ITT: stronk womyn done right

ITT: stronk womyn done right

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Nu lara need not apply.

Too attractive


thanks now I have to replay blacklist to look at her ass on the plane


Commit suicide.

looks like that chick from kindergarten cop with schwarzenigger.

She's too tsundere for Fisher to be a true stronk womyn.

You're welcome, it's a good game.



Miss Fish Lips.


Other M

What about semi-new Lara?

>shoots the best character in the game
>DLC adequately convinces you that she dindu nuffin
I'm still mad though.
Also that lamp boss was cool as hell.




Lara would not say favourite without a u in it.



I legit couldn't see this pic without stroking my dick. Why the fuck they made her so attractive.


Lol dunno. Maiev from WC3 Frozen Throne was pretty cool I guess.

...was perfect.

I second this.

Kidman is CUTE!

Was just about to say her.

It seems crystal dynamics thought that getting British VA was enough.

Old lara was fucking awesome.

>mfw people nowadays forget that the character itself was an international fucking sex symbol and that the fucking video game movie launched angelina jolie's career

Also the early games are still great. I played through them recently. Literally the only issue is the clunky movement.

I actually liked everything being aligned to blocks. It made everything more puzzle-like. Like if there was a jump you needed to make that was clearly a certain amount of squares you new it would need to be a running jump and a grab, or if it were further you knew you either had to find another way or jump off a block or something.

She was pretty much the only woman in that game, they couldn't make her ugly.

ye boi

She wasn't attractive at first. It was after CT that she started to be attractive.

women will never be strong

Please fuck off to tumblr femanon OP



stronk womyn done sexy

they're stronger than you, lightweight

People dismiss clunky movement because they forget levels were clearly built with it in mind. All those strict jumps you had to pull off worked just fine because of level geometry accounted for them.


>t. triggered hamplanet dykewhale

>this fragile masculinity

All things considered in a game where far more competent characters get tricked to server forever or killed if they're lucky.

dont worry, i was just playing around

Still true though. Otherwise rape cases and domestic abuse wouldnt be as rampant if they can fight back. Women are the weaker gender.

>when you have to diagonal jump onto a slope in order to jump off at the end onto a platform on the other side that you can't reach by jumping normally
>in order to repeat the process several more times to get to the other side

>that skirt
Just because she has glasses doesn't mean she's unattractive. Looks hell of a lot better than whatever they did to her in Conviction.

Struck a nerve. You will never ever ever get penis, let that sink in.

ly shit. You're right my friend

You let too many penises sink in your ass.

Almost ever woman in a video game is strong, but sjws don't see it because they are also beautiful.

Awww youre cute, lets fuck


>nicknamed Lady Death
>literally lead a genocide against a bunch of arabs
>left the military and started hunting huge ass game, beating them to death with her hands
>legitimately has PTSD but sucks it up and fights anyways, doesn't let it affect her in battle
>also those THIGHS

how can other stronk womyn even compare?

You could just posted Dragon Ball.

I know it's part of the whole mean black afro lady meme but Nadine in Uncharted 4 was a cool villain. I liked how she kicked my fucking ass

back then people still treat africa like its 4th world country thanks to all the news about famine, aids hiv and beg people to donate to them.

this is tounge in cheek as in she doesn't want to be there


Zelda from the older games used to be

SS and BotW rubbed me the wrong way though, though I blame SS on the Hylia bullshit

Did you miss the Ebola scare?
Nothing has changed.

Ayame from Tenchu.

I not the author of that meme, but I guess you are right.

>kinda dumb

She sounds pretty enthusiastic.

well you sure cant have videogames characters joke about africa beiing the worst continent anymore

nothin personnel: the android

unironically Ellie from TLOU
winter was the best part of the game


Post the video.

>men are better because we commit more violent crime!

needs more porn and games


welp guess im jerking it to tranny porn today, thanks user

Well her ancestors did kind of hold her hand throughout and she got to experience what they did.

We are talking about strength here bitch, not morals.


Kills people senseless.
Still wants to be hammered like a bent nail.

Speaking of which, femHawke was pretty based.



I'm diamonds.

Mary Sue

Cripple Chloe was hella strong.

As someone who grew up with the original Tomb Raider games, I was extremely pissed off about how feminists were slamming the old Lara and saying the new one was much better

new Lara was whiny and pathetic and every cutscene consisted of her crying and being saved by someone, meanwhile old Lara was doing backflips with akimbo ingram's whilst fighting a T-rex

I'm autistic probably because I don't hear sarcasm here.

I wish this happened in Blacklist desu, would've been hotter with the new character models.

Is there anything better than seeing a strong womyn getting the shit beat out of her and being forced to kneel? I literally can't get off to anything else

It was simpler time when games still mostly were just games. And Africa meant just Africa

>90 posts
>No one has mentioned The Boss yet
What the fuck is wrong with all of you?

I don't play shit games

Are you for real?She hangs out with mummies, multinational crime organizations and dinosaurs, obviously few mosquitos, humidity and heat isn't something that will drive her away desu.

fuck off

Chun Li
Classic Lara (but nu Lara is a billion times hotter)
Jill Valentine

she looks a lot like Julianne Moore when she was younger. Sounded a lot like her too. She could have played her role perfectly if they ever made a MP2 movie.

She's actually strong since she can fuck up pleb warriors with her magic, and she's not a Mary Sue.

>the fucking video game movie launched angelina jolie's career

I mean, her big mainstream debut was five years before that film and she'd already earned an Oscar and half a dozen other awards before wearing that wetsuit.

Charlize Theron with dark hair senpai