Has a video game ever made you cry?
Has a video game ever made you cry?
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OG Nier is the only game that moved me.
I didn't cry though.
many games make me cry, i get emotionally invested in video games. MGSV:TPP made me cry.
Don't worry user, you're not the only one
No. I am a not a fucking child who cries are fucking video games of all the things. Jesus that is so pathetic.
i cried from the music in breath of the wild. does that count?
the game itself is mediocre but the music is perfectly beautiful and nostalgic.
lel look at this big boi
MGS4, P4G, TW3, SH2.
Xenoblade Chronicles, MGS4, Persona 4
lol if botw is mediocre, I need to know on what scale is your favorite game. Mediocre my ass, go see a doctor.
No, I am not a loser.
Don't worry OP, when real life teaches you about real suffering or tragedies you will realize how childish you are.
Nier is unironically Undertale for weeaboos.
>need to complete it 13 times for the story to get interesting meme
>ebil guys are not so ebil meme
>good guys were not so good meme
>cute characters try to kill you meme
>cute characters die tragically meme
>pathetic fanservice everywhere
>we couldn't create good gameplay, so we shove minigames up your ass every 2 seconds meme
>no effort went into actually creating the art assets for the game meme
>fanbase spends time shipping characters and mastrubating while talking about DEEP themes meme
I don't know why, but I got a bit sad at the end of sly 2. I hated seeing Bently get fucked up like that.
Yes. I can't point out why this ending affected me that much, though.
Only one time. FFXV ending.
I only almost teared up with OG Nier, but Automata was more emotional for me for some reason.
Nier, The Last Guardian, and Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
No, I am a heterosexual male
Witcher 2
>Persona 4
huh? why?
No, and certainly not that game
>Ending A
Jacked off to implied chokefucking
>Ending B
Same as above, but now with added voyeurism
>Ending C
Jacked off to that A2 ass, and then raged when nothing she did was explained at all
>Ending D
Laughed when 9S got his dumb ass stabbed from his own stupidity, and then jacked off to the thought of him leaving earth while 2B's soul gets gangbanged by three Africans in Earth heaven. Permacucked.
>Ending E
Severely angry at the overused "lol fight the end credits for the true ending" clearly copied from Undertale.
What a piece of shit story this game had.
The Last of Us.
And Persona 3.
Mostly due to nostalgia. I didn't get the golden ending the first time and so it ended with Yu saying goodbye to everyone and leaving. I made a big life change and moved from Vermont to Ohio in 2009, and I guess the thought of leaving friends and family behind just got to me. Generally when I cry, which isn't often, it's simply due to strong emotions, not necessarily sadness. I've gone through a lot in my life and P4 just got me in the right spot.
closest i've ever come was when brothers: a tale of two sons does that gimmick with the swimming at the end. i think i got slightly misty over that and thankfully nobody saw it. really well-executed thing they did there.
Cried my fucking eyes out when the music kicked in.
Even if the game's shit, that moment was fucking special.
Hyped the original from the day it was announced. Bought it day one.
Been waiting fourteen fucking years, man.
>"Reddit spacing."
Been here since late '06 or early '07.
Only To the Moon made me cry for real
The Last of Us almost made me tear up at the end
The ending of hotline maimi 2
Several times
>chapter 2 of Danganronpa
>Strange Journey Neutral ending
>Dragon Quest 9 quests
Man I've been crying a lot feels good
Yeah, just recently happened for the first time. I notice as I get older I'm more and more susceptible to emotional manipulation. Movies, TV shows etc could make me laugh or cry once in a blue moon, now those do it easier but video games never did it until now.
What game, user?
Probably not, if you feel the need to brag about it.
Surprisingly it was a musou game. The ending of Spirit of Sanada.
Even if he was probably a huge ass in real life, I always feel bad at the end of Dynasty Warriors when Zhuge Liang dies unfulfilled. Something about it gets me every time.
I finished Nier: A Ending E and just kinda sat at the main menu for a few minutes. Had a heavy feeling in my chest the rest of the night.
you are fucking stupid
only after you've experienced real tragedies can you really relate to similar things happening in fiction
>he liked A2
into the trash with you.
Snake had a hard life
Weight of the world second half of the credits
When Agro dies
I can understand feeling emotion from a game, but you have to be a serious fucking faggot to literally sob a tear at a game.
>fapping to ass means that you like the character
Fuck no. None of the characters in this POS game had any character, ironically. It's hard to like someone who has nothing to like.
