Phone notification

>phone notification
>someone says in group chat, "anyone wanna play a few rounds of a game?"
>I say "yes"
>other guy says "yes"
>friend addresses the other guy and says "cool"
>other guy gets sent an invite
>haven't gotten anything yet
>they start playing and are talking in the chat about what's happening for the next 20mins
>I turn off the ps4 and go stroke the cat

Why does this make me feel so bad?

>why does getting left out of a social situation and being ignored by friends feel bad?
Gee I can't possibly imagine why

That fucking greentext

Post more ebic green meme texts and ill play with you

It sounds depressing but these people don't help themselves and he probably made no attempt to socialise or sort his situation out.

Then you say "Why the fuck didn't you invite me, faggot?"

Stop being a pussy ass bitch.
If you then see they don't want to hang with you, go away from them

Im sorry user

That fucking image, DELET THIS

>Not enjoying the food and the innate pleasure of eating something different to the food you eat everyday
>Not engaging in small talk with your family
>Not drinking like a pirate

I am a huge autist myself but still I do my best to enjoy social gatherings like that one. I'm pretty sure I would laugh my ass off at that cake if it was made for me.

the only thing worse than a pussy ass bitch is a bitch who tries to force his way in where he's not wanted

Shave your head and beginning plotting your revenge.

I'm in a GTA online crew where there's something similar
You have like 30 active people with 10-15 online at a time
For those who don't know, in GTA online you make money by selling products like large masses of cocaine, luxury cars, weapons and so on
Those missions need 3-4 people
Now when you ask for help you have like 3 or 4 guys that will offer help if they're free, but you also have a ton of people that will only help specific other crew members, even if you never done them wrong in any way
>ask for help
>one person says sure
>still need one more
>ask again
>*special person asks
>"Sure mate I'm coming, was free anyways"
Like why
What's the point of a clan/crew if you don't help each other out

Those friends are pieces of shit, mane.

>tries to force
Calling people out on their faggotry isn't forcing.

No, he really is not at fault here. His family needs to stop forcing him to socialize like that.

I get it, Normie shits want to spend their "special" days going out for overpriced meals and "talking to each other" (read: sitting quietly and checking their phone for half of it) but they need to realize not every wants that. Yet somehow they're fucking incapable of even considering the possibility. It's fascinating.

Try telling normies you think birthday cards are a waste of money, time and paper and see how much of a shitfit they have, even if you make it clear you'll do them for people who do care about them.

Familiarity is probably why. I've known this one guy online for years and I still can't gel with him.

>it's my birthday today
Fuck i didn't need these feelings.

Nah. I'm grateful to my parents and first boss to force me to socialize and talk to people. You simply can't progress in life without basic social skills because humans are a social species.
If you want to keep living inside your bubble, go ahead, but don't complain when you parents die / your welfare check stops arriving and your lifeline gets cut.

Happy Birthday user

>No, he really is not at fault here

He is. Stop turning everyone (including yourself) into a victim. It helps nobody.

There's a world of difference between someone not able to function in society and someone who just wants to spend their free time in a way they want.

ignoring someone you dont want to play with isn't faggotry, people aren't obligated to be your friend you cuck

By stroke the cat I assume you mean masturbate?


im pretty sure the name on this cake is david. i had a similar depressing thing happened when my mother "jokingly" ordered me a bananagram (entertainer in a gorilla suit) on my 18th birthday.
I was at home alone on the computer and this person shows up, does a dance and forces me to join in then makes two balloon animals and reads out a poem to me.
It was personalised and about how I spend a lot of time on the computer and that i play thresh in league of legends.
I quit league a while after this but man this had the opposite affect on me than intended. i felt depressed for the rest of the day.

h-happy birthday user

>That feel when I'm a depressed and broken human being and there is increasing amount of bitterness between me and my parents as they realize they aren't getting a normal adult son like there friends and siblings got

I don't know, this just caught me off guard. It's never happened before.



