It's going to be a catastrophe.
It's going to be a catastrophe
Sup Forums is going to be a catastrophe because this place hates everything
>kojima a hack
What a shocker
Its never coming out lmao, Konami put up with his BS for years. I doubt anyone else will deal with the Talent less hack that is Kojima
did mgs5 even break even?
Kojima doing overly pretentious symbolic convoluted shit for the sake of it? Big surprise. Westaboo hipsters are as bad as weebs
Have you heard that guy talking? I still can't understand a single thing he says.
Only a true genius could understand kojima-samas vision
what's not to get?
you go around solving mysteries in the del taco truck
>t. brainlets
Kojima is way too smart for you guys to pull him down.
Who would have thought?
Guess, what? It looks fresh and exciting. I don't care whether some hacks were able to conceptualize it.
this game already took a tripfriend's life by not having solid info out leading them to believe it was both metal gear solid 5 (not V) and silent hills all at the same time
rip caramel 1999 - 2017
>Kojima explained Death Stranding to his team. What happened next will blow your mind!
What is with gook developers and terrible ideas?
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain made $179 million worldwide on its first day on sale.
>Konami was worried about losing money
Fuck those idiots.
>Kojima explains this crazy idea no one understands which could change the face of gaming as we know it
>It's actually just Uncharted but breaks the 4th wall sometimes
Wait and see
Now I want to know what happened, user.
New concept.
Seems to be duality, life and dearh, Fantasty and reality.
All that explains is that a mediocre game will sell on pure hype alone.
When is Death Stranding Pachinko?!?
His team didn't get it!
#kojima #2deep4me #istilldontunderstandthemetalgearsolidstories
Nathan [email protected]@vahn16
Kotaku PC games and (sometimes) MMA reporter person. Mindless vessel for a sentient mop of hair.
Did Sup Forumss opinion on kojimbo and death stranding changed right after sony bought both of them?
How can anyone doubt Kojima when he created the single best plot and the single best antagonist in history?
And didn't you guys hear? He's the master of ruses and is making FREE DLC to finish MGSV! All you had to do was connect the dots and you'll see it's a ruse cruise, bros!
Some of us aren't retards and realised it after MGS4 sucked.
i dont see the problem
raiden turned out to be a great protag
and vamp a cool villain
y take yourself so seriously tho... ffs, you`re making a game
>You play as a pretty boy with no relation to the main character
>It's bad on purpose
>Its trying to evoke themes of post modernism by being boring
Obviously if Del Toro is involved.
Koji many does that with every game he makes.
He said MGSV will do something no game has done before and change the landscape of gaming.
>In the trailers for mgs5 hear how language is a parasite
>that's a fucking cool metaphor
>it ends up being literal
A+ writing right there
Tomokazu Fukushima was the real brains behind MGS. The quality of the series went to shit after Kojima started doing all the writing and directing after 3.
>when Kojima tried to explain Death Stranding to his team "no one got it"
>/r/gaming now thinks that the game has deep and complex plot when in fact it's so retarded that the author himself does not understand it
Watch Kojima the Hack scrap the game ten times during development and release a MGS clone that has fallen too deep in the open world meme.
has he shown up at all since finally being proven wrong?
>gook has terrible idea
>other gooks have to make this idea not terrible in order to be profitable
>cannot say "but is bad idea boss-sama" or he will dishonor his family name which can only be restored by taking his own life with a sword
>great games come out
Meanwhile in the west:
>faggot has terrible idea
>other faggots think its a great idea because you should stay quiet if you don't have anything positive to say
>cannot say "that sounds terrible" or you will be labeled a shitlord and lose your job
>tumblrinas will dedicate their lives to making sure you never EVER get a job EVER again
>shit games come out
no just people using the name
I already dislike the fact that he's already blowing so much money on hiring well known actors. They add literally nothing to the game. All they do is break the immersion.
Kojima's a fuckin genius, it would take 3 hours to explain the whole story of the MGS series to someone
Yeah no shit.
