PC gaming

>PC gaming

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this implies that console women lap up shit and are okay with companies taking their toys away. literally bowing down to them

>shit game gets shit reviews


the only thing that would make GTAV good is if they put all the shit from online into single player

>implying i'm going to play fucking tennis in a GTA game

Why the change in the recent reviews?

we did it reddit! :DD

Take-Two basically shut down modding for GTA.

pc faggots butthurt that rockstar cut their mods off

Take Two sent a cease & desist to the devs developing OpenIV, meaning that GTAV modding is essentially dead.

lol you faggots are such babies. it's not magically dead because of that.

How long do you usually like the corporate dick up your ass? Have they trained you to take it balls deep yet?

i see. then there is justification in what is happening.

Well they could continue developing/distributing it if they want to get sued into oblivion.

Other than graphics, GTA 5 was a shitty PC port.

you wouldn't know, console woman. you like to eat shit and bow down to companies so they can stick a large stick in your ass. here you are justifying the removal of content just for you can make an uninformed reply to this post

>GTA 5 was a shitty PC port.

how? outside of the online stuff which is fucked on all platforms

>Continue operating on a new alias on a new website
>say they're picking up where the last guys left off
>repeat when DMCAd

honestly all they did was make me look into dlls to hack, even though i'd just kinda start up GTAV to drive around for a bit and then fuck off for a few months.

next time i start it up I'll drop a bunch of fucking safes from the sky and finally get to enjoy all of this "free" update content that is locked behind exorbitant amounts of in-game cash

>playing GTA multiplayer
I can see the appeal of the novelty, but surely nobody takes it seriously after that?
It seems a lot more trouble than it's worth for nothing that matters. I may be wrong, I just don't see any point in it other than a LAN session or two.

Dumb entitled pcbros.

Nobody should have to go through all that trouble just to mod a game. Take-Two should have never sent the first DMCA.

Something tells me that if a new gta gets made, it's gonna take a loooooooong time till there will be a pc port.

That is an absolutely retarded idea. Why not just develop it in secret and stealth release it instead of baiting a DMCA every time? Take Two is probably monitoring the shit out of the modding community now so they don't miss out on their precious microtransaction dollars.

Take-Two obviously do since people can just cheat their way to millions and completely bypass having to buy Shark Cards.
OpenIV is also the major modding tool for a vast majority of single player mods.

Unlike you console faggot we don't let companies ram bullshit up our ass. You have no choice in the matter and just eat up whatever garbage developers shit in your mouth, happens when you play on a closed platform.

>what is collusion

Like with TES, mods are what make GTA games good. I don't know what are they thinking

If they had PROPER mod support, a server browser, custom community servers, ect. Even with muh new graphics, GTA 5 on PC still feels like a console tard game.

>If they had PROPER mod support, a server browser, custom community servers, ect.
Why bother when you know it will sell like hot-cakes? It's all about getting a quick buck.

Consoles don't have mods so nothings changed for them

>shit game gets destroyed by consumer reviews
Whoa i'm shocked!!

hence, "you wouldn't know, console woman"

They are subhuman-tier

Get it right so I can understand you

Why are you posting on here? Papa Take Two is coming home and expects an oiled hole ready.

Do people think Rockstar actually give a fuck lmao?

Literally everyone and their mother bought GTA 5. Many of us twice. Why would they care abut negitive reviews 4 years later?

Pee keys should be grateful that Rockstar even bothered to ported GTA5 to their dead, garbage platform.

>manchildren steam cucks literally destroying any chance RDR2 would get a PC port
I hate you fuckers so much you're worse than weebs


>boo hoo PC meanies
I'll care when they stop pushing online and shark cards

>implying this would kill the chance of a port
Normies don't give a shit. GTAV on PC sold about 7.5 million copies. That's hundreds of millions of dollars for minimal porting work. Even if RDR2 has a chance of only selling half of that it would be worth the port.

People are still playing this garbage online?

The game was [OK] at the most, and the Online is fucking boring as shit.

