1) Stop buying, playing and supporting western games

1) Stop buying, playing and supporting western games
2) stop visiting western gaming websites
3) don't buy or share or even think about mentioning games made by western women (unless you are using to point out how bad it is)
4) don't praise western developers even if they make good graphics

5) check it

>2) stop visiting western gaming websites
I guess you have to leave Sup Forums then, because it's a western gaming board.



i think YOU need to stop playing AAA games because they're all trash

What's wrong with these girls? Why do they choose to act this way? Don't they want strong, monogamous relationships built on deep love and trust that will enrich and fulfill them for the rest of their lives?

Why do they instead choose to throw themselves out like living sex toys to be used?

Chad is sippin on chocolate syrup and banging broads while you are eating clean and doing SS

Deep insecurity and self-hatred.

6) check it again

> stop visiting western gaming websites.

>This website is Western. And Sup Forums is about gaming.

user. Seek Aid.

You will never have sex, weebs.

7) check it


most women are somewhat gay

>3+8+1+1+1+5+2+3+2=26=13+13=13x2=Double the 13

>This website is Western.
>Sup Forums
Good one user, 7/10


they are the children of the new age

>Butt devastated weebs

Check my 4

>1) Stop buying, playing and supporting western games
What if i don't want to play loli rape dungeon 5 or generic jrpg insert #61250135?

>Don't they want strong, monogamous relationships built on deep love and trust that will enrich and fulfill them for the rest of their lives?
I tried that, it isn't actually that great.

Polyamory and hedonism is a lot more fun and less stressful. Not like I want kids anyway.

based women

buy used ps2/ps3 games

So the PC prude culture takes over and the opposites against this crap are turning into prudes themselves who happen to hate women.
Funny how life turns out.

women are adult sized children, you have to have a patriarchial society telling them how to act or else you get this shit

Most men are too. But they're too scared to admit it.

>not like I want kids anyway
Enjoy being slowly poisoned by the nursing home staff

>living sex toys to be used
That's what a great majority of women enjoy their status being. Plus without societal pressure most women have no problem being in sexual and/or romantic relationships with other women as the relationship was always as a way of acquiring a steady stream of resources. Now that women have no problem acquiring resources either through white collar employment or the government there's not much need for a romantic relationship with the opposite sex.

Men are attracted to the camaraderie between men, not men themselves.

Haha! Joke on you! I will poison myself!

or else?

>Shills weebs culture
>Posts slutty wester women implying
Silly user weebs are all virgin man children.

>Slut walk
>muh rape

That fat cow on the left wishes someone would even want to rape her.

>clothes are optional, rape is not
Is this photoshopped? She's clearly implying rape is mandatory there.

I hate weebs and their garbage games and anime and I'm still going to die a virgin. Feels bad.

I make enough money to live in a luxury nursing home in my old age, probably will just hire in home staff to wipe my fucking ass though. Worrying about a shit nursing home is only an issue for poor fucks.

>mfw last somewhat decent western dev studio is SJW now


stop being a wagecuck and start sucking as much as you can out of the system so this shit burns to the ground faster

Haha, yeah, haha.

>be black fit guy with my white fit friend at white party
>the white girls always sipping on his dick
>sometimes one or two white girls will hit on me, but I'm like a outcast despite being as much of a chad as he is

Being black sucks sometimes.

Nah, pretty sure it's just penis. All about the penis.


the fat one on the left is probably desperate to get laid so she's doing all this shit to get raped

>less stressful


>Worrying about a shit nursing home is only an issue for poor fucks
Are you serious? Do you know how unbelievably expensive nursing homes are? I've heard of a woman becoming a permanent resident on a luxury cruise liner by constantly buying the next ticket because it's LITERALLY cheaper than all her nursing home options.

Your mom

I remember taking a picture like this, except the guy was hotter

Only trap fetishists on Sup Forums like men for penis. Guys just want to be around guys because it's fun or they feel loyal to each other.

I'm a dude and I've acted that way. It's fine to do for a bit and some people don't want relationships. I did it enough to know that it's not for me so I strive for relationships but that doesn't mean you still can't have fun like this occasionally. Women really are kids though their whole life.

>strong, monogamous relationships built on deep love
Sounds fucking boring as hell

What about her?



Go after black women, you'll have the pick of the hot ones instead of fat ghetto trash.

>when girls won't give you the time of day so you make it your personal mission to try and ruin their fun
Yeah fuck off, I'll let my own tastes decide which games to play, even if I do dislike most western trash.

