ITT: overrated weeaboo shit people here play only because it's made by MUH SUPEERIOR JAPOONESE CULTURE and MUH ANIMU
ITT: overrated weeaboo shit people here play only because it's made by MUH SUPEERIOR JAPOONESE CULTURE and MUH ANIMU
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Who hurt you?
Name one (1) series that has been shitposted about more than Dark Souls.
Yeah, shit on a good game. Then go back to playing sakura games because that's the way to go, eh?
How is this bait? I see weeb shit being shilled all the time, fucking weebs with their shit taste and their MUH WAIFUS.
Fuck off weeaboo
Way to shit post.
Yeah, if it was made by westerndevs no one would give a shit, people here have autism when it comes to that.
>dark souls
Its westaboo, if anything.
I'd never thought about Dark Souls this way but you're totally fucking right.
This shitpost is so bad that I actually find it good. Have a (you) for giving me a chuckle.
But Dark Souls is a WRPG
Nice photoshop, weeaboo.
Can mods remove this falseflag weeabo ? 4-5th thread
Weeaboos are cancer, i doubt there is only one person here who hates them.
Weeaboo implies western developed game with japanese influences
This is a japanese developed game with western influences
japan invented fantasy rpg you mong
see: wizardry
I fucking despise anime and think easterners are all fucking autistic perverts on a level several times more concentrated than even Sup Forums, and I enjoy dark souls because it's not that. It's a western setting with Japanese gaming conventions.
git gud
>butthurt sonygerrian realising that all he has to look forward to are the last of us clones and multiplats with LITERAL niggers and nigresses as protags
Weeaboo means "someone who's obsessed with japanese culture and elevates it over his own culture" therefore you are a weeaboo if you like this shit game.
>game depicts western fantasy and folklore
>liking it makes you a weeb
>dark souls
yeah, no
The combat, the exploration, the dialoge system, the boss fights are all inspired from Japanese games.
Even the artstyle is rather just unique than being the typical Tolkien or Warcraft ripoff that every wrpg use.
The only western game influence on the game comes from the roots of role playing games, like the dnd styled leveling system but even the weebest jrpgs use those.
play coop if it's too hard you tiny baby
>shitendrone saw this post and somehow immediately thought ''omg it's the sony boogieman better defent shitendo with all I have''
Holy shit lmao you can't make this shit up.
>it was made in le nip place xD
>if you like it then ur a WEAABUU XD
Only anime and manga are weeaboo you shitposting nigger
Posting on Sup Forums makes you a weeaboo. The only way to stop is suicide.
Better find a suicide booth, OP, you don't want to be a weeaboo, do you?
Honestly I hate this.
The Souls games are jap as fuck. They are much closer to Castlevania and Zelda than any western RPG. Fuck watchmojo
Nope its real.
Shit bait OP. But to be honest. Every single JRPG. JRPGs are not only bad games but are bad role playing games. Almost none of them actually revolve around playing a role and instead are focused around your party and their shitty writing. The entire "Genre" sprouted out of the gooks being lazy and cloning Wizardry unsuccessfully. Just like Anime came out of them unsuccessfully cloning Disney movies.
You haven't played many jrpgs do you? Why the fuck do you even attempt to defend a point when you will just make an even bigger shitpost yourself?
Also the whoever popularized the idea that only Dragon Quest clones are Japanese role playing games deserves a special place in hell.
2 N U K E S
>whoever popularized the idea that only Dragon Quest clones are Japanese role playing games deserves a special place in hell
None of their other RPGs are any good either outside of the occasional Dark Souls or SMT. Even then DaS and DeS are the only worthwhile Souls games.
Give him a break, Capra one hit him before he made the thread
lol go play madden or call of d00dy faggot
>Only anime and manga are weeaboo you shitposting nigger
>Watching cartoons implies that you go around with a kimono and a katana
>Liking sushi is NOT a sign of being a weeaboo
>if i have a collection of katanas i am not a weeaboo, watching 10 minutes of dragon ball makes me one
Go choke yourself with a dildo you autistic fucktard.
