogaf planing how to boicot this mods because is problematic and sexist.

Keep it up man and thanks for the compilation

Don't call me idiot, you smorf.

Maybe a stupid question but does this mod work on the official Sims 4?


Why not play AA2?

America's Army 2?

>you'll never know what it feels like to get stuffed

The shitters who play Sims 4 sex mods probably aren't intelligent enough to even install AA2

too poor to eat good food?

Can you explain what that means to an idiot like me?

AA2 a shit
CM3D2 a best

>tfw i have more fun creating and editing outfits in Honey Select than actually fapping
no regrets

What kind of autist plays one porn game and only one porn game? In for a penny in for a pound, that's what I say.

Pure trash. Bloated shit.

AA2 is patrician.

i mean creating waifus, fug

any source or evidence for this?
Torrent is already at 12%

Can you build houses in AA2? Porn mods are just an extra in Sims.

Why is this a thing? This is disgusting
I think Sup Forums has gone too far

There's a mod for that in Skyrim.
If you're naked in public aroused NPCs can rape you.
If aroused civilians see you having sex in public they might join in on a gang-bang. Maybe they just start jerking to it.
If you're caught raping by the guard you can get jailed.
And you can get raped in jail.
Then put in a pillory in the center of the town so everybody can rape you.
And on and on it goes.

Skyrim is medieval fantasy degeneracy simulator.

t. tumblr

still nothing like the sims 4 npc reactions

>Sup Forums modded the sims
>this is the first sims to have sex mods
>this is the first game to have sex mods

NPCs react in Skyrim too. They even have cheering animations if they like what they see.

the fuck is this fit girl bullshit?

It seems like pretty uninteresting lewd mods.

do they have fucking laundry in the game yet?

>the power of modding
I'm impressed and disgusted at the same time.