Tfw 113 F outside

>tfw 113 F outside

You hanging in there Sup Forums?

yeah, hanging "in there" where it's 17C

>117 F
The fuck is that?

>113 F
How much is that in non-retarded units?

120F here famalam, streaming dominions4 is just about all I can do in this heat.

111 here

34 Praise Allah units, eurocuck.

Literally go browse an image board from your pathetic countries tbeeh

76F, thunderstorms

47 C
45 C

This is an imageboard created to discuss Japanese animation.
Japan uses Celsius.
check mate burgercucks.

Fahrenheit is a much more precise unit of measurement for the general world's temperature.

If you're just looking to boil water, sure, use Celsius, but if you're looking to get a better picture of the world, use Fahrenheit.

what the hell is a F

Fahrenheit = (1.8(C)) +32
Celsius = (F-32)(5/9)

130 F
Kill me

It was almost 100 yesterday with no acn should I just buy one of those $100 evaporativer tower coolers for my room?

>Fahrenheit is a much more precise unit
It literally isn't, according to the universally agreed definition of "precision".
A change of scale doesn't make something more precise, it just changes the numbers.

American made website you fucking cuck

helpful example conversion:
37 C = 98.6 F

>my face when amuricans name their heat unit after farts


You mean
>japanese website stolen by an american

>48°C / 118 Burger degrees.

>PC is 40°C
And you faggots said investing in cooling wasnt a priority.

>76F, thunderstorms
I know that feel, mother fucker. God damn. Like God can't figure out how he wants to punish us.

It's more relevant for temps that affect human comfort in terms of ambient temps.

>being so fucking poor you can't afford AC
Get a job.

Only 79 F in SoCal.
Feels pretty okay.

>Owned by a Japanese man
>Based off a Japanese website
>Made to discuss Japanese content

I don't think you understand.
Fahrenheit is, under all empirical perspectives, literally the same shit. It just moves the numbers.
It's not more appropiate, it's not better suited, it's not more optimal, it's completely the same.
And no, saying that you think the "numbers are better" is not an argument.

that's Florida

>what are decimal points
>implying you can feel a difference of 1°C

And if accuracy is important, why do Americans use inch instead of cm? Checkmate atheists.

this is the summer that has killed my toaster. any game that isn't premium toasterware gets 10 fps ater a couple minutes. it's a shame, but this toaster served me well.

Which country landed on the moon again?

>I just started using Sup Forums in 2016 because of all le cool drumpf supporters here :)

I don't even want to turn on my consoles.
I've had both my PS3 and PS4 overheat on me on several occasions during the summer.

in b4 pussy britcucks

Hollywood isn't a country :^)

does taking the side panel off actually help or does it just fuck up the air flow and make things worse?

You should take them out of that tight confined cabinet.

Seeing how it was done with German scientists and Russian tech, It's a though question.

Are we talking about stupid units? Why do bongistanis use stone for bodyweight, it's a retarded 14 pound unit and a lower number doesn't make you any less fat

NASA uses Celsius

Your argument is basically, "Let's measure everything in millimeters, because empirically it's the same as kilometers!" They have different uses based upon what they are measuring despite the fact that yes, you can convert the numbers. Relevance is a thing, you retard.

I use water cooling. My PC gets so cold that I have to turn off the AC

I have a working air conditioner in my apartment so I am hanging in there just fine.

Fucking AC broke down in the data center I work at for nearly a whole week and I was crammed in a comm closet with 75c+ server racks all week, I swear I've lost 5lbs just from the sweat

They don't have different uses, you just use one of them because you can actually shorten the actual value by three numbers, so it's useful.
Please tell me how saying 104F is more appropriate than 40C.
>it's a bigger number so it sounds hotter!
No it doesn't, I had to look it up to see if it was actually hot, the size of a number is something inherently relative to the set it's contained in.

No pleasure, no rapture, no exquisite sin greater than central air.
Hanging in just fine OP.

It's 28C m8

0 is cold. 100 is hot.

Pretty simple, bruv.

I dont know but putting a bigass fan right next to the open side panel sure as shit helps.

They're in an open space on my desk by the window.