The game was made in Japan, if you like it you are a weeb. Case closed.
you might be seriously retarded (or just n underage casual who shouldn't shitpost on this site)
Japan pioneered the whole action-rpg genre and has more worldwide acknowledged rpgs than the west.
I'm not interested in any form of Japanese culture and yet I have 1000/1000G on DS1+3
>Japan pioneered action-rpgs
Yes and all of the japanese action rpgs like Hydlide were fucking garbage then and are garbage now. Keep deluding yourself that more people know about Persona and FF than fucking Elder Scrolls or Diablo. You might want to work on your reading comprehension skills as I said the gooks started making JRPGs because of Ultima and Wizardry. Not ARPGs.
this is some high level bait
you know the west made way more shitty shovelware games than japan did right?
>diablo/elder scrolls being more popular
>normies liking normie games more, what a surprise
yo how is dark souls weeb
I have literally never seen one (1) anime in my life.
I'm not even meming m8. the only japanese thing ive ever liked was kurosawa
I like it because it actually isn't that weeb-y and if you didn't tell me I really wouldn't have known what country it was developed in
Could be fun but code vein is real weeb game
Nice deflection faggot. What the fuck does shovelware games have to do with shit? Hydlide was one of the first action rpgs made by japan and was loved by the japanese. So by your standard their pioneering of the ARPG genre was just shovelware. Fuck off back to your waifu pillow with your cognitive dissonance.
Liking stuff from japan = weeaboo. You are weeaboo by textbook definition.
It's made in Japan
weeaboo means someone whos obsessed with japanese culture.
i wouldnt say liking two things that came out of it being "obsessed" with it.
you don't know jackshit about video game history if you seriously trying to deny Japan's impact on the industry
vast majority of the big classics came from Japan, there is nothing weeb about acknowledging or loving them
Yes, it is.
Yes, it does.
Niiiiice. So, Japan had low standards in 1985 (mind you, Ys came out soon after that and Ys is still as tight as goddess's pussy). But hey, they improved over time. West considers Skyrim an ARPG classic NOW, in 2017, 32 years later. Now that's some low standards for ya.
Mhm, really makes those cerebral qpus align
>drive a japanese car
>I'm now a weeaboo
Name a single post I made saying the Japanese didn't impact the industry. Name a single post I made saying you're a weeb for liking Japanese games. You can't. Now keep on giving me (You)s while spouting nonsense.
Most of the shit in Dark Souls is based on medieval European culture, you dingus.
>it's more popular so it's better
I guess fifa and cod are the best video game franchises ever made them
Or to stay with rpgs, surely Diablo3 with over 30 million copies sold is a much much better rpg than it's prequels that only hit a few million copies
Nice, people are starting to see the bullshit that are japanese GAYmes.
>get stuck on Gargoyles
>come to Sup Forums to make an assblasted thread about it
OP's a peanus-weanus
The point is that the game is weeb trash that people only bought because it was made by Jap devs and i'm tired of those weeaboos who elevate it as a mastrepiece only because they have an obsession for japan's shit culture.
Literally every person I know that likes dark souls is not a weeb.
It's a fun RPG and that's the main appeal, not that it happens to be a JRPG m8.
Ys 1&2 aged like dogshit and were never good to begin with. If you said pretty much any modern Ys I might take you seriously, but the combat of Ys 1&2 is just fucking walking into enemies.
>defend japanese rpgs againts your overexeggerated casual stereotypes on it
>Fuck off back to your waifu pillow
sure m8
The point is that you're a pathetic nobody fishing for attention on an anonymous board. Let go, user, just an hero.
How is liking a game solely because it's japanese any worse than hating a game solely because it's japanese?