>'Gee, sorry for interrupting your e-date, fags. Now lets play'

Just force a small smile and listen to everyone arguing. Someone'll talk about something amusing or something.
And laugh it up with the cake. The mother was kind of an asshole getting fucking drunk and making fun of him tho.

Happy birthday man

this post is written by someone who is only able to think about himself
literal autism

you got some good replies from this thread in case it ever happens again
godspeed user

People in general have a lot of trouble understanding that some people are different, though it only seems to affect specific things. It can be hard to break the habit of assuming other people's preferences by examining your own. Often it can be something minor like insisting that someone try some food, even though they repeatedly state that they don't like it, because they simply can't comprehend that someone doesn't like it when they do. One other thing I notice is the inability to understand mental illnesses, with great advice like just get over it.

This is basically a case of abovementioned shit. Extrapolating from your own experiences and assuming that other people are the same.

his friends act like fucking faggots tho and deserve to get called out for being assholes
you're not getting the point here pal, its not about him forcing himself upon his friends
its about 2 guys making their friend feel like a piece of shit for literal no reason at all
why would you desperately need a chat with multiple people in it if you're only talking to a single person? that might be autism or smth

If you want to socialize, it helps. If you don't, it doesn't. Nobody benefits when you force people to do this shit when there is no reason.

I went to my sister's husbands birthday meal a couple weeks back and something similar (albeit not as embarrassing) happened. They did nothing but spend more money than necessary on food, complain the service was shit, spend half the time on their phone and then make the guy uncomfortable by having a huge cake brought out for him and having the staff sing.

The guys not NEET or shy or anything. He's 28, decent looking, has friends but is just a quiet guy that likes it quiet. Nobody benefited from my sister forcing a surprise meal and socializing on him when, by the sound of it, he'd told her he specifically didn't want that. He was pissed at the end of the evening, for good reason.

Shit. My birthday is this week
Happy birthday man, hope it's a good one.

Don't worry. Things will get better. I was awkward and had sever social anxiety in my 20s.

I'm mid-30s now, and I can almost function normally in society.
Just keep working, keep living, and learn more every day.

>that greentext
I'm glad I found Sup Forums.
I don't want to shit on the guy, but I used to think I had OP Pic Related-tier social ineptitude. After reading years of similar stories, it turns out I'm pretty okay, just a bit weird. Reading /r9k/ and wizardchan hust depresses me.

>Bonus Tip

Just have some balls and theyll like you more. The reason they dont wanna play with you is because youre such a soft whiny little bitch. Nobody wants to be around someone with cripplingly low self confidence, its a negative influence in your life.

>One other thing I notice is the inability to understand mental illnesses, with great advice like just get over it.
I usually say that kind of stuff to the anons that say that they have autism/anxiety/general social problems but what I really mean isn't just "get over it", what I mean is that YOU have to effort into overcoming your problems.
Everyone puts effort into socializing, some people more than others obviously, but since YOU have a mental illness YOU have to work to overcome it.
You can't expect the whole world to be perfect for your particular situation, if you want that then you're no better than a SJW.
Seriously, just put some effort and don't be afraid of failure. Its not the end of the world.

We can all make it, bro.

>literal no reason at all
its because they dont want to play with him obviously, take a hint, whats the point in crying like a bitch about it? go find some friends who actually like you

He's 21 if he doesn't want to deal with this shit he shouldn't have to

Having a mental illness is like having a physical ailment/deformity (missing an arm/leg, ugly) in that you were dealt a bad hand. Unfortunately, you will have to put in more effort than the average normie to reach parity or at least an acceptable level.

That greentext, now I'm sad. SAD!