See, it's kinda like animals when they try to attract a member of the opposite gender. Dudes also do the same, but in a different way.


Friendly reminder that OP's image is normal and acceptable behavior well into your 30s. If you disagree you were raised by religious parents or the internet/video games.


Touchy subject, I get it.

The hot black women are a dime a dozen and when they do show up, they rather be with white guys anyway. The hot people of our race knows that the majority of black people aren't attractive, both in looks and mental aptitude.

Are you sure you're actually attractive to people or do you have that same exact buzzcut hair that every single black guy does and thinks he looks unique for?

I've been doing that for years. Nip games are superior in every way.

>rape is not optional
what the fuck im a rapist now??

Or you could date within your race and raise a child that you feel more attached to than a half breed.

Sup Forums: The Post

Yeah like I said, don't be a poor fuck. Also actually invest your money instead of being a retard. This is why I invested in real-estate. I'm 28 now and have two rental properties, by the time I hit my 40s I'll be jewing it up dicking over tenants in a variety of establishments.

wtf i hate Sup Forums now

>The hot black women are a dime a dozen
Maybe the 15 year old jailbait ones. Finding a black woman that's attractive past 24 and didn't balloon to 300lbs is searching for a needle in a haystack

>mfw I would make my gf cross the road and distract her so she doesnt know there are hotter more interesting men out there

Must protect the bubble, all is held by the bubble

>Having moral standards is now the same thing as being a white supremacist alt-right neo-nazi militant racist

neo-Sup Forums has hit a new fucking low

I just want to be a Dad.

how about sticking to your own race instead of falling for the race mixing meme?


I want to lick a little girl.

yes, police is on it's way. have fun being the prison bitch

You realize most people in nursing homes do have kids, right?

>Having moral standards is now the same thing as being a white supremacist alt-right neo-nazi militant racist
Now you see why Sup Forums is so mad all the time

That original post was fedora as fuck
>why would m'lady party with fun guys instead of being by the side of such a nice guy as myself

Hire a prostitute but make sure you pierce the condom a few times with a needle before you bang

Idk, but I'm with a celibate chick and they are really gonna make my fucking balls explode. Why can't we have something in the middle.

>Whores are pretty gross, and it's sad to see them abuse themselves.

you fell for the bbc meme.

Go find a nice black woman AND BE A FATHER.

We replaced her with Folgers Crystal.

>they rather be with white guys anyway
That's a lie. I did shit that people kept saying is and looks attractive to the nigresses, and pull in $800/week on my job after taxes (which at least doesn't make me a deadbeat). I don't even get a glance.
They are conditioned from birth to want Lamaar's black music and black cock.

nice try western only gamer

that's easy user

You're kinda stupid arent you?
Sup Forumstards always go apeshit about how they want to "fix white women". They make walls of texts like that dude's post

I wonder what cunny tastes like
just for fun haha

3/10 bait

I mean a Dad who has custody.

Because it's fun. That's literally it. I know your only reference for social interaction comes from anime and video games, but here in the real world people like having fun. Sex is fun, parties are fun, drinking is fun, being a tease is fun. God user people in that picture probably aren't even 20 and you think they should be tying themselves down instead of living life to the fullest? Are you a child? Not everyone is as desperate for a spouse as you are. Because normal people can settle down whenever they please. Until then it's all about fun.

Which is better, though? Having family to watch over you in addition to the bonehead staff, or to be alone? I'm not saying having kids cures cancer or anything, but don't you want some company when the hedonism runs your body dry?

>Don't they want strong, monogamous relationships built on deep love and trust that will enrich and fulfill them for the rest of their lives?

Not with someone who looks and talks like you lmfao

When will pathetic fucks like yourself get the picture? The problem isn't with them, it's you.

>sad to see them abuse themselves
Who are you to say they are abusing themselves? They are having fun for fucks sake
You sound like an ugly fat feminist mad at girls prettier than her having fun, except you're a fat fedora tipper mad at beautify people having the fun you can't have

I wish I could lick a cunny.

If the woman likes the black cock, she's most likely the type of girl I don't want to be with, mostly cause she likely has mom's black independent attitude indoctrinated in her, which is like most black girls I've interacted with. These personality types are not attractive except to guys who grew up with single mothers and can't take care of themselves or have any standards. It's insulting. It's why I enjoy girls from other races more. They tend to be more my type due to how they were raised.
