When's the last time you actually enjoyed a video game like the good ol' days?

When's the last time you actually enjoyed a video game like the good ol' days?

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zelda botw. its literally the best game i ever played



playing slime rancher this week. it has enough content to be considered good now and reminds me of playing pikmin, which were among the happiest times of my life

Probably my first playthrough of Prey. That game has some great exploration and I really enjoyed the setting.

Do people not enjoy the games they play anymore???

Post more ass

Right now with Shin Megami Tensei IV


I played Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines for the first time last month and last week I got Dragon's Dogma.

Dying Light. I just loved running around and doing things in that world.

When I used to smoke weed

I still have fun playing video games now, but it's not the same level of immersion

She's attractive!

you're attractive. bitch. tell me about a game you've enjoyed or you will be forcibly removed from the thread

About eight years ago, when my major depression hadn't set in yet.

I envy your ability to enjoy that game. Every time I try to enjoy something cute, it just ends up making me feel worse.

I just finished Persona 5 last night, best game I've played in a long time OP

Does it count if it's F-zero GX ? I'm replaying it at the moment and I have the biggest smile while playing it. It's almost awkward to me how fun this game is. It kicks my ass, I have no idea how I won so many cups on master back in the day.

Dark Souls 3 was legit fun, It was awesome to solo Soul of cinder and Gael.

I've been playing rainbow 6 siege for a while now, really love that game

>user, stop playing those nintendo games and come here, you are supposed to lick my asshole again

Ori and the Blind Forest

mmm i want to cut those ckeeks off and toss them in a pan onm a nice and hot stove with some butter

Who are you quoting?

every time i replay my favourite games from when i was 12-16

Recently a friend from work started bringing all his games over to my place and we've been tag-teaming old JRPG games. I never beat FFX as a kid, but I beat it back in January ant it's just kinda snowballed from there. Currently playing Lufia on SNES and Drakenguard on PS2. We got ending A and i'm digging it so far.

Fuck the Cucks.

I played ace combat 5 yesterday and it was pretty radical.

Automata and then the original Nier, which I played after I finished Automata.
Man Taro is such a nostalgia fag.

when I had weed

Yesterday playing Forza online

>user, even after that huge dump I still have a few nuggets left in there, can you pick them out for me?
>and while you're at it, help me with the taco bell will ya


Your mom


Seriously the only thing that got more enjoyable with age is food.

>Do people not enjoy the games they play anymore???

You might actually be onto something.

Haha wow, calm down there buddy!

Playing Dead Cells.

she would never say that

Her butt is far too large

Right now. Yakuza 0

Persona 5

About a year ago I tried a vanilla WoW private server, it was a high population and almost everything was exactly how I remembered it, including the community bond I felt. I was happy.

It was Nostalrius, and it got closed down.

Witcher 3.

Prepare to death kid.
*unsheathes telescope baton*
*transforms your face into haggis*

*sniff* oh yes my dear

Factorio about a year ago. Restored my faith in video games.

Answer this sincerely, Sup Forums
What does giving a woman a bit of cum in the bum feel like?

I started psychonauts for the first time last wekk and am at the end now.
Holy shit how did I not play this game before?

Like I had tried to ply it twice before but the summer camp aesthetic always turned me off.
Once I got past the first level and got a few powers I fucking loved it.

This thread is dookie

I've been playing Viewtiful Joe for the first time, that's fun.


Yesterday playing House of Many Doors

y'all just crazy

I don't know

> underwear on

dropped my image

Coins and salty milk

I am playing FFXI on Nasomi with a full group this very moment.


I've been playing Bloodborne and love it, I also have 240+ hours in Breath of the Wild.

>he doesn't like the feeling of warm silk laced with a faint musk on his face

>hiding that big kike-nose
You can't fool me you filthy jew.

Also, EGG for the Dreamcast.

DESU It was with Horizon Zero Dawn. I got into the game and just took off on the adventure. I didn't look back it never ceased to lose my attention and I was everywhere trying to find and complete everything.

What do you mean? I tend to enjoy all the video games I play. I just bought titanfall 2 and I like that

i enjoyed skyrim and i'm not even memeing. i brought me on a adventure i NEVER want to forget. i want to build a gaming PC so i play experience it all over again but with less bugs. bethesda games fucking suck on consoles

I got a vita and played persona 4 for the first time early this year. It's been fucking ages since I tried any jrpg but that shit reaffirmed my faith in my ability to truly enjoy video games.

Today playin MHFU

>not getting absolute hardest when fucking a filthy thicc fat assed jew

Damn son

Pre-Facebook. So before 2006.

came here to post this

Yesterday playing Killing floor 2 and Kirby air ride.
Most anons here over exaggerate everything. Video games are fun as fuck. If you don't like em and you're here, you're just a attention loving drama queen bitch.

play more games

Gravity Rush 2 reminded me of them good ol' PS2 days

But user, Sup Forums is a place for people that hate games

I had fun with KF2 yesterday.

breath of the wild. before that, probably transistor

the wonder boy 3 remake. when it came out on PC

Kingdom Farts 2?

Last ones I can remember are Pokemon Sun (first time I finished the pokedex since Blue), I have been playing for two years to Pokemon TCG Online and Stardew Valley.

popful mail, such a refreshing game

Metroid Fusion
Witcher 2 and to some extent 3
Demons and Dark Souls

concurrently emulating DQIX

brap hehe

Right now, I'm going through Horizon Zero Dawn and it's fucking great, one of the best sandboxes and possibly the best hunting outside of proper simulators. Dialogues sometimes feel too awkward, but story overall is intriguing. Though, I guess this game is impossible to enjoy if you have strong right-wing ideologies and lose your shit at the sight of women and niggers, because the entire cast is like mathematically proportioned to have all imaginable groups equally spread (apparently it's actually explained by the story, but I haven't gotten that far in).

Played this game last weekend. That's the greatest fun I had since a long time.

This game has godlike music too.

OP, I'll be honest: I don't care about what you asked, I just clicked for that ass..

Earlier today

when I got furi free on ps+

Actually this, the buzz of excitement when I first got the plataeu is something I haven't felt from a game in over 10 years.

Found the virgin

something something brap lol

>come to thread just for dat ass
>file is deleted before you can open it

I replayed OoT recently and loved it as much as I ever have.
But as for new games, I guess the last one I really enjoyed was Bastion in 2011 or 2012.

This past week I've been really sick with a strep virus and unable to work due to severe throat pain and coughing, so I replayed San Andreas.

I went out of my way to do a complete and thorough 100% save, minus the girlfriends, and actually really enjoyed it a lot. It brought waves of nostalgia, and reminded me of 8th grade when I got it a day early, and the following summer when all I did was sit in my room some days and just burn the day away running around exploring, and eventually getting 100% with the guide I bought because we still had dial-up at the time.

Easily my favorite GTA game.

Wonder boy 5 on virtual console was a huge highlight. (Comfiest fucking Zelda 2-like game I've ever played.)

Turning health and ammo displays off in
Metroid prime 1 and 2

Blank dream in RPG maker.

Here user

brap lol

No, you didn't.

Thanks a bunch, bro

no man should be denied to gaze upon that ass

Damn it's down already? I was playing on fresh fresh for a few months but quit, it just wasn't the same.

recently played through REmake, it blew me the fuck away. but that's a vidya that's from the old days, so................. eh