Once again like the paid mod BS PC friends dont put up with BS from devs..now with paid mods being sent to the console fags they will now make it a standard..once again consoles are holding back gaming

Only degenerates use mods.

It's a publisher's choice to release or withhold a release. If they withhold RDR2 as a result of this, as a direct reaction to the backlash against their actions against mod developers that's still on them for opening the can of worms

>skyfall as an argument

Mods are the only way to make GTAV fun


>blaming the publishers for the playerbase's actions
again, i hate you fuckers.
entitled motherfuckers all of you

I'd sure as shit mod Skyfall if I could.

And it won't change anything, nice one idiots

>PC community bitches about a game
>Still buys it, plays it for 30 minutes, then continues bitching

This is why nobody likes the PC community. These fags just bitch whine and moan and then don't even stand for anything that actually has meaning to the publishers, i.e. not buying the game.

Kind of funny how this undoubtedly means the next GTA will have no mods whatsoever from the start of its release on PC, since people still continue to buy the game on steam even after they drop all these negative reviews.

Ah yes, an MS paint comic. No use rebutting that.

>rolling over and accepting whatever ugly cock corporate gaming industry shoves up your ass

Oh yeah thats the console gamers alright. Same group of cúcks who have to pay a monthly fee for fucking listen server matchmaking in 99% of games.

GTA V is so boring that need mods

Whatever keep crying faggot, your game is worthless without mods.

>blaming the publishers for holding back release for a year
>blaming the publishers for not enforcing cheating adequately
>blaming publishers for issuing C&Ds against users
Yeah, TT did nothing wrong at all.

Post this real image

GTAV was shit long before this whole shitshow even started.

yeah enjoy your half-baked fan made shit.

lol who cares. Have you ever even played GTA5? I have 500 hours in it and I couldn't give a rats arse if Rockstar ever brought another game on PC or not assuming they continued down the same path as they have with GTA5. The online aspect of the game (which is the only thing people play, because single player is meh) reeks of shit design, it wouldn't be so bad if Rockstar was just incompetent. But they aren't, they have in no ambiguous terms said that their decisions like not touching or fixing old content are intentional.

Is that really how that works though? I don't think Devs release games with the expectation that modders will come. I think modders just dick around in the game files until they figure out how to change things.

>hurr durr let's boycott this

If GTA V is good without mod support then this is just a bunch of crybabies overreacting to some bad news.
If GTA V is shit without mod support then the rating should never have been high to begin with.
Either way this proves that the mod community is stupid and will buy and positively review any garbage (e.g. skyrim) that comes out as long as they can "make it good", which disincentivizes people from making good games at all.

>take pity on PC gamers
>release your game for PC out of the goodness of your heart, even though you had absolutely no obligations to do so
>set up some house rules
>they go full sperg mode
Ungrateful pricks!

>storymode is shit and the worst in the series
>online is designed so that you have to spend literally hundreds of dollars to get the most out of it, or spend literally months grinding the same shitty missions over and over like a badly paid job

I gave it a bad review before it was cool


Giving a negative review to something isn't boycotting it.

>I think modders just dick around in the game files until they figure out how to change things.

Until Rockstar bans them as soon as they try to. There's literally no way to fight corporate overlords with anything but your wallet, which pathetic PCbros literally cannot do. They'd rather buy the game just so they can fit in with dropping a negative review just to show how much they totally don't like the game, when they're too retarded to see that not buying it does miles more in that sense.

how does playing/not playing the game make a difference if we already own it

the only people who give a shit about this are people who own the game


the are no toys to take away tho

Confirmed Take-Two shill, but I'll bite the bait.

If you honestly think that controlling what people do with a product on PC is a good thing (considering PC is now bigger than console) you are an even bigger moron that I imagined.

Console gamers are willing to eat shit when they shouldn't. PC gamers aren't. Stay mad, delusional fuck.

