How do you guys see them pulling off micro transactions in online mode?

How do you guys see them pulling off micro transactions in online mode?

horse armor

hats obviously

Buffalo bucks

brute force

>Free DLC
The new shit will be expensive as fuck.
You have to buy chips

Instead of shark cards you buy gold bars

$0.01 for one revolver magazine of bullet's

john marston didn't die for this

bullets will be rationed and extra bullets will be bought with "ammo cards". They'll claim it's realistic somehow...

Gold bullion.

...because he's back! For only $7.95!

Doesn't matter to me. The game will be as exceptional as every Rockstar title. The content will be free, and you'll be able to earn money in game. Rockstar doesn't force anyone to buy the Shark Cards, I don't agree with micro transactions however

They would never charge you for anything but money. Guaranteed. Rockstar isn't about to alienate their fanbase. (Blame T2 for the mods, not R*)


pre order the collectors edition and get some fag from red dead revolver

it's 10 years old faggot

It's nu-R*, everything will be behind a micro transaction paywall.

And I really mean everything.

GTA V made me pretty sure that R*'s online is not worth bothering with.

Armadillo Cards


>special and "unique" outfits with no visible effect on gameplay at all
>exotic mounts & as above
>exclusive "Profession Starter Packs" (e.g. the Savvy Merchant, the Wrangler, the Bandito)
>experience boosters for faster skill gain
>daily activities limit
>posse size limit

And so on, and so forth. Also, cougars and vultures can be now witnesses.

Play as John Marston from the original Red Dead: Redemption critically acclaimed game for $150,000! Buy gold bars to get there faster!

alternatively, check out this bulletproof horse armor mod available for your trusty steed for $200,000!

Special Horses
Characters/Avatar Items
Ammo will still be plentiful and easy to obtainm the kiddies need some assurance they'll be able to run around shooting anything that moves without begging mommy for an advance on their allowance.

>Bullet Workshops
>Whisky Bars
>Whore Houses

In the first game you could unlock different animals to ride by grinding your levels. I predict they'll let you but animals with real money this time and make it take much longer to get them normally.

You level up in GTA:O to unlock weapons to buy, that seems pretty standard. You play the game to earn money to then buy some cars, or an apartment you want. If you wanted to you can skip earning money to buy money, big deal.

You act like GTAV can only be fun if you spend money to buy shit that you don't NEED to buy. So what is your big problem? I feel like people just parrot other people's complaints about the game without actually knowing how the game works.

I have never bought shark cards, I'm level 322, and have most of the stuff I want. Cars. Apartments. The bunker. Meth lab. I got all this stuff by PLAYING THE GAME!

>I have never bought shark cards, I'm level 322, and have most of the stuff I want. Cars. Apartments. The bunker. Meth lab. I got all this stuff by PLAYING THE GAME!
I always felt outright sorry for anyone that was over level 150 on that game. It's so boring and the shit you get is so lame after spending hundreds of hours on boring, assassins creed tier repetitive fetch quest missions. The only people I know that actually went over level 100 to begin with are those achievement whores that did it just to get the 1500/1500 on the game.

>it's sad that people play video games

Honestly this, though I will admit grinding gets a bit boring considering how little it pays out, how accurate and persistent the AI is on hard Missions (only efficient way to play them), and how everything literally costs a gorillion dollars
So yes, is also right to a certain degree. I personally put in over 100 hours and never even unlocked the RPG

So because you find the game boring that means other should find it boring too? I'm level 322 because I find the game so fucking fun, it's fun with friends, it's fun to relax in and bullshit around the city. You do understand when people are level 150+ it's because they find the game addictingly fun?

I never had to grind for anything. The worst grind I had to do which was still fun was the double cash payouts on the Vehicle Vendetta adversary mode. But it was still fun because it was easy to win, and making 1mill a day was really nice.

Games are supposed to be FUN. If they expect you to grind and so other tedious boring bullshit, it better at least have some good rewards.

Congrats, you did the same deliver the meth mission 50 million times. You can now buy:

>a car
>a house that looks the same like every other house

even semi-tedious shit like dark souls is at least rewarding in how you overcome obstacles through the tedium. GTAO is that middle ground grey mush for people that don't like challenge or novelty. its not even like the core shooting mechanics are fun or hard either, just lock on and flick up for an instant headshot. so fucking boring, did rockstar think that would be fun after giving us max payne 3?

$500,000 Western Cash "Horse Cards"

>they find the game addictingly fun?

so fun. you can either:
>kill people in the open world with the boring and unexciting shooting mechanics, or use boring vehicles
>drive around
>or do grinding missions that buy you stuff that is the same like every other stuff of that category

There are hundreds of missions to play in the game to make money. You're choosing to be a fucking idiot about things you obviously don't know about.

Playing the game gets you money. There is no grind unless you think you need 2 million for one super car. There are other super cars that are cheap. You are really a fucking parrot just shit talking at this point. It's like you expect to gain things in the game after a few days. Games are meant to be lengthy with a reason to play. You're so fucking stupid it's insane at this point.

You know I could talk shit about a game I dislike too and look as stupid as you, right? It's obvious you don't like the game and choose to just keep shit talking about parts that YOU don't like.

Stop. You look ridiculous.

So exciting. hundreds of missions in the same way assassins creed has hundreds of missions, i.e. slight variations of either fetch quests or "go here and kill everyone" quests. and, get this - with CRAZY variations like different locations, and, sometimes, bad guys chase you in cars on your way back! woah.

you can like a trash game just dont call others stupid for not thinking its as good.

The exact same way they did with GTAV.