>they laugh at me for cutting the cake weird"; "haha look how he cuts the cake"
That always hits way close to home

>playing normie game with my cousins online
>one of my cousins says something
>I make a joke
>dead silence
>they ask if we want to switch games
>I tell them that i'll join them in a bit, just send me an invite
>no invite
>they start talking about me
>how I haven't physically seen them in years because they live a couple states away
>they start talking about how they wonder where I went and what's taking me so long?
>turns out I had my mic on Mute the entire time

I'm a dumbass but I love my family

>Having a mental illness is like having a physical ailment/deformity (missing an arm/leg, ugly)
except you can get over your vague make believe mental illnesses like social anxiety, you cant grow a new leg

This. Sometimes when all your friends are shitty people, it's hard to notice because it's normalized. Knowing when to let friends go and get new ones is really important. I lost all of my friends once, it was horribly depressing at the time, but a year or two later I have tons of new friends that are amazing. I wouldn't have met them if I was still hanging out with people that didn't respect me.


OP here
Another guy in the chat just got completely blanked as well. At least I wasn't the only one.

what was the joke

>Join discord server
>Socialize and try to be funny for a day or two
>Realize I'll never be part of the already formed group of close e-buddies
>Not talkative enough (without booze) to play games and voice chat
>give up
>rinse and repeat every few months


I wish you two killed yourselves.
You're the reason why Sup Forums, no, 4chas as a whole, is so shit.

Not yet.

I got a cake like this, but I had family and friends around me. I thought it was funny not depressing. Guess life is just luck of the draw.

Nice typo you uncompassionate moron

>it sounds depressing but thats because he's a depressed loser
thx for reminding me

happy birthday i love you

you do realise you're a minority here, right ? or atleast many year ago you would be this site was pretty much made for said "said acts" in mind, if you dont like it do not browse this site and certainly dont be vocal to a community you do not share common ground with

i don't like your homesite but im not gonna go make a reddit account and talk shit about your site's users on their own site now am i

I'll follow your lead user

You have to go back, you don't belong in here.

This is normiechan for soem years now m8.
I absolutely aggree with you

Oh so you're "that guy" then. You should know that everyone is constantly talking shit about you behind your back to each other because of how fucking annoying you are.
You're like that kid who invited himself to parties in high school

I can relate to this so much

>you can get over your vague make believe mental illnesses like social anxiety
Sometimes, yes. Socialization needs to take place before puberty, preferably earlier, or it can be very difficult to become social at all. In these cases, you have to "fake it til you make it," but it's an uphill battle for those with no model on how this works. This is why I would never homeschool my kids, despite hating public school. Lack of socialization and close friends is worse than the retarded curriculum they have at schools.
As for actual mental illnesses (as in, not make believe) therapy and medication is really the best you can do, and it's a band-aid fix at that.
There's a difference between feeling weird in social situations and having a breakdown/panic attack as your brain turns into scrambled eggs.
I have not experienced this personally, but I know that not all mental illnesses are make believe.
As for what you said about mental vs. physical ailments, that's a fair point.

How do I cure an old person with this
My grandma moved to where we live and now she stays in either my mom's or my aunt's house depending on schedules
No matter where she is she refuses to do anything at all, complains about everything and is generally unpleasant to be around now
She wasn't like this, she lived alone for 15+ years in a small town where she went walking alone, talked to neighbors, hosted family reunions and shit
Now she's "depressed" and "anxious", on top of "feeling bad" when all the doctors after many studies tell her again and again that she's in 10 out of fucking 10 condition for her age
It's driving my mom and aunt fucking insane seeing her like this

Sorry for the blogpost

Welcome to Sup Forums, newfag

Compassion is for people actually suffering, not for spoiled shits like you.
The fact that you can spend a monday wasting time on Sup Forums says that at the very least you have a very comfortable life.

>who is only able to think about himself
>normalfag that can't just leave weird people be

hello twitter

>Socialization needs to take place before puberty
lol, you can learn to be social at any point in your life, even if you're a homeschooled 'autist', even people with legitimate mental illnesses can make friends

Dunno man. Old folks are hard headed.

>person has a literal chemical imbalance in his brain causing depression or other mental disease
>lol dude just get over it

All humans suffer.
>b-but my suffering is worse than his!!

