Nothing she said was wrong in the slightest

Nothing she said was wrong in the slightest.

Other urls found in this thread:

nothing she said made any fucking sense becasue this game was unfinished crap





I might've agreed if I understood anything she said.

>actions have consequences!



Nothing she said made sense because the game's writer hates Star Wars and Kreia was his mouthpiece to tear down and criticize everything about the franchise.


How's that bad?

>ywn show Kreia just how far a Jedi can fall

force sloth kek

Is the Force still canonically microscopic bacteria or did they retcon that shit?

The Force is a fucking tree now.

>"Did killing the Jedi bring you joy?"
>six answers, all of them are variations of yes
>reprimands me for saying yes, as if I had a choice, and lectures me for 10 whole minutes
>ignore everything she says and let the nazi holocrons have their way with Atris
>she tells me how proud she is of me as I push her bony ass into Malachor's core
So deep

I never would have thought that old ladies could be fedora edgelords too


Muh' "Force"

No, ascended.

She outright says false things though. Blows my mind how many people don't realise that her constant "nuh uh! I'm right and you're wrong!" is a purposeful character flaw of her.

>Are you a good boy?
>Are you an edgy fuck?
Fuck you. You are a failure.
>Did you do all those things to empower yourself, because you know it would end up so and did it without the influence of the teachings of the Jedi and Sith?
Good student. Now fuck my ass.

How is that so hard to get?

If you stay good the entire game she doesn't call you a failure though.

You can see and tell in dialouge when she is lying.
She admits it and says she is always testing the exile.

>ywn fuck a younger kreia
>ywn give her a kreiampie

>I suffered... indignities

was it rape?

if you dont kill the council she won't call you a failure IIRC

If you go all goody-goody she berates for self-sacrificing to the point the you weaken yourself and gain nothing from the acts.

I doubt Nihilus or Sion could pull off sex in their conditions.

source please.

But right at the end with the "you have failed me, completely and utterly". She won't say that if you're fully good and have been self sacrificing the whole game.

Force rape. Its like rape but with the force. They probably forced pushed her severed hand to fist her.

doesn't all rape involve force

I'll lose my shit if that and the force penguins turn out to be legit.
I'm almost certain it's Sup Forums making shit up again, but I'm half hoping it's not, because it's going to be gloriously retarded.

Well yeah because instead of killing a bunch of dudes to sate your bloodlust you were dying
You were her attempt to show the council how good of a student she could raise, killing them just proves her wrong

>because the game's writer hates Star Wars and Kreia was his mouthpiece to tear down and criticize everything about the franchise.
and yet you can tell her to fuck off at any time, and be the living proof she's wrong, should you choose.
This meme needs to die.

Force with the FORCE.

>think about your choices
>good actions can end up in bad situations
>all the major choices give more positive results if you choose the "light" sided solution
Only arguable situation is Onderon, depending on your political affiliations.

Why didn't Atton fuck off after Peragus? Why would he give a shit about a broken jedi knowing about his past? It's not like she would give him much trouble.

The Force, The Exile was attracting losers subconsciously

i haven't played the game in years but isn't the player character like a black hole in the force or some shit that draws other people who are force sensitive in?

>entry level philosophy
>doesn't make sense

Sup Forums everyone

>be the living proof she's wrong,
but you can't

Post a comparable scene from kotor 1

I'll wait

>KotOR2 & Kreia

it doesn't make sense because it's entry level philosophy in a game about ash-skinned evil people with red laser swords


>stop being a little bitch who adheres to code for the sake of it and think for yourself


People will always find the plot twist in Kotor 1 to be more interesting than some old lady ranting, just give up.

Its more sad that people don't get such shit from a game about ash-skinned evil people with red laser swords

>You will never make Kreia love you

let it go, KOTOR2 fans think they are smarter and better people because they "get" a game that was made for teenagers


>the only thing interesting about kotor 1 is an obvious plot twist

So this is the power of bioware... HA HA HA

The correlation between actions, consequences, and the reasoning, is basic philosophy.

>Gain nothing from the acts

Fuck you Kreia there are mechanical benefits for me being a good boy, don't talk to Jedi Jesus or his 52 wisdom ever again

kotor 1's campy fun villian vs kotors 2's tryhard edgelord

KOTOR 2 fans just want to discuss a game with a deeper plot than most other games.

KOTOR 1 fans are figuratively little children that kick and scream because other people like KOTOR 2, so they strawman just like you are doing right now.


