This is Mashu...

This is Mashu. She's your beloved kouhai that loves you regardless of appearance or gender and her game is coming out THIS WEEK. You're going to play it, right?

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is the game translated? If so, what's it called? If not, I don't care.

It's going to be this week, it's called Fate/Grand Order and it's gacha kusoge

Mash is the fifth worst thing about grand order. The only 4 things above her are Edmond Dantes, Black Emiya, every Jeanne, and Shuten Doujis voice.

>Liking disgusting Wormslut used goods

Post Best Girl Medea

Dantes is really cool despite his hopetastic design, though. Why do you hate him?

I'm glad someone else agrees about Shuten's voice though I thought I was alone

Mashu has nothing to do with Sakura what the fuck are you on about

Reminder that there is no point to level her up after you get full roster of other Servants

>Doesn't realize she's perfect for Arts/Tank teams
She's only undesirable if you manage to roll Tamamo, Jeanne, Waver, Vlad AND Merlin.

I'd rather use team of bronze servants than this ugly kouhai.

What's your beef with Jeanne mate?

No,I already have enough doujins

Oh, she's cute. I like her, maybe I'll

Just kidding, it's shit.

we get free saber lily right? is it armor or dress?

Both. As you level her she strips.

So when is it really coming out? People say it's next Sunday, but then some say the 23rd, which is Friday.

Next Sunday.

What's it gonna be, turn based, arpg, something else? And what system?

These niggers are getting hyped for a cellphone game.

Turn based card-matching for attacks. It's not especially deep but it's well designed for being mobile trash and the animations are purdy. But like the other guys said, mobile trash.

Why is she so perfect

You had me excited there for a second. Then I realised this is Type Moon garbage.

Kys, OP.

I improved your mashu.

Can't wait to sit through the prologue again and again til I get Martha. Unless we get to choose.


delete this

So...uh can you marry your servants in this?

Bokurano was shit.


No, you will have to be satisfied with them just wearing a wedding dress. Only specific characters have the bride variant.

Well that fucking sucks.

>launch F/GO with no long maintenance times
this thing is going to die fast
should have launched it with a least okeanos

is there any mobile game with marriage outside of kancolle to begin with?

Siegfried is my husbando!

Panzer Waltz.

>mobage marriage

Also to be fair, Panzer Waltz is pretty much just a clone of Kancolle, but it's tank girls instead.

Well what would be the point of grinding for your waifu then?

>He doesn't want to marry his waifu

No but several love (You)

Can't wait

I'm going to have more emulators rerolling than Gil has treasures in his vault

How difficult is it to get a lot of quartz to do pulls with? I looked around at some of the servants and found out Ishtar and Mysterious Heroine X Alter can only be obtained for a limited time period so I was planning on saving quartz for those two when it releases for NA.

just one

Which one of them is that?

Neither will be released within the first year, if you roll for absolutely nothing you'd have hundreds of quartz, probably over a thousand to roll for them.

Hording is easy. Every map you clear gives one quartz, new maps come out with each new story mission released. If you log in consecutive days in a row you get quartz on certain days and a week of logins in a row gives you a free roll ticket (=3 quartz).

Everytime you hit certain day milestones you get quartz as well (ie, 50 days and so on).

On top of that events and commemorative giveaways (X amount of downloads) gives quartz as well most of the time.

Nero Bride but it's less being able to marry her and more of her being a servant whose entire gimmick is being a wife for (You).

Not hard if you play a bit every day.
MHXA is a contender for worst 5* in the game though. Try for someone else.

5* have 1% to roll, unless it's a rate up. Hoard quartz if there's a servant you want in limited events.

Isn't Ishtar a Babylon unlock?

I fucking wish.

I can't wait to roll for my wife(male)!

Let's say I want to shortcut. How much are quartz in the Japanese server?

Too bad he's a bland character in his own anime.

>Best Girl Medea

she really is the only redeemable girl in the entire franchise

a genuine princess who did absolutely nothing wrong

The fuck is a Kouhai?
And why does its face look like a dude's?

Moonspeak for "lower classman".

That's because Takeuchi can literally draw only one face.

Dr. Romani is part of Solomon
Solomon is a grand caster that will later not be so evil because the real villain of Ep 1 is Goethia
Mashu is a homunculus and a shit Demi-Servant

not anymore she isn't without my seiyuufu and future wife tane-chan

Better kouhai.

>the best girl is actually a guy
What do they mean by this?

>worst Rider in the game is trapshit.
Really activates those almonds.

You're just a faggot

I played this game for a year and trust me its a terrible mobage
>1% 5* rate
>Horrendus balance making everything but 5* and a handful of 4* useless(stats gained per level is proportional to *)
>Gameplay is just dumb luck and hoping you get a good hand

You can beat it with nothing but 3* units and some planning. Git gud.

