name 1 (one) good game that came out from this country.
Name 1 (one) good game that came out from this country
Other urls found in this thread:
commandos and Blade
but you wont remember those
spanish people are pieces of shit and nothing good has ever come out from their nation
Commandos 1 and 2
La Abadía del Crimen
3 Skulls of the Toltecs
Maldita Castilla
PC Fútbol, all of them
pick one
Blade > Soul games
Prove me wrong you fucking casual pleb
Metroid: Samus Returns
Came to say and We also had a lot of pretty good CPC games, as .
The reconquest of Iberia in the name of Christendom.
>Severance hasn't been posted yet
>being poor and not enjoying both
too bad all dark souls are shit
It's called Blade here in Spain.
Pc Futbol, hijoputas
El doblaje de los Simpson en español es mejor que el latino.
Homer >>> Homero
severence blade of darkness
Niggers of Europe
Severance Blade of Darkness
Blasphemous when it comes out
hey spaniards why do you enjoy torturing animals in an arena, isn't that barbaric?
>b-but you eat meat
Yeah but I don't like seeing animals being stabbed and left bleeding for hours until they get killed, that's not like killing it quickly like they do when they're butchered.
>every spaniard is the same guy
>not vidya question
Sasuga Sup Forums. What's next, a food analogy?
That doesn't count as it's not out yet.
I am assuming this thread will attract them, duh
So, you decide to shitpost with not vidya Sup Forums shit? Great board, nerd.
>it's real
madre mía
Newer generations (millenials onwards) hate bullfighting with passion. Arenas are closing and becoming museums and stuff.
Just two days ago a bullfighter died in the arena and a lot of people were celebrating, though
I think those people are just as subhuman as bullfighters
I don't ever go there, I don't understand how a board can exist solely because of countries. What the fuck do people even discuss in there
It's hard to stop it,because influential people work hard to keep it alive
But we hope we go there with the new generations
Bait wars
But they have up to 100 chickens in a cage, where they can't even move and often rip each other's eyes out with their claws due to their anxiety.
They also cut cow's throats with chainsaws and let them bleed for minutes while they can't stop mooing due to the pain, they also choke on their own blood.
You're supporting that shit by eating meat user :(.
>What the fuck do people even discuss in there
Dunno, I never went there. AFIK they are a bunch of negroes shitposting 24/7 about who's white.
La abadia del crimen
Its fun.
Get trigerred more faggot.
Better to kill the bull than to prep the bull
Its way more fair than hunting them with a gun
Its man vs beast in a scenario that can and does kill bullfighters.
Seems to me that you dont have enough cojones, yanki
>forgetting about spain's greatest addition to Sup Forums
>was eating with parents
>news about that
>"good riddance"
my favorite part its news being on launch hours , like i'm gonna stop eating
There are many people who dislike bullfighting. Its even more common in the northern regions.
>I enjoy animals getting killed so I can eat them, even though there is literally no need to eat animals. I don't kill myself, but I basically pay other people to kill animals for my enjoyment. Yet I consider myself morally superior because I don't get to see it, and I've been told the animals don't suffer, even though they live terrible lives.
You are just an hypocrite.
I use a modern phone and give no fucks about African children in semi slavery having to mine rare minerals for me to enjoy it.
I don't care about my clothes being sewn by children in developing nations.
I don't care about animals being used for any means we find appropriate, even if it is ultimately unnecessary. That includes, but is not limited to: animals being used as chemical testbags, either for medical, pharmacological or cosmetic products; animals being imprisoned and slaughtered to make clothes, glue, or whatever; animals being imprisoned and slaughtered to make tasty food; animals being imprisoned and slaughtered for our enjoyment, etc.
Fucking virtue signaling cucks.
It's actually forbidden in some part of Spain. Most of the people that like this psycho shit are over 60 years old. In less than a hundred years it will be gone for good hopefully.
Also, animal exploitation is WAY more cruel than bullfights. The only difference is that it's not supposed to be entertainment.
He doesn't make a spectacle out of it, though.
It was made by a Dutch dev
antitaurine movements are far worse than anything bullfighting has ever caused
>It's actually forbidden in some part of Spain
So Catalonia is only part of spain when it's convenient?
Vicentín 5.0 > Gañán 5.0 > Payaso 5.0
>there is literally no need to eat animals
[citation needed]
I don't wanna be some anorexic fuccboi, I like proteins thank you very much, now go eat soy and fill your system with estrogen, faggot. Also you assume too much.
It's also forbidden in the Canary Islands and the Basque country
vos > tu
sos > eres
ustedes > vosotros
sh > pf
Its a pain watching those videos because of the original story overlapping the made up subtitles.
1) Unfertilized eggs are not animals, in the same way a woman's egg is not a person.
2) There are plenty of non-animal protein sources.