>A PC virgin doesn't understand funposting
It's pronounced "PEECEECUCКS" you illiterate subhuman


you do realize a lot of mods are better crafted than the game they were made for because those making it were actually passionate about it?

Fuckin hell, its like you faggots think leaving false reviews on a game will do anything. You butthurt babies acting like children will not fix anything


>only 69 missions, which are separated by three characters

Giving up on the PC market equals death this generation.

Take-two might honestly be that stupid.

>had to be forced to this boring snoozefest combat after max payne 3
>final mission being hyped up as some ultra difficult impossible death sentence
>get through it without even losing my body armor

5 was just disappointing

just get the crack
Why do people still buy games?
I don't get it

>Giving up on the PC market equals death this generation.

>PC fags ACTUALLY believe this

I have it on ps4 and pc. It got it on pc to mod and dick around in SP. Take 2 are fucking cucks

Next time Rockstar should port GTA to Switch leaving irrelevant pee keks with youtube walkthroughs.

>Literally everyone and their mother bought GTA 5. Many of us twice. Why would they care abut negitive reviews 4 years later?

Still I can't understand what's the deal with GTA,I bought the first two GTA games for PC nearly on release date,I enjoyed GTA 2 the most but at the end I would just go around in fullo holocaust mode.Some years later I got GTA3 again for PC and fucking hated it cause at some point everyone and their own mother would fire at you.Ended it twice cause the first time I skipped something and I wanted those special vehicles on my garage.After that it was just turn GTA3 on,go around while running over people,start the police massacre,get wasted and turn the game off.Nearly the same thing happened on Vice and the town here was more smaller,empty with zero variation,the only good things were just the Arena and music,again wasted time hugging the police.
San Andreas,tried to do all in one to avoid re-runs,fucking disk broke,save got corrupted twice if not more,always skipped GF bullshit with trainers,ended it again dispensing death.
GTAIV happened and it had Securom,and GFWL and Social were a requirement,tried it on friend's PS3,town was meh,vehicle handling was shit,everything looked like a toy inside a chromatic aberration,didn't even wasted my time cracking it.
GTAV happened,Kikestar went full jew,added bad sports and grind in a fucking GTA game,was thinking about pirating it but who fucking cares.Guess who's not buying GTA games anymore?

How the fuck does a "youtube walkthrough" for a multiplayer game work? Are you retarded?

PC has the most current active player base out of any console, and people are currently gunning for more power for video games. The XboneX is only a low-mid end PC currently on the console market. PCs have been capable of 4k (and now 5K) for a while if you have the cash.

why doesn't the gtaforum/redditors making these threads have any balls? why aren't they dropping mad hack money onto online?

>because they actually think a petition and bad reviews on a game that was released threes times will make a difference.


ITT: massive fucking faggots

The PC gaymers for wanting to mod a game that the fucking company itself doesn't want you to mod (WE WANT YOU TO PLAY THE GAME THE WAY WE DESIGNED IT) which is literally how every gaming company is deciding to act like these days

The people against it because now we all know that you faggots secretly support the Bethesda creative club. So not only are you pathetic console humpers, you're also petty to the point where you support corporate whoring.

Congratulations, everyone here is handling this very well, and I don't even play this fucking game. What the hell were you fuckers expecting? They can't make money if you mod the game, so they're going to stop every attempt at it so you plebians buy their stupid shark cards.

>triggered cocksucker

Why are people crying so much about people leaving negative reviews? Do you all work at Take Two and take personal offense?

looks like they C&D'd a ton of mods lol.

the peaceful protest. it ain't working.

>PC players not taking corporation bullshit like the console good goys
the horror

>ITT both sides of the argument being autistic
I don't even know who's baiting who anymore.

many of us bought the game just to mod it what are you talking about?

>half-baked fan made shit
Yeah, that's exactly how gta 5 felt like. The only mod I needed was uninstall.exe.

>>PC players not taking corporation bullshit like the console good goys

oh yeah im sure leaving a big mean negative review really gives the man the finger after buying the game.

>better than acting like what they did is fine like console keks would dumb ass