Why do horror games all have to just be walking simulators now?

Why do horror games all have to just be walking simulators now?

Why is there this implication that you can't be scared unless you are doing FUCKING NOTHING and things just pop out at your once in awhile? Like im not a huge horror game fan, but every once in a while i want to play one and i just end up having to replay one of pic related because everything new is fucking soma, or Outlast or ethan carter or whatever the fuck.

The only scary game in that picture is Condemned.

Walking sims are bad but at least it's not Penumbra

Because Outlast and Amnesia got really popular.

>outlast 2 fails
>Amnesia becomes stale.
Never even bothered beating amnesia, deleted it a week later. absolutely overrated game.

manhunt was made just to stir up controversy

Games like Soma and Outlast are good mid-budget horror games and those type of games inspired the return to form for Resident Evil. The real problem is that walking sim horror is so cheap to make every talentless indie company makes them and flooded the market to try to get money from streamers and youtubers promoting their games.

still was a very very good game, the atmosphere was there.

>forces you to walk in the "horror" parts of the game

Aight bud.

You know theres 3 games right?

5 of those games aren't scary
The other one I haven't played

Learn to read.

I want Fatal Frame to be good again.

Amnesia and pewdeppwpasp

there is always a culpit for all the problems in a specific genre

shooters its cod
horror games its amnesia

Shame that the only gameplay that other games bothered copying is running away and hiding
It had much more other stuff going on, puzzles, resource management, lantern and tinderboxes, sanity mechanic, etc.
still the best horror game with no combat

Michigans report from hell is betetr than any of recent first person horror shit

>No horror game where you have to try and save other characters.
When will devs realize that trying to survive as somebody that can respawn is not as scary as having all your friends die?

People have been desensitized by horror. You see people give games like RE4,Dead space and The Evil Within shit for being "action" but Horror games were pretty much the same shit and were only scary because there was nothing like them before. Look are RE REmake which is constantly held as what people think when they talk about Survival Horror. They say modern horror games are shooting galleries and then act like you don't just kill monster from room to room while doing the puzzles between in the REmake. So now the only way games can be "scary" or "horror" is if you completely make the character you play as have barely(or none at all) any way to defend yourself. Or use gimmicks like first person give the player a sense of immersion.

Alien Isolation and RE7 were fantastic and incorporated combat and resource managment to make sure there was gameplay-driven tension in addition to traditional scares. Good games.

State of decay has a decent system. Survivors can die, and if you die you just take control of another one of your survivors, each with their own stats. You can also switch between them without having to die to train them up.

became a full on 3rd person shooter towards the end of the game and made it hella fucking fun and challenging for anybody with the balls to beat it.
was practically a run and gun with slow motion scenes.
>re2 and sh2 are your classic survival horror from back in a time when walking and collecting artifacts was still a thing

I played 10 minutes of dead space then put it away forever, it was just too boring.
Condemned from what I remember at my friend house was a bunch of crazy people running at you. Seemed pretty cool and horror like

horror =/= what you personally get scared by.

You are not completely wrong but still. I played resident evil 2 yesterday and shit was intense. like really fucking intense. Its just a lack of creativity and attention to detail plus well thought out enemy types and placements that shit up the horror universe.

You're autistic, the implication is that you basically are in a walking simulator in fear anytime the spoopy happens, thus equating it to a walking sim that OP was trying to say it isn't, along with the others listed. Ironic that you're the one lacking reading comprehension huh bud?

I think part of it is the belief that "true" horror requires you to be defenseless, because apparently you can't be scared if you're capable of fighting back at all.

It's because horror games are allowed to break the rules of most video games.
You can have a horror game that plays like shit as long as it's scary. Fear is the most important part of horror, the game aspect comes second.

Now it's time for a controversial opinion:
Games like Silent Hill, Dead Space, Evil Within, and Resident evil just simply aren't good horror games. Yes, they're good games with horror elements but they just simply aren't scary. You would have to be a child to be scared by silent hill or The evil within. For God's sake, SH2 has the most generic "evil zombie hellhound" design in the history of horror.
Games like Agony, Layers of evil, and even Outlast 2 are just objectively scarier than Silent Hill or Resident Evil. This is just a fact.

I get what you're saying, but I don't think the problem is desensitization. The problem is people aren't creative enough to make something fresh and new with horror.

Outlast, low budget and no gameplay.

>dead space

These are all good games but the only one that is genuinely scary is condemned.

Alien isolation was SO fucking boring. HOLY SHIT what a shit game. was waaaay too long for how quickly its gimmick dies out.

i cant believe id say it but IGN was completely accurate with their review on it.

RE7 is just ok.

Fuck you dude I'm a grown ass man and silent hill 2 still makes me shake.

though I would agree that re4 and the likes aren't true horror games even though they're fun

>hahaha guys look at me do I stand out yet? Hahaha guys look at me I'm different hahaha

Care to explain what part scares you? Because SH2's monster design is very bland.

>having an opinion is bad

It was a shit game. I appreciate AAA trying to be subtle but it gets boring fast. It's a bad middle ground between walking sims like outlast and action horror, it's just so horribly boring.

Condemned and Cryostasis are my favourites


Having an opinion is bad if it's the wrong opinion, yes.

It plays on my most basic fears

Fear of the unknown, fear of immortal paranormal beings, the fear of being hunted by something you can't stop.

Above all sound is (to me) 90% of a good horror game and SH2's sound was phenomenal.

Monster design and graphics aren't major factors in the horror genre. At least they don't come in to play as much as ambiance, sound, and muh immersion

>wrong opinion

hurr durr sorry if I don't have your true pure horror tastes.

just because its "atmospheric" doesnt mean it isnt way too long and far too stretched thin to be a good game. and great, more shit roguelike crafting.

Is Condemned a meme?
I played expecting to be scared but i just ended up bored instead.
When is it supposed to get good?

>hey guys am i cool yet?

Alot of people that played it had the advantage of it being one of the first horror vidya they every played, so obviously the effect is much greater.

Even if not scary, it's among the best in atmosphere and mixed with decent combat it's a good game.

Oh wow. I was half-joking but you really are autistic. Jesus Christ almighty.

Its all about atmosphere, not jumpscares. But devs dont seem to realize that.

I started Comdemned yesterday and finished the fourth chapter. Top tier atmosphere, I really like how things get gradually more unsettling, with weirder and more fucked up looking junkies the further I progress. Great AI and sound design too.
This is probably one of the few games I can consider dark, as in not cringeworthy/edgy or trying so hard it becomes funny

this is why I disliked Outlast, they went for so many cheapo jumpscares, always the same guy on a wheelchair that just goes BANG in your face, and all those QTEs to get them off you

fuck off retarded devs, you had a cool setting in an asylum but you really failed to keep the momentum going and went for cheap startles over and over

Also why I was more bored than anything else in Dead Space 1 & 2