Wizardry is american, it's just hugely popular in japland
No, they didn't. I played them both last month and they are really good, especially 2. I think you just have a terminal case of shit taste and poor gaming skills ;^)
I'm sure he was being ironic
>it's more popular so it's better
Learn to read faggot. Never did I say that. You stated in that
"Japan pioneered the whole action-rpg genre and has more worldwide acknowledged rpgs than the west." I simply stated the fact that you're a retard to think that more people acknowledge FF and Persona than Elder Scrolls or Diablo. But then you fall into the typical MUH NORMIE argument which has no bearing on the fact of the matter that you're a retard for not understanding the meaning of basic words.
no its not, stop being such a retard, you fuck.
most das players arent weebs because das has anactual levelling system in place that requires player agency, unlike 99,9999% of nippon jrpgs
the fact that weeaboos defend everything japan shits out ,even if it's bad, buggy, boring and unoriginal. They will always give them 10/10 regardless of everything.
>He's so mad because people are calling out his JAPOONEES GAYm for being so overrated solely because it's japanese that he starts making so many typos and started shaking
No, you stop sucking the dick of Miyazaki and every other fucking gook
2 (two) Western RPGs sold more than FF 7 — Diablo 3 and Skyrim. The rest of the top 10 and probably even top 20 is dominated by JRPGs from the nineties. Still, 2 out of 10, not a bad showing from Western gaming).
Sure you did. Just look at this exhilarating combat which involved just walking into enemies. This is to the point where in the fucking manual states word for word "To fight the enemy simply touch them with Aron"
Salty Master System fag detected
You do know you need to kite enemies and attack them from sides and from behind to avoid damage and do crits, don't you? My claim about you being shit at the game still stands.
When will the mods do the right thing and ban the cancer that prefers western games?
Dark Souls is as far from weeb as it gets though
Pic related
Gravity rush would be considered mediocre as fuck if it wasn't made in japan
Miyazaki is the best game designer in the industry.
>You need to kite enemies
And? How does that change the fact that the combat is just walking into the enemy? Keep deflecting though.
I'm not even the one you've originally replied to but you've clearly used popularity as on of your bases to prove that your games are better
also Chrono Trigger, FF6,7,9, Castlevania Sotn, Xenogears... There are shittons of highly acclaimed Japanese rpgs, just because they are not as popular in the west as a game like Skyrim that doesn't mean they aren't just as good or even better games.
*shrugs* I'm alright with being a weeb if it means I like superior video games
Read the fucking comment. Acclaimed was never said. Acknoledged was the word used. Acknowledge has a vastly different word than advanced. Autists (not you) are pretending that me saying more people acknowledge TES and Diablo than Persona and FF is the same as saying their quality is better and as such are falling into retarded HURR MUH JAP GAME IS BETTER despite that argument never being brought up.
>There's actually positioning and footwork involved in fighting enemies
Combat in Ys is more complicated than in shit that came around that time (NES/SNES Zelda, Monster Boy etc.) because you need to learn enemy patterns on the screen space and adapt to them quickly. I don't think you understand how that's more important than pressing a button to see a sword sprite pop out.
is it so hard to make a non-bait souls thread?
The Artorias boss fight is probably the best and most touching moment in videogame history.
>Ken Levine
Isn't he the guy that made the absolute shitstain that was Bioshock Infinite?
Don't you dare put him in the same breath as Miyazaki or I will skullfuck you.
that's probably because one of GR's major selling point beside the gravity shifting mechanics is it's charming artstyle.
If it was made in the west it would be either just a generic, realistic looking game or had some cartoonish tumblr-esque design that makes it clear every corner that it doesn't take itself seriously.
But it's not bait, no one here has still proven me wrong about what i said in the OP, they have just been screechign autistically for all the time this thread has been up.
Literally not though, you raging autist. If you want to shit on Dark Souls, why not do it by pointing out the actual problems with it (IE. it's poorly designed, poorly optimized meme trash)
No shit you have to memorize paterns. Now tell me how the game would have been hindered by input from the player being required? You aren't some kind of casual who thinks timing a button press is hard and can't handle that alongside memorizing patterns are you? You aren't some kind of normie making excuses for bad design right?
Gravity Rush is considered a good but flawed game.
Nobody ever said it was a masterpiece but it still has more charm to it than any western game from the past decade.
And it made a better game with a better story and better setting and gameplay then MUH GENERIC DARK FANTASY GAYM Dark souls.
Great bait op