Old people are fucked.
If you think people your age are stubborn, old people are 100 times worse.
You literally LITERALLY can't change the way old people do their stuff and they won't listen to what a little young shit has to say about them.
Just wait it out.

Sorry for not clarifying.
It's not the fact of being a NEET. It's the fact that you mental problems run so deep you can't enjoy any of the hobbies this imageboard talks about so you try to make the experience miserable for everyone.
We're at a point where we can't talk about a game without a legion of fags like those two yelling "IT'S SHIT! SHIT! SHIIIIIIIIIIT! like diseased monkeys.

>tfw i was still in highschool and no one gave a shit about my birthday and Im sitting alone at lunch and the stacy tier cheerleaders sit with me to make me not feel as bad

>play x online game
>it's fun
>through bantz and camaraderie meet some great people, only rule is no grillz allowed because they always ruin everything
>they're all onboard since we're permavirgins
>manage to get a small group to play with
>we make a clan and everything, names, ranks etc.
>play daily for about a month
>one day just stop playing the game altogether, move onto some JRPG or whatever
>ignore all the messages left in my inbox telling me to play with them

Even through the internet i just can't handle people for long, i'm going to die alone and i will love every second of it.

>chemical imbalance in his brain causing depression
this meme really needs to die

happy bday user

Maybe you just like shit games, you turbo queer.

That's what happened to my grandma. Then she started drinking heavily and died at 59 because of liver failure. She went back to wishing she could get better so she could go out and do things before she died.

I've read tons of books about social skills and at best I can function at the base level of a human being. Some people are just not cool

How do you know those two shitpost all the time?

>chemical imbalance
That stupid excuse again.

Lurk more you disgusting newfag

This guy is 21 years old, if he doesn't like being forced to go out and socialize, maybe he should get his own place and tell his annoying family he doesn't feel like going out. Instead he probably leeches off his parents and feels indebted to do whatever embarrassing and uncomfortable things they ask him to do. It's his fault for not taking control of his own life.

Basic medical knowledge isn't a meme.

>I've read tons of books about social skills
you're doing it wrong, moron

>even people with legitimate mental illnesses can make friends
Yes. My nephewis autistic, through and through, and he has friends at school.
My point was not that it's impossible, but that socialization should optimally take place early in life. If you are not meeting with others during your developmental years, what is your model for being social in adolescense or adult life.
Keep in mind there are many people who don't see this as an issue and their advice is almost always "lol just b urself dude xd"
The advice is correct and helpful, technically speaking, but people who lack social skills have no foundation on which to "be themselves" because they are constantly concerned with what others think of them.

That's how it works, but I'm pretty sure that those chemical imbalances are usually caused by external catalysts like not getting enough sunlight or socialization.

Blogposting + depression + wojacks.
There is no way they aren't shitposters.

>Basic medical knowledge
you're confusing cause and effect
there's a problem with your existence causing your brain to produce chemicals to make you depressed
just like there's a 'chemical imbalance' when you aren't eating enough of the right food

>waah I'm bad at socializing
>blaaaaaah im depressed you guys

Why are you trying so bad to change? If your life is truly that bad that it needs change than it will happen naturally otherwise you're fine.

And why are the depressed fucks always yelling they are depressed? I don't think they really want to change.

I know, it's been 2 years and it feels like banging your head on a wall

Me and my siblings don't even talk to her anymore pretty much, it's my mom and aunt that keep trying but it's driving them nuts and that's what actually worries me

Well shit, I'm sorry for you user
It really feels like this is going to end the same way

They ARE the reason Sup Forums exist in the first place you fucking newfag pice of shit, get back to watever shit hole you come from. kys

Some people just want to vent.

>be 12
>invite friend over to play on my ps2
>show him a game
>he says "it's cool, but can we skip the commercials?"
>"yeah the commercials"
>"do you mean cutscenes?"

He did.

Hi there newfriend