It's not about being contrarian. It's just that Kojima left to his own devices is going to make a fucking meta post-modern "art" movie thing. That guys ego is out of control and now he's the boss.
2 DEEP 4 U
In all honesty, his team still doesn't get it. They just nod along and praise his autistic narrative.
Kojima is a bad writer
But he's a bad writer that thinks he's one of the best writers alive, and because of said confidence and ego, he's managed to convince retards on Sup Forums and other places that he's actually a really good writer.
It's amazing how he can say what he said in the OP picture and not realize that maybe they didn't understand it not because they're stupid, but because it's poorly written such as with Bioshock Infinite.
The man needs to do some serious reflection.
This is why critiquing is a thing, so people can tell you what's retarded and what works. You can't just handwave criticism as "you just don't get it" after you achieve success, just look at George Lucas.
I wonder how much money he will spend on motion capture this time
>some guy was like gi joe so they cloned him and his kids fought over his legacy
wow so complicated
There's a female character in the game that's naked 100% of the time and is always giving blowjobs in every scene. Before you blow your stack, there's a reason for this and you feel like a dick once you realize that she was in a horrible accident that renders her only able to eat semen to repair her wounds and all of her energy now comes from photosynthesis. Can't believe you guys thought he was a pervert.
Super soldiers and politics.
How long did that take?
Name of the interview?
Maybe he should've tried speaking in english
This needs a brazzers logo in the corner
People will continue to suck Kojima the Hack's dick forever and blame Konami 100% for MGSV being unfinished when in fact Kojima was so unbearable i think that any studio in existence would have enough of him, force him to release the game and told him to fuck off.
theres absolutely nothing wrong in objectifying women in games
its games for fuck sake
let us bask in in the glory and get weird boners
Come on man, you're missing the part where there was like this dude who lost an arm so attatched another guy's arm onto himself but he became that guy in the next game but then 2 games later it turned out to be a trick.
This is some SERIOUS stuff
I wonder if the Reedus and Mads are forced to hang-out with Kojima during unpaid time.
Look man caramel is gone, those threads were fun and all but let that fucking shit go.
Try explaining the plot of MGS to your parents and see if they get it.
MGS2 and beyond was a mistake
MGSV has beatiful animations desu
Fucking this. Trying to to explain your fanservice with lore like a faggot instead of admitting to it is pathetic. This is why Yoko Taro is based and Kojima is not.
This game is the definition of vaporware.
Hell, we all know Metroid Prime 4 is coming out earlier and they only showed a logo.
I would question this if it didn't sound so plausible
Let's be honest, Kojima goal isn't to make a good game, it's to throw money at D-list nobodies that only hipster trash pretend to be in love with.
My parents can only understand the plot of 90s sitcoms. That's the peak of their intelligence.
Kojima is a fucking hack. Why does he not just become a movie director making indie art films?
It's sad how poor of a reason it was for Quiet.
I mean hell. Could've done something stupid but less stupid like, she had to wear clothes filled with bugs for a week and it gave her ptsd of wearing too much clothing. While still stupid, if you worked that into her story somehow it would make sense why she basically just wears a bra, panties, and fishnet see through (due to the bug paranoia) leggings.
>MG was a creative game but relatively bland.
>MG 2 was just like MG but added more stuff.
>MGS was just like MG 2 but added more stuff.
>MGS 2 was just like MGS but added post modernism.
>MGS 3 managed to pair MGS 2 with a jungle setting and old school movie cliches.
>MGS 4 was a mix of previous ideas with a clusterfuck of a story.
>MGSV is a half finished piece of shit.
He's been making the same game half his life and fails once he goes of track.
>trying to shill nintendo on a DS thread
>being that buthut about not getting DS in her shitty "gaming tablet"
Wew, lad
Not him, and I'm
I actually agree entirely, I like hot girls in games.
The problem with Kojima is that he felt like having a hot girl in his game just because she's hot makes the game poorly written, so he forced in some stupid poorly written reason for her being dressed hot.
