Where were you when WB shoehorned Marvel-tier quips into Tolkien?
Where were you when WB shoehorned Marvel-tier quips into Tolkien?
he is literally /ourguy/
Bungie did the same with Destiny. Sarcasm and generally being passive and distant to fiction is "in" now. Basically audiences have been conditioned by Marvel into never taking anything seriously but just brace themselves for the next quip.
Also the chick from that trailer looks and behaves like typical feminazi cunt stronk womyn who needs no man.
Are western games dead?
Preordering this game.
It looks like something from Warhammer or Warcraft rather than Tolkien.
Welcome to the new era of western entertainment;
Everything is as shallow as a Marvel movie and the only message the devs have is for you to join their political crusade.
Artistically, these games are fucking dead. Now publishers are bragging about making games after tweets and Youtube celebrities.
First game had fucking Baneposting in it.
What did you expect?
There's more room here for Sup Forums than there is neogaf. Now fuck off back there you limp writed little faget.
Look guys I did it again!
>bright lord, dark lord - same thing really
what did he mean by this
>western entertainment
Aw, Billy is finally going through his counter-culture stage! How cute!
He means that you're expected to laugh at the world and its characters because it's all silly and Tolkien is probably rolling in his grave now watching his life's work turned into quick Marvel entertainment for the new generation of kids who have been conditioned into believing entertainment only exists to be dumb quips.
All you gits act like you aven't seen an orc before
have you read the hobbit
The Hobbit is charming and cosy. I wouldn't really compare it to Marvel.
Fuck off to NeoGAF if you're happy with shitty written female characters.
I kinda look forward for this game, and I would buy it, but those fuckers are asking for 100$ for the whole game since only the gold gives you all expansions
>Wanted: Game Writer
>Must have Hollywood screenplay experience
Literally every narrative design job posting. No surprise whatsoever.
Wait a year and buy the complete edition for $10.