>shit demi-servant
You never completed Camelot did you? She's 4* Waver except she's free and takes 0 cost.

>Horrendus balance making everything but 5* and a handful of 4* useless(stats gained per level is proportional to *)
>Implying 3* and below like Euryale are shit

I do not think you actually played this.

>the best guy is actually a girl

>Horrendus balance making everything but 5* and a handful of 4* useless(stats gained per level is proportional to *)
you can clear the game with shit tier characters now.

To be fair, gameplay mechanics wise FGO is ancient as fuck. The only thing it has going for is the art which will never get dated and the story. Other wise, newer mobage has way more fun and innovative turn based combat, even some Chinese ones

>Daddy Issues: The Character

Guess we'll find out. Although I'm not too excited to date Galahad

Pretty much every Nasu character can be boiled down to 'X Issues: The Character' user.

There's nothing wrong with original jeanne. Alters are trash.

> play Tsukihime
> MC's friend from HS is literally the only one who isn't a nutty
> play fandisc
> he is broken as well


>never completed Camelot
Try again. Not even bothering using her - have a Waver and a NP2 Merlin :^)

$23 for enough for a 10 roll

$70 for 140 quartz which is 4 10 rolls + change

Why is she called Eggplant?

>np2 merlin

Son, there's been worse whaling than this.

Any suggestion for a newer mobage with fun combat then? Coming from granblue Grand Order seems alright even if not as in depth and I tried SinoAlice but it also seems really shallow.

>only spent 30 buckaroos on New Year Gacha
>rolled 2 Merlins during his banner with 210 Quartz and a ticket
Sucks for you. I would have traded one for King Hassan, though.

How much free shit will the US version get?

I wish Arihiko actually managed to fuck Seven.

JESUS FUCK. That includes SSRs right?

What do you mean by + change?

A lot of it is pretty shallow, but if you want something different for a change, try GunsGirlZ and their newest game Houkai Impact, which is a DMC clone but with less movesets.

she got a dick

Just Saber Lily. US is getting 1.00 with the QoL updates, so there won't be any maintenances (not even the weekly ones), and it's confirmed we're not getting a free 4*.

git fukt

How many Sabers are there in this game and which of them is the best to reroll for

>that includes SSRs right
It's gacha nothing is guaranteed, there's a reason why these are called gambling simulators user

+ change means you'd have some single rolls left over

less than the JP version probably in terms of currency due to less maintenances and no stream give aways

The only Saberface that can be re-rolled for is Arturia and she's a 5*

Saber Alter requires you to beat the prologue before you can roll for her

Nero requires you to beat Septem (Rome) before you can roll for her.

Saber Alter and Nero both have rate-up events not that long after launch so if you want them just wait for their rate-up events.

Both nero and Saber alter are better than 5* Arturia in most cases

>can't get any of the good waifus in the tutorial roll

Give me my Jeannes dammit.

It's 3 quartz a roll, or 30 quartz for a batch of 10 rolls. (You always want to be doing batches of 10.) 140 quartz will give you four 10-batch rolls, with an additional 20 quartz left over.

how far can I get on pure F2P?

Any starting guide for people who knows 0 about this game and gacha in general?
What's the best way to emulate it?
Will the launch period have some bonuses meaning you should stop making new accounts to reroll after some time?

Karmic benevolence for anyone who answers

I've done everything including the CCC event.

You can beat the game and get some full powered, decent 3* characters. Just don't expect to get any of the event characters at all, outside the limited freebies. No Merlin, no Alters, no Bride/Lily Saberfaces.

You can re-roll for Jeanne and Arturia both but not in the tutorial roll since it's locked to just 4*s at most. The next chance you get to roll after that is open though.

Jeanne is really good for launch content but she falls off hard to the point where she's currently considered one of the worst 5*s in the game in current Jp content. Still plenty usable though

For the rest of the saberfaces none of them are launch servants except Saber Lily who's a 3.5* in terms of usefulness even though she's 4* in name. She comes back in an event later so you can level her NP.

clear everything just fine with f2p shit


Fate/Grand Order specifically refuses to start on emulation or on rooted phones. So no, you'll need a phone or tablet to play.

The launch is giving you free Saber Lily and some bonus quartz. Not sure how long that offer will last.

>starting guide
Your first roll will be from a very limited pool of all 4* servants. Heracles is clearly the top choice if you are going for the best. Past that, you going to be put through a tutorial and given quartz as a result. You can do a standard roll of all the available servants at that point, which could be anything from 3*-5*. If you plan on rerolling, then you'll probably want a decent starting servant and shoot for a 5* in the later roll.

Although really, the game isn't that difficult and servant stats aren't related to their star rating, so you could put together a team of 3* and freebies and still do well.

How lewd is this game and will it be censored?