>konami announces metal gear survive
>people hate the idea of zombies in a metal gear solid game
>even though mgs:v had zombies
>even though mgs2 had a vampire
>even though literally every asspull supernatural element in the universe can be handwaved as nanomachines
We don't even know what DS is, when they show some gameplay I'll be butthurt if it's not coming to PC. You will have to buy a PS5 for it though.
did caramel sudoku?
I want to make babies with this sword.
>so he forced in some stupid poorly written reason for her being dressed hot
The problem was also that Quiet had a very generic and boring design. Almost everyone forgot about her while 2B will be remembered for long.
whenever someone says "themes of postmodernism" i have to laugh.
i'm a huge kojima supporter and fan of mgs. but if you have a team that was at least partially with you through the entire mgs series... and then you explain your new idea to them, and they don't get it... there's something wrong. if you explain yourself to 100 people and none of them understand, then the problem usually lies with the person doing the explaining.
And what was that? Releasing a game that was simultaneously functional yet painfully obviously still incomplete?
No. Might be hard to believe for someone who's obsessed with their favorite console
I was on the fence with MGS4 and after I played MGS5 I'll forever see Kojim a as pretentious hack. Death Stranding looks like the worst of that.
> Kojima, Todd, Peter Molyneux, that guy from The No Man's Sky
Kojima doesn't even understand how a C-section works. What makes you think he isn't going to fuck up an entire game based around babies?
Also, MGS 4, PW, and V were utter garbage. An entire decade of shit games despite having all the time in the world and a near limitless budget. He needs to fuck off along with David Cage
Well that's too bad because she's my wife and we exclusively monogamous where we only have sex with each other under covers with the lights off in missionary position
it would take me 3 hours to explain the whole story of some 13 year old's 100+ chapter sonic fan fiction does that make him a genius?
>So, Mr Kojima, how does it play?
>MGS4 sucked.
Didn't Fukushime write codec and codec alone?
coincidentally the thing that everyone hated and what fell of the face of the earth post MGS3, lol?
>"Pass the bluray remote bro"
You don't get it user. It's just that Kojima's genius is not for us, mortals, to understand.
Kojima is the M Night Shamalayn of video games.
When its good, its really good.
When its bad, it looks like it was made from some other planet what are you doing?
You're cucked by the shota.
>she doesn't wear clothes because she breathes through her skin using NANOMACHINES, SON
Why not just say her skin has nano-sized solar panels embedded in it which power her augmentations? Basically make her skin a battery which would also explain why you can't touch her because if you did you'd get zapped by static discharge.
>also her brain is full of NANOMACHINES, SON and that's why she can't talk
>We don't even know what DS
>compares 2 teaser trailers to a 3 seconds video of the number 4
Wew lad, you are really trying. Kek
is this a shop?
it looks like someone shopped another persons head on it
I agree with this. Also, there is no point. Snake wouldn't be snake if he didn't look like it does. What it's the point in not create a character from 0 in a videogame where it's possible? Pretty sure a film director would be glad of be able to choose how he wants his characters to look.
I believe in this game, I love MGSV, but I think this was unnecessary and will not contribute to the game. It's just good for the trailers, it would have been better a unique character with a unique look. Maybe a new iconic character from videogames? This It's now just impossible.
Considering the codec was like 99% of the story in the first 2 Mgs games I'd say he was more important that Kojimbo ever was.
i dont know man but he was so broken, he even apologized, i think he realized his own autismo at the end and left for good
I don't know about you but I feel ashamed of my words and actions.
It looks like a masturbation joke.
I completely agree with this.
Hell, MGS is my favorite franchise of all time, MGS4 was such a fucking disappointment it led me to think Kojima isn't capable of writing a good story on his own. Then MGSV happened and I couldn't even finish that, what a fucking joke.
I can't say anything about Death Stranding though, maybe a fresh start is good for him, but we don't know shit about this game yet and it doesn't look like it's coming out any time soon.
I bet you couldn't even explain why you think he's a bad writer