Why don't Muslims ever make video games?

Why don't Muslims ever make video games?

We keep talking about liberals putting propaganda in video games, but wouldn't it also make sense for Muslims to make video games as propaganda to make jihad seem "cool"?

>what is Mount and Blade

What about those "A way out" devs?

>developed in Turkey
>published in Sweden
why does life have to be such a meme

religious people aren't supposed to play videogames

>its a" julia won't stop autistically screeching about.jews Muslims, even though ever point they.bring up has been proven.wrong 1000 times" episode

lol they cant even drive cars

Who's the muslim puppet?

They seem to be better at it than the brits..looking at the numbers :^)

From what I've read the Arabic world can't even handle running such mundane companies as oil pumping ones. They contract it out to foreign nations.

If you can't even handle directing people to dig a few holes and haul barrels back and forth you can't handle Unreal Engine 4, Maya, Fruity Loops and C++.

There's a hadith that says that Allah cursed the image makers. So, developing gayms is haram, playing them is A-OK

Do we really need even more political threads?

I think it's more a matter of "don't need to" rather than "can't"

Any kind of fun that does not involve raping or killing white people is haram.

I don't think you know what that word means

Oh, but user. If you don't sperg out and virtue signaling about hating muslims all the time you are a libcuck. Don't be a libcuck, user!

>virtue signaling
>about hating muslims
Uhh sweetie?

It's effectively the same thing.
>Guys, look how pure I am for supporting women
>Guys, look how edgy I am for saying cuck
Just a way to try and fit in with retards.

>From what I've read the Arabic world can't even handle running such mundane companies as oil pumping ones
Oil infrastructure is incredibly complex and about the furthest thing from mundane, not that you have any idea what the fuck you were talking about. Most of that infrastructure was built by foreign companies to begin with before the industries were nationalized

Islamophobia isn't a virtue though. Vice signaling is a better term.

>raping or killing
Fuck off casual, I throw shoes at your ancestors.

pretty sure this thing is made by bunch of muslims

>Why don't Muslims ever make video games?
They're plenty happy just playing Western games. I played against a group of ISIS members/sympathizers the other day in Titanfall 2.

>How could you tell?
The ones who's network tags weren't [ISIS] had usernames like "Mujaheddin67" and "northafrica02"

>Did you win?
Shitkicked them hard. Felt good too, it was just the day after the Manchester bombing.

>blowing up your own people to justify war
Visible sage, fuck you.

Islam does not allow you to enjoy your life. Everything positive that could possibly bring joy to you is heavily restricted and punished with death/whip lashs.

You don't honestly think 9/11 was muslims do you

Actually, a few years back they were advertising how ISIS boys play PS3 and shit in their off time.

It was a genuine recruitment push. They wanted to look fun.

>Muh freedom of speech
>Muh freedom of expression
>Muh freedom of religion
>Your friends at Sesame Street Wishing you a blessed Ramadan!
>*autistic screeching*

The pendulum effect is already in swing. People are going to go full commie because of Sup Forums shit. Why can't you just stay on your containment board?

Crysis and Mount and blade

B-b-b-b-but pork is unclean and disgusting and not delicious!!!

And you REALLY think they were "ISIS members/sympathatizers" ?

How old are you?
Do you even have basic education?

This is so inane Jesus Christ.

>And you REALLY think they were "ISIS members/sympathatizers" ?
Yes I do.

You can't just change your PSN ID just for shits and giggles. You do know that North Africa is a den of Radical Islam and that Mujaheddin means "One who is engaged in Jihad" right?

You don't know anything about Islam.

>Islamophobia isn't a virtue though.
Islamophobia isn't a real word.


their computers overheat

The first Final Fantasy programmer was Muslim, I think.

It's adorable that you think that.

>Members of an ISIS clan
>Named like radical Islamists
>Not Sympathizers/Members

Sure thing champ.

in islam every action that you commit should have the intention of glorifying allah
the intent or will must not deviate from certain sets of behaviour and vices that is stated in the koran
in essence vidya can be considered harmful or even sinful since it distracts worshippers from time that could be time doing activity that accrue piety and spiritual connection to god such as praying and spiral you off to fantasies which blatantly disregard allah as the the progenitor and creator

t.ex moslem

How did you escape without getting stoned to death?

Damn youre a butthurt little shitskin arent ya

A bunch of muslim-y sounding people were in the Sleeping Dogs credits IIRC, so there's that.

If you meant muslim countries in general, most of them dealing with war and shit counts as a decent excuse I guess. China making virtually no games until very recently is even weirder to me.

mine is a relatively more secular country,even though we classify ourself as a muslim country
this is only because the brits came over and brought us some chinks and curries to diversify the work force and in turn become a counter balance from islam to completely dominate us
our relative distance from the extreme theocracy in the middle east is also a factor