Filename thread

A thread about filenames

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What's the Lore?



needs a name

The middle east is truly the wild fucking west


GoPro™ Assassination Edition

Half of the reason Melee is so popular is just that shit looks so cool


>pvp servers

>middle east

Yeah it's pretty crazy but it's just part and parcel of living in a major city.


Is this guy killing ISIS members or something?

He's leaving a ton of witnesses.


Prepare the Reeeee, user.




short for triggers pol

Every time.



>he thinks major cities aren't the obvious targets for terrorists


Looks about as real as a nigerian action film

Roastie btfo, nice. Shame that she will be out in 5 years max for good behaviors...

It should be:
>DMC3 opening scene


that kid died and broke his back

Fuck off reddit.

Call of Duty WW2


Europe 2020

pls come back to us kuby


Good, one less person clogging up the highway during rush hour.


I'm so glad that roastie was found guilty. Hope she enjoys prison!

i want to tie up gal gal and use her as an oversized onahole in my basement


there a source or game for this?

How fucking new?

>not being able to identify wombo combo

>not "You have been banned for team-killing.jpg"







>Enrique the mexican with an internet connectoin
every time

>ywn come home to trish after long day of designing loot boxes


Sure, but you don't tell your fucking citizens what is essentially "fucking deal with it nerds."



That was in reference to security measures taken


Whose the old fat dude in the right?

t. triggered American
Why not? Obviously measures are being taken to prevent it, but rogue terrorism is not something you can just fix. There will always be one or two that slips through the net.
The best the public can do is just fucking get on with life.


assuming your life wasn't ended, sure



The Holder of Three







>“That means being vigilant, having a police force that is in touch with communities, it means the security services being ready, but it also means exchanging ideas and best practice”, Mr Khan told the Evening Standard shortly before a meeting with New York mayor Bill de Blasio.

It's scary how brain dead polacks are. They see memes over and over again and it never occurs to them to get to the bottom of it and find context.

It's no wonder Sup Forums has one of the lowest IQs on this site with a 92.


Tell me where's the center of the paid mods, now!


Which applies to 99.999% of the country then?


So did the Brits actually create a Very Silly party or what?


Sad part is the normies will never understand this

Google Lord Buckethead.

Hope they get back to that in GT.




good lord

There are loads of stupid ass parties in certain constinutencies to act as a protest vote.
In the Prime Minister's constituency was someone called Lord Buckethead, and another member of the Monster Raving Loony Party.

My favourite, though, is FishFinger.
Some idiot legally changed his first name to FishFinger, dressed up as a fish finger, and got 309 votes from the local area.




What the fuck is wrong with her

hahahahaha go little girl !



I think her heart is outside her chest or something.
