

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Minions#List_of_changes

It's not that impressive, I can stand upright too.

That is not the worst one.

It's not? Please don't tell me they fucked up Chomp Bro.

holy shit what? i had faith in them.

more examples?

Superstar Saga comes from a different time. A time were Nintendo was barely making his franchise uniform and streamlined.

They are using the SS engine.
Just imagine sniper bill and thing of the worst.
Toads no longer hold trumpets.

Wow... Nintenbabys really DO have autism.

Why does Nintendo hate four legged Koopas now?


Thats in the Minions mode, Its not confirmed that they are the same enemy

>remake game in new art style
>complain that it doesn't look like the original

Are you an idiot?

gotta homogenize the designs, my dude.

This fucking company, holy fuck.

>replacing beautiful hand crafted 2D sprites with 3D models
Does Nintendo just hate 2D now?

It's actually 2D

In fact, it took them so much work to make all the sprites in Dream Team that they had to reuse the engine for 2 more games to save time and that's why we got paper jam, thank god they can't really fuck up SS too badly, can they?

So, I'm guessing you people wanted more of a "fully 2-D animated, Day of the Tentacle" look?

What game is this actually? Superstar Saga is getting an HD remake or something?

>expecting Nintendo to not fuck up a remake

They've been standing upright since Yoshi's Island, at the very least.

>implying Nintendo makes the Mario & Luigi games

SS had some amazing redesigns for typical Mario baddies.
Look at this smug motherfucker. They'll probably replace him with the same old Boomerang Bro seen in NSMB and the like, and it fucking sucks.

Aaand what's the issue here?

Look at this newfag

I can't even remember all the classic baddies that made glorious reappearances in SS. It's really going to suck not seeing them like this in the remake.

All of the Mario RPG games use sprites for the characters, you retard. Paper Jam's style doesn't have outlines, so your retard ass doesn't see it.

On the plus side, the Hammer Bros, Goombas, and Bowser aren't going to look completely retarded anymore.
That's worth it, right?

Look at this idiot and laugh
Never doubt AlphaDream

>3D models
You're retarded.

>Hammer Bros
I actually think they look pretty cool. Chunky and mad as fuck.

can't wait for this to become NSMB-ized

Oh, shit, I forgot they were actual enemies. I was thinking about the guys at Border Jump

If they fuck up my Anuboos i'm going to fucking riot.

>Inb4 normal boos with anubis headgear

Someone needs to make a picture showing every example of the Mario franchise homogenization.

If they change them to the current Dry Bones design, will they not have the same attack patterns anymore? No more spinning skull?
Actually now that I think of it I wouldn't be surprised if they just reuse their attack pattern from Paper Jam.

>Complaing about a few minor sprite changes

Honestly SSS is one of my all time favorite games and i'm excited as fuck for this remake. It looks so crisp and clean and colorful.

Also, cmon guys, aren't you excited for Jokes End HD?

As long as they don't touch my nigga I'm fine with it

they are going to fuck with the jellyfish sisters
no more tits for me...

the original game came from a developer that had no experience with mario. they were given freedom to adapt it to their own style

who cares
wheres my paper mario remakes


Please tell me that's not legit

Never played it, but the left side looks much better to me.

and it had more character because of it.

That looks like pure ass. Why is Neo-Nintendo even remaking this?

Wow that looks bad

Nintendo didn't make the original, and Nintendo isn't making the remake.


why is it so fucking blurry?

Am I missing something or what's going on here? Is this bait or bad taste?

I really like that they're using crisp, detailed 2D backgrounds instead of 3D like the previous two games. Looks fucking beautiful.

Probably screencapped from some low-quality footage

They're gonna ruin my nigga Sharkbone huh?'s_Minions#List_of_changes

youtube compression

The latter. You have bad taste, user.

Are you people retarded? Can't you tell this is a very low quality picture from a youtube video?

They're actually just Sony fags trying to use a low quality video screenshot as legit graphics. They like to watch too many pre-rendered cutscenes

this looks a lot better, though the original still has a strong nostalgia factor for me

>A tutorial for attacks displayed in battle similar to the one in Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam.
>Paper jam


this looks much better. I wonder if i should buy it again since I can still remember a few things from the original. Is minion mode worth it?

ok now THIS is bait.

are you fucking stupid? it displays how to perform them on the bottom screen, it doesn't make you sit through a tutorial.

Nice bait. That was literally the only thing they actually fixed in that game.

The majority of your posts are likely complaining about the change in art style, and quality of the sprites.

What are you talking about? Paper Jam was the first M&L to let you skip tutorials.

Nintendo isn't making this.

Looking at it now, without the youtube compression, I'd agree. That looks fan-fuckin'-tastic.

feralfags on suicide watch

>the original game came from a developer that had no experience with mario.

Maaaaaaaybe you should look at AlphaDream's history.

>The Emergency Guard from Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam is added.

"Hold X to never take damage, fuck timing and skill and fun"
Literally fuck nintendo.

>and quality of the sprites.
the quality of the sprites is fantastic though

But Nintendo isn't making this.

its not out till october.

blocking doesn't deal damage though

>Hold X to never take damage,
*to take half damage

>Make it a rule to never own originals and remakes only one or the other
>SSDX comes out
>Still own and religiously play SSS GBA

HNGGGGG.. I might have to break my own rules. fuck.


Oh my god who fucking cares about your semantics
The game's gonna be shit either way

Man, could you imagine if Super Mario RPG did this? That'd be awful.

the falseflagging in this thread is incredible.

why is nintendo so autistic about not letting anyone take any artistic liberty with the characters/enemies, they all must be displayed in the same generic artstyle as the mainline games

kinda reminds me of how Disney has all these anal rules about how you have to draw Mickey Mouse exactly right or it's some kind of blasphemy

its going to be the paperjam remix

I hope it's better than the Paper Jam version cause it wasn't very good.

how do you not realize that this ruins the game. late game bosses were so hard in mario and luigi because their attacks were so hard to dodge. if you can just hold x to always guard because "its easier" then it kills the fucking fun

>The game's gonna be shit either way
fucking how?
they're remaking a good game and fixing the issues it had. how is it suddenly shit?

Honestly I'll give in for this one, since the game is really good and was twice the length I expected it to be back when i was a kid.

>Cackletta's final form
>Guard to survive
>Heal up


Paper Jam is many times more challenging than Superstar Saga and it had the emergency guard.
I don't think we'll have anything to worry about.

>surviving with 1 hp
You should invest into speed so you go first anyway.

Emergency Guard doesn't protect you from death.
If you guard there, it's game over.

Holy shit they're using the Serious Sam engine for the new Mario game? Good job Croteam.

>Use Emergency Block to only lose half my health if I think i'm gonna fuck up
>Dodge the attack altogether to not lose any health
As it should be. If they make it slow enough that you can't just fall back on it if you see yourself about to fuck up a dodge then I'm completely ok with this.

why the fuck are mario and luigi on the right not in their SSS stance like on the left? this is some shitty remake. i also hate how they changed the koopas in the OP. SSS had weird enemies that fit the mario world and now it just looks like a fucking regular koopa. piece of shit

>Cackletta's final form
>Stuck with 1 HP
>Take half damage
Good job user


You don't go first with cackletta's soul no matter your speed stat. Its scripted for 3 attacks one for each hand and one for her head.