I'm always confused when people say they didn't understand Kreia and/or dislike her (they are both essentially synonymous). She makes her motivations and desires explicit multiple times throughout the game.

You get two completely different scenes based on whether you go light or dark

The one is this post is dark This one is light

Although it's really if you kill the masters or not


This scene.

>explains herself fully
>people still manage to not understand kreia

The average Sup Forumsirgin is completely fucking retarded it seems.

Though saying that, the fact that we have KOTOR 2 threads all the time shows that some of you niggas are alright.

She never really berates you for being goody goody or even evil, she just doesn't want you to perform those acts because that's what you're supposed to do

That's why that scene on Nar Shaddaa she berates you no matter what you do, because it's really about the why, rather than what you are actually doing. That's why if you explain yourself, and you aren't just doing it just because she backs down and essentially approves.

Are you being good because that's what a jedi is supposed to do and you're just following blindly, or are you actually thinking through your actions and doing what you want to do?

Some user explained it well last thread i saw. It basically amounts to

>stop farming alignment points

That video some Sup Forumsirgin made on Kreia blew my mind. I didn't realise that following her advice and brutalising the Nar Shaddaa refugees and fucking them over ends up actually benefiting you by getting the Exchange to notice you sooner.


This is what people that went to public schools find "deep"

She did not offer me pretzels

Also know if you ever used Jedi Jesus face I hate you to your very core

>dude both sides are wrong lmao

>my first character was sith space Jesus

Why does this sound like a Futurama episode?

>Perhaps you were expecting some surprise, for me to reveal a secret that had eluded you, something that would change your perspective of events, shatter you to your core. There is no great revelation, no great secret. There is only you

KOTOR1 twist fags btfo

>try to walk past beggar
>forced into a conversation
>pick the ignore him option
>it does nothing
Why can't I just walk around him? Why am I forced to give him money or threaten to kill him?

I remember she once talked about not helping a guy because he wouldn't learn anything

All I could think was "Man, fuck that guy. The XP's mine, bitch"

You're a terrible person, even worse than the average Sup Forums goer


But really the game design isn't perfect, it's obviously a mandatory scene

A lot of people still seem to misunderstand that scene and think that you will always lose influence with her because she's a whiny old hag. When in actual fact, if you just say "I will take this on board and think about it" she is impressed.

>save some starving dude
>Why did you do such a thing? Such kindnesses will mean nothing, his path is set. Giving him what he has not earned is like pouring sand into his hands. And would that be a kindness? What if by surviving another day, he brings a greater darkness upon another?
Uh Ok
>Kill person
Make up your mind you old hag

>living proof that she's wrong

You can't. Every single thing that happens during the game is depicted to be part of her grand plan no matter what you do.

Was being asked to dance for the Hutta part of her plan?

yer, i didnt understand what the bish if your image was all about though

>Also know if you ever used Jedi Jesus face I hate you to your very core
You are Literally worse than Hitler

Nah, I don't need to consider that hag's shit advice. I need the XP. All the XP. so much XP that I become as unto a god!

Except it doesn't matter what she plans, what matters is who you are.

Fuck you Space Jesus is more canon then some fucking chick

>Missing the point this hard

Her entire grand plan IS for your philosophy to overcome her own. That's the fucking point.


>Be a vetern from the Jedi Civil war
>Taken down swaths of force users like it aint shit.
>THE FUCKING GENERAL of an entire campaign
>Kreia keeps talking to me like I'm some dinky Padawan
>Tell her to fuck off
>She tells me to leave her at the ship if I don't like it
>Do so

Rosh, Kreia and Jar Jar are tied for most unlikable characters in SW

This. You can personally agree or disagree with Kreia all you want. As long as you tell her you'll consider her teachings, she'll be satisfied.


Space Jesus is the absolute worst face, even worse than the Asian faces. meme power doesn't translate into in game power

was APATHY IS DEATH from something else before hand?

i say it all over the place and it seems too popular considering its from a hidden section of a niche screen jame

No one, and I mean NO ONE is more unlikable then Rosh. But I think that's kinda the point even the biggest moralfag would want to kill that guy making the choice pretty hard tbqh. Kreia is just 2deep4u or some bullshit

It happens in the korriban cave

It's from that. It just happens to be from one of the game's best scenes.

Jedi Jesus and the Bald Black Guy are the only two faces that look like a war veteran in their mid thirties.
The rest look far too young and naive.

The whole of korriban cave is great

You're embarrassing.