You're thinking in the wrong direction. Take an indoor thermostat. As far as I know, most thermostats that use C go at least to the tenths place because unlike what people are claiming in this thread, it's pretty easy to feel the difference in 1C. Using a F scale for a thermostat with the same amount of digits gives more precise control over the temperature.

>But you can just have more numbers on the screen
You could, or you could use F.

>tfw 310K outside

Got up to 110 in the bay


Also doesn't nasa use Celsius OMEGALUL

fahrenheit is retarded. it doesn't even make sense and only faggots like burgers insist using it.

Like clockwork all the EU fags come in and start getting triggered by the imperial system.

Getting real hot here, i'm sweating

0 is cold. 40 is hot.

>it's pretty easy to feel the difference in 1C
It really isn't, and even then you're not losing 1C of accuracy, you're only losing 0.5 thanks to rounding.

>85 F, 30% humidity
>projected to stay beneath 100 for the rest of the month
If it stays this cool for the rest of the summer it'll be awesome.

stanley kubrick isn't a country

I love and hate this state at the same time.

>americans think Farad is a unit of temperature

105 outside today. my pc is really hea...

...wait, i'm too poor to afford a PC. shit.

>tfw too poor to have your car's AC fixed
hell on earth i tell ya

Which country destroyed a multi-billion dollar spacecraft because they mixed up the science units and the burger units?

>, I swear I've lost 5lbs just from the sweat
you lost what?

Typical PC components can handle up to 80C for extended periods of time, there's no real reason to keep it at 40C.

Anything above 70 is too hot

it makes it more precise using whole numbers. who the fuck wants to use fractions and decimals to describe the temp ? eurocucks thats who.

>zero celcius

we're like the Australia of America
at least we make amusing headlines

Compared to >100 temps, 85 is cool yes.
>anything above 70 is too hot
75ish is the best temperature. Only issue is its not a good temp for swimming outside.

>who the fuck wants to use fractions and decimals to describe the temp ?
Nobody really uses them on a day by day basis, it's not noticeable.

.35 stone


>tfw bought AMD in a hot area
Last mistake I ever make. The automated fans let the graphics card hit 94c first before going above 50% fan speed.


>80c for computer parts
jesus christ no, most people refer to cpu temp for computer temp and they start to fail in the 60s

they eyes pop first of all to think we are so fucking fragile and some religious think we should be thankful to be here

Probably isn't much evolutional pressure to be able to survive the temperatures inside a burning building.

Americans can easily detect a 1 degree change in temperature. In America we have 68 F, 69 F, 70 F, where as poor countries would only have 20 C, 21 C. Total loss of your senses from using a bad temp measurements.

>Americans can easily detect a 1 degree change in temperature.
That's because fat is the most sensitive part of the body to temperature shifts.

Guess I was lucky then. When I first built my pc, I installed the cooler wrong and didnt notice for months, when I did notice, it was idling around 60 and during games would 80-85.

Fixed it and that same CPU is still running strong 5 years later.

I'm in Georgia.

>insulation is the most sensitive to temperature shifts
wow, you really taught him. is that why polar bears are losing weight these days, to help deal with the cold?

Fahrenheit, like the rest of the imperial system, is good for practical usage/approximation and bad for science.
1 inch = about the length of one joint of an adult male's finger
1 foot = about the size of an adult male's foot
1 yard = about the size of an adult male's arm
30F = water freezes
65F = room temperature
100F = human body temperature
200F = water boils

>>tfw 113 F outside

'its 195 f here pussy

go fuck yourself amerifat with your obsolete temparture system

My fx8320 idles around late 30s and jumps to mid 70s while playing during Summer, it fucking sucks. AMD won't fool me again I can tell you that right now.

>burger temperature systems

>.35 stone
how do you manage lost stones?

80°C is fine for a PC under load.
Worry when you hit 90°C.

32 - water freezes
74 - room temperature
98.6 - human body
212 - water boils


If its too hot get outside and get start working out.

also 1 yard is not an arm length. a 6' man will have an armspan of two yards, finger tip to fingertip, including chest width.


F = C * 9/5 + 32

I wasn't aware body temperature was 37.7°C.
Must suck having fever all your life.

America practically owns Japan.


It's from the excess fat preventing proper heat conduction.