Great bait until >clearly copied from Undertale
Nier Automata Ending E
Both Persona 4 and 5
When I replayed the Halo series I teared up quite a bit, but that was mostly from nostalgia
what's your favourite game user?
There were some heavy scenes in FFVI
Twice as Bright...
OP is the one that asked, retard
Nah. I play games to have fun
Mass Effect 2, Witcher 3, and The Last of Us
I have a soft spot for unconditional love being lost due to unforseen circumstances because my father left at a young age
True Lab, not even ashamed to admit. You know which boss.
I didn't cry when 9s killed A2 and himself but I did when the chorus kicks in when you're fighting the credits and receive help. What a powerful fucking moment.
Pic related.
>3 am or so
>sobbing like a little bitch during the whole last cutscene and half of the credits trying not to wake wife sleeping in the same room
Shit related to animals/pets always gets me.
Aside from already mentioned like Nier and Infamous 2, ending to Full Metal Alchemist game on PS2 made me pretty sad.
christ that's garbage taste lmao.
super mario kart
I got emotional and at least teared up a bit
playing SH3 a few months after my dad died wasn't a good idea
I don't like fat people in games. Something about them really annoys me.
I was the same way, trying not to wake wife's son
Defiled Amygdala when BB was new and insisted on playing offline and not looking up info on the internet to make my Hunter stronger through runes
>that last battle on story mode
Did you cry because B L A C K E D
Final Fantasy X, The Beginners Guide, and Bastion had endings that made me sad, but never tears.
Totally agreed. I'm 26 now and I'm much more of a softie than I used to be, especially for music.
>need to complete the game once, then half the game twice
>moral relativism is extremely uncommon in RPGs and especially was during that time period
>gameplay was dope
>graphics arent the best, yes
>Game X is unironically Game Y for Group Z meme
Post trashed
Shadow of the Colossus when Agro limps to Mono
Both NieR games
Red Dead Redemption had a lump in my throat
Don't judge my anons, I have a lot of love in my heart
But user, Agro just falls. She comes back later at the end of the game.
But I agree that it was sad, having your only faithful companion seemingly die to save your life is too much.
I didn't cry, though.
>Tell me anything better than this
You can't
>showing Harry's face
Boo! HD version broke the rule!
what is this and why is it making me sad
No, I'm not really a crier. A few mgs games got me a big tight in the chest though.
>edge overload + buzzwords
no one knows how to post a proper bait anymore
here's a pity (you)
The ending man.....I could get past the death scene. But then the slow frontier music starts as John gets buried........dead inside.
Don't tell me you forgot
It's really rare for me to get so invested into characters and feel their suffering.
Ending E is possibly one of the most powerful and, surprisingly, positive things i saw in vidya.
Fuck... I'll never forget.
We might have eyes, arms, legs, but in the end we're all blind and broken
Everything's gonna be okay, right?
How THE FUCK modern Ubisoft was even capable of doing something like this?
Black Flag deserves its own franchise.
I know. But the game still makes you think she dies.
The whole end of that game is just... Fuck.
>always liked Lilly the most since the demo they released
>final game finally comes out
>do Lilly route of course
>it's fucking beautiful
>get the proper ending for her where she comes back
>finding out afterwards that I made all the correct choices for it
It wasn't exactly hard to get to that ending or anything, but it just makes me happy knowing I got it all correct.
Lilly was amazing.
Everyone talks about the main story ending, but I never see any of the side stories brought up. Igglybuff the Prodigy got me fucking good.
I pity the people who finished the storyline before doing the sidequests and having to play as his lame-ass son.
Like most Rockstar games you get a feeling when the end if near, so I made sure I did everything I could, tying up loose ends if you will, then went to meet my fate. After that, knowing there was nothing more to do I just turned the game off and left it at that. Best way to finish.
>that image
Why is it that something I played 4 years ago still manages to make me completely break down crying with a single fucking image
>Personal data deletion request denied
This. I get emotionally invested on vidya pretty easily and always tear up a bit with nobility or similar moments, but this part got me crying like a little girl, it was amazing
Especially after you think of Wander's destiny.
He sacrifices himself to save someone important to him, but ends up being incapable to get the satisfaction of seeing mono alive again. At least he didn't die, but it seems safe to assume that in his babby state he is unaware of his past and deeds. He's basically resetted.
How? I was too confused for the last 1/4 of the game?
>tfw ending D
>tfw reading The Lost World right afterwards