3) I eat meat myself, just calling him out for being an hypocrite. The only people that have grounds to be against bullfighting are treehugging, off-the-grid fucks nobody cares about.
we have a shitty stadium for that here
tho it seems it haven't been used in 30+ years
Spain is one of the least significant countries for its size/location.
Remember what was Spains role in ww2?
Spain was fucked because of its own civil war
>This piece of shit was made in Spain
America chose the bombs for the wrong country.
>nobody remember we were nazi sympathizers, helping the reich with food and voluntaries
Yeah, we did nothing, jajajajajaja
I remember buying this one because the devs were Spaniard. It's a solid 7
>measuring a country's value in how many wars they've participated in
Spoken like a true burgerclap
rime was fun
Life there is the most thrilling game.
There's a difference in eating something that was slaughtered which happens quite fast and taking pleasure in watching some animal bleed around while it's carrying spears lodged on his back as it bleeds. It's not just the animal, it's you taking pleasure at watching suffering, it's getting pleasure out of suffering, which isn't considered civilized.
also meat is quite important, vegans gotta take pills to get vitamins, this shit ain't natural, so this diet wouldn't be possible say, 100 years ago
castlevania lords of shadow
>which isn't considered civilized
Like carrying guns I guess.
mi apellido es realmente panchito
who here /830/
Ya me joderia
Should we use Spains record breaking unemployment instead?
How about their cuisine, oh wait its completely irrelevant compared to britain/france/germany/italy.
Maybe they produce lots of international media? Oh. They dont actually.
What is Spain known for other than being good at football that one time? Its mostly known for stuff that happened in the middle ages while having contributed absolutely nothing past 150 years.
the failed country and poverty game.
>2) There are plenty of non-animal protein sources.
Lots of them have an incomplete aminoacid profile, they're also much more expensive than animal protein sources and you have to eat much more food to match the animal counterpart.
Also, after a while your B12 reserves will start to dwindle down so you better get a multivitamin or fortified milk (there isn't in Spain as far as I know).
I went vegan for a while, but I just couldn't stand the amount of food I had to eat and how expensive it was.
I'm not saying veganism is bad, but it is a little bit inconvenient especially if you work out.
Is Spain the worst European country?
>look for spanish vidya communities
>they're all shit
>How about their cuisine, oh wait its completely irrelevant compared to britain/france/germany/italy
And that's how we confirm that you are a retarded shitposter from Sup Forums or Sup Forums.
Yeah, I wish we could be relevant like Britain and France, we don't even get terrorist attacks here
>There's a difference in eating something that was slaughtered which happens quite fast and taking pleasure in watching some animal bleed around while it's carrying spears lodged on his back as it bleeds. It's not just the animal, it's you taking pleasure at watching suffering, it's getting pleasure out of suffering, which isn't considered civilized.
People who eat meat (myself included) don't care about animals being raised and slaughtered for the sole purpose of their enjoyment. You are saying that:
>not watching it makes it better
>time during which the animals suffers makes it better
There is no "better". Countless animals have been killed for your enjoyment. That's the truth of every non treehugger, people are just to cucked to accept it. Either go full vegan or shut up.
>also meat is quite important, vegans gotta take pills to get vitamins, this shit ain't natural, so this diet wouldn't be possible say, 100 years ago
Naturalistic fallacy
spain isn't part of europe
Is this a falseflag made to shitpost about spanish shitty politics and the differences between castilian and south american dub?
Pyro was based
praetorians is great
>British cuisine
The worst part of animal exploitation is not the killing part, it's everything that comes before.
Even milking cows, which most people think are not being harmed are still constantly raped with human tools otherwise they don't produce milk.
I'm not entirely against animal food, but the mass exploitation we're doing today is just sick.
Borra esto
>Franco: Cool party you got there, man, I see you too are trying to purge the cancer out of your people. Just leave my own people to me, we're in the middle of our own purging
>Hitler: ...Yeah, seems legit, but I cant have you guys do nothing, you'll have to send some provisions for the symbolic value
>Franco: Good enough
And like that, we only had to deal with our own civil war instead of the civil wars plus world wars
Metroid: Samus Returns will probably be good and it's Spanish developed.
what kind of comparison is that? people always carried guns or swords, is defending your family, your property or yourself uncivilized now? I take you live in the garden of eden where everyone is perfect and nobody does any crime whatsoever
>How about their cuisine, oh wait its completely irrelevant compared to britain/france/germany/italy.
Spanish cuisine is pretty good actually.
>What is Spain known for other than being good at football that one time?
Tourism I think. It's a great place to visit in summer. Why don't you come over burger-kun?
what happened to ETA anyway? it have been so long since i knew anything
>being this mad
Too close to home, I guess.
>I take you live in the garden of eden where everyone is perfect and nobody does any crime whatsoever
I just live in a civilized country without niggers.
Most spanish players don't even know fucking english. We are probably the last country of Europe in that regard.
>It's a great place to visit in summer.
True, lots of our eldery consider spain as a cheap/sunny place to spend their retirement days.